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I go to my office by train.1時間かけて、という表現が分かりません
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2018/05/11 17:09
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  • I have an hour's commute to work by train

You may travel to work: On foot By Car By bicycle or motorbike By tram By bus On horseback or by train.
I have an hour's commute to work by train 1時間かけて電車で会社に行く。 commute は「通勤」という意味になります。 通勤の手段としては以下のようなものがあります。 On foot(歩き) By Car (車で) By bicycle or motorbike (自転車もしくはバイクで) By tram (路面電車で) By bus (バスで) On horseback (馬の背中に乗って) by train(電車で)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My commute is an hour by train

Commute - is the act of travelling from your home to your place of work.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I commute to work by train and the trip takes about an hour.

  • I get to work by train and it usually takes up to an hour to get there.

  • I commute to work by train. It takes an hour to get there.

When you want to explain to someone that you commute to work by train and that it takes you an hour to get there; then you can explain it in the following ways: -I commute to work by train and the trip takes about an hour. -I get to work by train and it usually takes up to an hour to get there. -I commute to work by train. It takes an hour to get there.
通勤するのに電車で1時間かかることを伝えるフレーズです: -I commute to work by train and the trip takes about an hour. (電車で通勤していますが、1時間かかります) -I get to work by train and it usually takes up to an hour to get there. (電車で通勤していますが、大抵1時間かかります) -I commute to work by train. It takes an hour to get there. (電車で通勤していますが、1時間かかります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It takes about an hour to go to my office by train.

「~するのに時間がかかる」は It takes 時間 to~で表現します。 「約1時間かかる」はIt takes about an hourで 「電車で会社に行く」は to go to my office by train ですので、 It takes about an hour to go to my office by train. になります。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • My commute to work is an hour by train.

  • By train it takes about an hour from my home to my office.

Both of these examples will let the listener know your commute by train takes you about an hour. A commute is your travel to and from work each day.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • My office is only an hour away if I commute by train.

  • It takes me about an hour each day to travel to my office by train.

To convey that it takes approximately an hour for you to travel to work every day you may say the following; My office is only an hour away if I commute by train. It takes me about an hour each day to travel to my office by train. It takes me only an hour each day to work if I commute by train.
「一時間かけて通勤している」ということを伝えるためには以下のように言うことができます。 My office is only an hour away if I commute by train. (電車だと1時間で職場につきます。) It takes me about an hour each day to travel to my office by train. (電車で片道1時間かけて通勤しています。) It takes me only an hour each day to work if I commute by train.(電車で片道1時間ほどで職場に着きます。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • It takes approximately an hour to commute to work by train.

  • I have to travel an hour by train to go to work.

"It takes approximately an hour to commute to work by train." "I have to travel an hour by train to go to work." Here are two ways you are able to express how long it takes you to travel to work by train. Both examples can work in a business or casual conversation and easy to understand.
例文 "It takes approximately an hour to commute to work by train." (電車で会社に行くのに約1時間かかる) "I have to travel an hour by train to go to work." (仕事に行くのに電車に1時間乗らないといけない) 電車で仕事に行くのにどれくらいの時間がかかるかを伝える二つの言い方です。どちらの例も、ビジネス・カジュアルのどちらの会話でも使える分かりやすい言い方です。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • I get to work on the train, and it takes an hour.

  • I have a one-hour commute to work by train.

  • I take the train to work each day for an hour.

When saying, "I get to work," we are describing the type of transportation we use to arrive. In this case, it's the train, which is why we would say, "on the train." Although it's proper to say, "workplace," we all understand "work" as having the same meaning. A "commute to work" "by train" is all that is needed to express this. When using a train for transport, we can also say, "I take the train."
「I get to work」(仕事に行く)は、通勤手段について言っています。この場合は電車なので「on the train(電車で)」と言えます。正式には「workplace(職場)」ですが、「work(仕事)」でも同じ意味になります。 「commute to work(通勤)」「by train(電車で)」を使えば、これについて表せます。 電車を交通手段として使うときは、「I take the train(電車に乗る)」とも言えます。
Amy H English teacher
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