世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/10 22:23
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  • I got less nervous with each attendance to the lesson.

  • As I attend to the lesson, I got less nervous.

1. 「緊張」は、「nervous」と言います。「I am nervous」だと「私は緊張している」となりますが、「I get nervous」だと、「私は緊張する」になります。ですのでまず、こちらの文章では、「I got less nervous」「私は、以前より少量の緊張をした」、つまり「緊張が少なくなった」とします。そして、そのあとの「with each attendance to the lesson」は、「with each A」で「Aをするごとに」という意味のイディオムを使っています。こちらのAに入る単語は「attendance」という「出席」の意味の単語です。 2. こちらの文章は、「As」を使った文章です。「As」を使うことで、「〜するごとに」という表現が可能になります。こちらでも、1で使用した「attendance」の動詞である「attend」を使います。先ほどの文章では、「レッスンの回を重ねるごとに」という文章が文の後半に来ていましたが、こちらでは日本語と同じように文の前半に持って来ました。
  • The more lessons I took, the more confident I became.

  • As I took on more lessons, the less nervous I became.

  • The more lessons I took, the less nervous I became.

If you are not nervous, it means you are confident. In your case, you were nervous when you started your online lessons, meaning that you were not confident at all. But, as you took on more lessons, you were becoming confident and, the more lessons you took, the more confident you became. This means that the less nervous you became. So, you may say: The more lessons I took, the more confident I became. or As I took on more lessons, the less nervous I became. or The more lessons I took, the less nervous I became.
nervous'(緊張した)の反対は 'confident'(自信のある)です。 あなたの場合は、オンラインレッスンを始めた当初は 'nervous' だった、つまり 'confident' ではなかったけど、レッスンを重ねるうちに次第に 'confident' になっていったということですね。つまり、'less nervous' になったわけです。 次のように言えます。 The more lessons I took, the more confident I became.(レッスンを受けるごとに自信が持てるようになりました) As I took on more lessons, the less nervous I became.(レッスンを受けるごとに緊張しなくなりました) The more lessons I took, the less nervous I became.(レッスンを受けるごとに緊張しなくなりました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Over time I became more confident with the lessons.

  • After a few lessons I was less nervous.

"Over time" in this context implies that over a period of time, over time I became more confident, "confident" implies that you are assure of yourself, to become less nervous about something. "a few" in this context means a few lesson, a few can be used to describe on average about 2-10 things such as cups, chairs, people, lesson etc..
"Over time" はここでは「時間と共に」という意味です。 "Over time I became more confident"(徐々に自信がついてきた) "Confident" は「自信を持っている」「緊張しなくなる」というニュアンスです。 "A few" はここでは "A few lessons" の意味です。"A few" は、2個/人/回から10個/人/回くらいのカップ、椅子、人、レッスンなどをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • In the past I was quite nervous about taking lesson but now I am okay.

  • As time has gone on I have gotten less nervous about taking lessons.

  • I feel more confident now than I did in the past during my lessons.

All of these answers are good ways of explaining how as you have taken more lessons your level of nervousness has decreased. Nervous and confident are direct opposites of one another. This gain in confidence happens in many areas of life not just with lessons. It can happen in a new job, and a new school. Most of the time we are nervous when starting something new, but as we get used to it our ability and confidence grow.
これらはどれも、レッスンを重ねるごとに緊張しなくなったことを伝える良い言い方です。 'nervous' と 'confident' は真逆の言葉です。 'confidence'(自信)がつく、というのは、レッスンに限らずいろいろなことに関して起こります。例えば、新しい職場や新しい学校など。たいてい私たちは何か新しいことを始めるときに 'nervous'(緊張)になります。ただ、それに慣れるに従い、力そして自信がついてきます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Nervous: Feelings of slight fear at the thought of doing something or of something happening.

  • More: Additional, adding on to what already has been done.

  • The more online English lessons I took, the less nervous I became.

When taking English lessons over and over again, you can expect to feel less anxious or fearful about it, taking lessons will feel more fun and exciting. On your first few attempts, it can be scary because you don't feel ready or may not know what to expect but as you have additional lessons you will feel more relaxed.
何度も英語のレッスンを受けていると、少しずつ緊張がほぐれて、レッスンを楽しめるようになります。 最初の数回は何をするか分からず不安でしょうが、レッスンを重ねるうちに肩の力が抜けてきます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I am getting the hang of taking online lessons now.

  • I am getting used to taking lessons online.

  • Slowly, slowly catchy monkey.

When you 'get the hang' of something, you become more & more confident & competent at it. You can adapt it to suit what you want to express. For example; "I'm getting the hang of driving now" or "I'm getting the hang of speaking English online". 'Getting used to' can be used in much the same way as 'get the hang of'. It basically means that you are becoming more familiar with it. As in, "I am getting used to the new schedule" or "I'm getting used to this teacher". "Slowly, slowly catchy monkey" is a nice proverb that means that step by step (with progress), you are becoming closer to achieving a goal. "Slowly, slowly catchy monkey. I am getting the hang of online lessons".
get the hang of something' は、徐々に自信がついてうまくできるようになることをいいます。これは自分の状況に合わせて使うことができます。 例えば: "I'm getting the hang of driving now"(運転に慣れてきました) "I'm getting the hang of speaking English online"(オンラインで英語を話すのに慣れてきました) 'get used to' も 'get the hang of' とだいたい同じように使えます。基本的には「~に慣れる」という意味です。 例えば: "I am getting used to the new schedule"(新しいスケジュールに慣れてきました) "I'm getting used to this teacher".(この先生に慣れてきました) "Slowly, slowly catchy monkey" は、少しずつ目標に近づいているという意味の格言です。 "Slowly, slowly catchy monkey. I am getting the hang of online lessons".(急がば回れです。徐々にオンラインレッスンに慣れてきています)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Once I took a few lessons, I became a lot more comfortable.

  • Once I had taken a few online lessons, I was able to relax.

  • I relaxed after my first few online lessons.

I think the most useful phrases for expressing this idea are "relax" and to "become more comfortable". I would also use the word "few". In common usage, a "few" is a nondescript number. It is also small. All of these phrases express the idea that after a nondescript, small number of classes, you were able to relax and enjoy the lessons.
この意味を表す場合、 "relax" と "become more comfortable" というフレーズが最も便利だと思います。また、"few" という単語も使えます。 一般的に、"few" は不特定な数を表します、不特定な小さな数です。 これらのフレーズは全て、レッスンを数回受けた後、リラックスしてレッスンを楽しめるようになったことを表します。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I grew in confidence every time I had a lesson.

  • Each lesson I felt less nervous.

  • My lessons helped my self confidence and I was less nervous about learning English.

When we first meet someone or learn something new, we can feel a sense of nervousness and excitement. As we become accustomed to the new situation and as our skills develop the feelings of nervousness become less. This is a growth in your confidence and skill set. As a teacher this is a wonderful thing to see develop in your student. As a student the feeling of confidence is brilliant and allows the creation of new adventures and learning.
初めて誰かと会うときや何かを学ぶときには、緊張や興奮を感じることがあります。新しい状況に慣れて、また力がついてくると、緊張感が和らぎます。これは自信がつき、力が伸びたということです。先生としては、生徒のこのような成長が見られるのは素晴らしいことです。 生徒としては、自信を持つ感覚というのはすごくいいものですし、これは新しい冒険や学びの扉を開いてくれます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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