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I was so sad that I couldn't stop crying.で合ってますでしょうか? よろしくお願いします!
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2018/05/12 21:38
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  • I was so sad that I could not stop crying.

  • I was sad and not able to stop my tears.

"I was so sad that I could not stop crying." Could not - was not able to. (He was pressing the brake pedal, but he could not stop the car.) or "I was sad and not able to stop my tears." Used to express your sadness and tell how sad you were.
"I was so sad that I could not stop crying."(とても悲しくて泣くのをやめることができなかった。) Could not = was no able to(~をすることができなかった) He was pressing the brake pedal, but he could not stop the car. (ブレーキを踏んだが車を止めることができなかった。) "I was sad and not able to stop my tears." (とても悲しくて涙がとまらなかった。) この文章はあなたがとても悲しかったことを伝えることができます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I was so over whelmed that I couldn't stop my tears from spilling.

質問者様のご回答も、バッチリです。 他の言い方もご紹介します。 私は、参ってしまい、涙が溢れ落ちるのを、止められなかった。 という意味になります。 Over whelmed... 参ってしまう Spilling... 溢れ落ちる どうでしょうか。
  • I was so sad, I couldn't stop crying.

  • I was so upset that I just couldn't stop crying.

Both of these examples let the listener know how upset/sad you were and how hard it was for you to stop crying. You can go into more detail if you wish for the listener to know why you were so upset and how it made you feel,
どちらも、とても悲しく/動揺して涙が止まらなかった、と伝える言い方です。 なぜつらかったか、どんな気持ちだったか、もっと詳しく説明することもできます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I was overwhelmed by sadness and couldn't stop crying

If you are 'overwhelmed' by something, it means that this thing was so strong you could not resist it or defend yourself against it. In this case, it is a powerful emotion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was so upset I couldn't stop crying

When you are very sad about something we can call this being upset. To say that you can't stop crying is to explain that your tears keep falling.
何かについてとても悲しいときは、upsetと表現します。 「I can't stop crying」は、涙が流れている状態のことです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I bawled my eyes out.

This might not be the usual way to say it, but it's correct nonetheless. It basically means to cry hard for a longer period of time. Here's how to use it in a sentence: A: Don't watch this movie if you don't want to be sad. B: I've already seen it. I bawled my eyes out at the end of it.
これは普通の言い方ではないかもしれませんが、間違いではありません。 "bawl one's eyes out"は簡単に言うと「長い間泣き叫ぶ」という意味です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Don't watch this movie if you don't want to be sad.(悲しい気持ちになりたくないならこの映画は見ない方がいいよ) B: I've already seen it. I bawled my eyes out at the end of it.(もう見たよ。最後は大泣きだった)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I was very sad I couldn't stop crying

  • I couldn't stop crying as I felt so sad

  • I felt so depressed I couldn't stop crying

If you are feeling sad then you could say 'very sad' or 'so sad another term for this is 'depressed' if you are very emotional then you tend to cry alot and sometimes feel as if you can't stop
悲しい気持ちは、'very sad'(すごく悲しい)や 'so sad'(同)と表せます。また、'depressed'(落ち込んだ)も使うことができます。 感情がものすごく高ぶると、涙が止まらなくなることがあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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