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2018/05/10 07:53
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  • The expiration date has past.

  • This food is past its best-before date.

『[有効期限](が切れている』も、『[賞味期限](が切れている』も、英語ではなぜか一律 The expiration date is past. と言います。 他に例文としては、『このプリンは賞味期限が切れている』は、 This pudding is past its best before date. お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • It's expired.

  • It's no longer good.

You can use both of these expressions to imply that the food is no longer good to eat. Expired means past the best before date. 'No longer good' means that its no longer good to be eaten.
どちらの表現を使ってもその[食べ物](はもう食べることが出来ない、と言う事をほのめかすことが出来ます。 "Expired"とは賞味[期限が切れる](という意味になります。 'No longer good'とはもう食べることは出来ない、と言う意味になります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • This item is past its expiration date.

  • It is past its expiration date.

Here are two ways to say this. 1. "This item is past its expiration date." 2. "It is past its expiration date." "Item" - this usually refers to food, drinks, medications, etc. Batteries also have expiration dates. If they sit for too long they will lose power and will not work in your device. "Expiration date" - the time at by which something should be drunk, eaten, etc. After this date, the item is often bad and not good for you to eat.
二通りの言い方です。 1. "This item is past its expiration date."   この商品(item)は賞味期限が過ぎています。 2. "It is past its expiration date."   賞味期限が過ぎています。 "Item" - 食品、飲み物、薬などを指します。電池にも消費期限がありますね。ずっと放置しておくと、電力がなくなって使えなくなります。 "Expiration date" -「賞味期限」という意味です。これを過ぎた食べ物は食べないほうがいいですね。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • This item has expired

  • This product has passed its expiration date

  • This product is past its best before date

When you're talking about a product/item that has passed its best before date, then you can say it in the following ways: -This item has expired -This product has passed its expiration date -This product is past its best before date
食べ物の賞味期限が過ぎてしまったことは、以下のように伝えられます: -This item has expired この商品、賞味期限が過ぎています。 -This product has passed its expiration date この製品は、賞味期限が過ぎています。 -This product is past its best before date この製品は、賞味期限が過ぎています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's past its sell by date.

  • This product has reached its expiration date.

  • This product is no longer safe to use.

There are many ways to express that something has expired. You may simply say it has reached its expiration or sell by date which implies it is no longer safe to use or eat or you may simply state the product is no longer safe to make use of.
「期限切れ」を表す言い方はたくさんあります。 「消費期限がくる(reach its expiration date)」「販売期限がくる(reach its sell by date )」「これ以上使うと危険(no longer safe to make use of)」など。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • This food is past its expiration date.

  • It's not advised to eat this anymore. It's expired.

  • It's best to eat it before this date. It has passed the expiration date now.

Sometimes it's ok to eat food a little bit after the expiration date but if someone wants to eat a food when it tastes the best they should eat it before the expiration date. With that in mind sometimes people say: It's not good anymore. Don't eat it. It's not fresh anymore. I wouldn't eat it. In America sometimes the sticker on food will say: Best by 8/7/2018 Consume by 8/7/2018 Expiry date 8/7/2018 Sell by 8/7/2018 With that in mind you can say: It's past the expiry date. I wouldn't eat it. It's past the sell by date. I would not eat it.
ちょっとくらい賞味期限が切れていても、食べて大丈夫な時もあります。 でも、一番おいいしい時に食べたい人は、賞味期限前に食べた方がいいですね。 そのことを念頭に、次のように言うことがあります。 【例文】 It's not good anymore. Don't eat it. (これはもうだめだね、食べてはいけません) It's not fresh anymore. I wouldn't eat it. (これはもう新鮮ではありません、私は食べません) アメリがでは、ラベルに次のように書いてあることがあります。 【例】 Best by 8/7/2018 (賞味期限2018年7月8日) Consume by 8/7/2018 (賞味期限2018年7月8日 Expiry date 8/7/2018 (賞味期限2018年7月8日) Sell by 8/7/2018 (販売期限2018年7月8日) そのことを念頭に、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 It's past the expiry date. I wouldn't eat it. (賞味期限切れる。私は食べない) It's past the sell by date. I would not eat it. (これは販売期限を切れています、私は食べません)
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • Its expired.

  • Its past it's expiration date.

  • The milk turned sour because it's past its expiration date.

An "expiration date" is the date added onto a product which tells the customer that the product is able to be used or is at its best before a certain date.
"expiration date"(使用期限、賞味期限)とは製品に記載された日付のことで、それがいつまで使えるか(一番良い状態であるか)を示します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • past the expiration date

英語で past the expiration date のように言うことができます。 expiration date は「賞味期限」という意味の英語表現です。 例: Do you think I can still eat this? It's past its expiration date. これまだ食べられると思いますか?もう賞味期限過ぎているんですよね。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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