世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 21:40
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  • Excuse me, someone just rang my doorbell. I will be right back.

  • Excuse me. I will be back.

Excuse me, someone just rang my doorbell. I will be right back. 「すみません、誰か来たみたいなので、すぐに戻ります」 質問者さんに質問の訳とは少し違っていますが、状況を当てはめると自分ならこんな感じの言い方になると思います。 もしくは、スカイプの先生も玄関のピンポンがはっきり聞こえたような状況なら Excuse me. I will be back. だけでもいいです。 The doorbell rang. 「玄関でピンポンが鳴る」
  • Oh, someone is at the door, please excuse me for a moment.

  • Can you please excuse me for a moment, someone is at the door.

  • Someone is at the door, I'll be right back.

You can even simply say that you will be right back without explaining why you are leaving. Also for added politeness, you can add "Please excuse me". Also instead of saying "I'll be right back" you can use "I'll be back in a jiffy" Jiffy being basically a short amount of time. Also you can use "I'll be back in a moment.", "I'll be back momentarily" In other situations you can use "I'll be back before you know it" And sometimes you may hear people say something like: "I'll be back before you cay say horseradish" (in which horseradish can be exchanged for any word). For more explanations feel free to message me ^_^
単純に、どうしてかという理由を述べずに「すぐ戻ります。」と言っても良いでしょう。 もちろん、"Please excuse me"と加えると丁寧な言い方になります。 また、 "I'll be right back" の替わりに "I'll be back in a jiffy"という表現もあります。 Jiffy は、とても短い時間を意味します。 他にも "I'll be back in a moment.", "I'll be back momentarily" また、状況によって "I'll be back before you know it"など色々な表現をすることができます。 それから、こんな風に言っているのを聞いたことがあるかもしれません "I'll be back before you cay say horseradish" (ワサビって言っている間に戻ってくるよ(勿論、ワサビをどんな言葉に言い換えても構いません))  他の表現などについてもどうぞ私にメッセージしてください^_^
Mihai 英会話講師
  • Sorry, excuse me. Someone is at the door. I'll be right back.

  • Sorry to interrupt. Someone just rang my doorbell and I need to quickly see who it is. I'll be back in a minute.

  • Excuse me for a moment, someone is at my door.

It is ideal to apologise for having to interrupt the class and to explain the reason why you are stepping away and to state that you will be returning to the lesson just as soon as you check who is at the door.
  • Sorry(excuse me), someone's at the door. (I'll)Be right back!

  • Could you excuse me for a moment? I gotta get the door!

These are two very simple and common ways to excuse yourself. Saying "excuse me" or "sorry" is a bit polite so in case you find yourself with someone who you feel more comfortable or casual with you could say something like "hold on a sec, someone's at the door" or "hold up, someone's knocking on the door" literally 「ちょっと待って、誰か玄関に来た」 in Japanese. " I gotta get the door " doesn't really say that you'll be right back but as you can see it's not always necessary to say that you'll be right back because the other person can already imagine that.
これらは、「すみません」と言う様な状況で使えるシンプルで一般的な言い方です。 "excuse me" や "sorry"は少し丁寧な言い方なので、親しい人との砕けた言い方では、 "hold on a sec, someone's at the door" や "hold up, someone's knocking on the door" という表現が使えます。 これは日本語で 「ちょっと待って、誰か玄関に来た」という意味です。 " I gotta get the door " (玄関にでなきゃ。) この文では、すぐに戻るという表現は含まれていませんが、言わなくても聞き手は、すぐに戻るだろうと想像できます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me. My doorbell just rang. I will be right back.

  • I'm sorry. Someone is at my door. Can you wait a moment please?

  • I apologize. I just heard my doorbell ring. I am going to check who is at the door.

It's courteous to excuse yourself or apologize if you are interrupting a lesson or any conversation.
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I'm broke.

  • I don't have any money.

  • I have little money right now.

"I'm broke" is a casual way of saying you don't have money.
I'm brokeは、お金を持っていないというときのカジュアルな言い方です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Excuse me, it's the doorbell.

  • Sorry, someone's at the door!

  • Someone's here. I'll be back in a sec!

Your teacher will understand any of these.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we just pause the lesson for a minute, I need to check who is at the door.

  • Please give me a minute, I need to see whao is at the door.

If a situation arises where someone rings your doorbell in the middle of your English lesson, you can use of these statements to ask your teacher for time to check who is at the door. 1. Can we just pause the lesson for a minute, I need to check who is at the door. Pause = 1分間停止する 2. Please give me a minute, I need to see who is at the door.
英語のレッスンの最中に玄関のベルが鳴ったら、これらの表現を使って、誰が来たか確認したいと伝えられます。 1. Can we just pause the lesson for a minute, I need to check who is at the door.(ちょっとレッスンを止めてもらっていいですか。玄関に誰か来たみたいなので) Pause = 1分間停止する 2. Please give me a minute, I need to see who is at the door.(ちょっと待ってください。玄関に誰か来たみたいなので)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry can I quickly check who is by the door.

  • I am sorry I will be back in a few minutes. I just want to check who is by the door.

The sentences are polite ways to inform the teacher why you want to stop the lesson for a few minutes. We say "at" the door. This is the correct preposition to use.
The sentences are polite ways to inform the teacher why you want to stop the lesson for a few minutes. We say "at" the door. This is the correct preposition to use. 上記例文は、先生に何故レッスンを数分の間中断したいのかを伝える丁寧な言い回しです。At the door=玄関に。Atが正しい前置詞です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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