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「都会か田舎、将来どちらに住みたいですか?」という質問に、 「都会に住みたいです。 都会には遊園地があるし、 好きな芸能人(女優さん)に会えるかもしれないからです。」と、言いたいです。 I may be able to see my favorite actress.とかで、通じますか?? どうぞよろしくお願いします‼️
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2018/05/12 23:20
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  • There's always a chance I might see my favourite actress.

  • I might bump into my favourite actress in the city.

  • If I live in the city, I might be able to see famous people.

「I may be able to see my favorite actress.」は通じます!他には、下記の文章も使えます。 There's always a chance I might see my favourite actress. I might bump into my favourite actress in the city. If I live in the city, I might be able to see famous people. など。 ボキャブラリー a chance = 機会 might = かもしれません bump into = (偶然で)会う・見る famous people = 有名人 city = 都会
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • If I live in the city I'll have a chance to meet my favorite celebrity.

  • In the city, you have a chance to meet celebrities!

There are many ways to say this idea. I think you can use this example or something along this line. "In the city, you have a chance to meet celebrities!" These all work to explain why you want to live in the city.
いろいろな言い方ができます。ご紹介した例やそれに近い言い方ができると思います。 In the city, you have a chance to meet celebrities! (都会にいれば有名人と会うチャンスがある) どちらの文でも、都会に住みたい理由を説明できます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I want to live in the city as it increases my chances of meeting a celebrity

To increase your chances, is to make something more likely to happen. In this case, moving to the city can make it more likely that you may see or meet a celebrity.
「increase someone's chances」は「(あることが) 起こる可能性が高くなる」という意味です。ここでは、都会に引っ越すことで有名人に会う可能性が高くなると言っています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Because the probability of seeing celebs is higher in the city, that is where I'd like to live

Well, the example sentence seems like a pretty weak reason for deciding upon where you want to live, but I suppose it may be important for some people. Really? 'Celebs' is an abbreviated form of 'celebrities'.
そうですねぇ、例文ですが、住む場所を決める理由としてはかなり弱い気がしますが、人によっては大切なことなのかもしれませんね。本当ですか? 'celebs' は 'celebrities' (有名人)の短縮形です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to live in the city because living in the city increases my chances of seeing my favorite celebrities.

  • I prefer living in the city in the hopes of getting the opportunity to see my favorite celebrities.

  • The prospects of seeing celebrities in the city are more probable.

To convey that you prefer living in the city in the hopes of seeing your favorite celebrities you may say the following; I'd like to live in the city because living in the city increases my chances of seeing my favorite celebrities. I prefer living in the city in the hopes of getting the opportunity to see my favorite celebrities. The prospects of seeing celebrities in the city are more probable. prospect-possibility probable- Likely to happen or be the case.
お気に入りの有名人に会うことを期待して都会に住みたいことを伝えるためには次のように言うことができます: "I'd like to live in the city because living in the city increases my chances of seeing my favorite celebrities." (お気に入りの有名人に会うことができる可能性が増えるため私は都会に住みたいです) "I prefer living in the city in the hopes of getting the opportunity to see my favorite celebrities." (私はお気に入りの有名人に会うことができる可能性が増えることを期待して田舎よりも都会に住みたいです) "The prospects of seeing celebrities in the city are more probable." (都会で有名人を目撃する可能性の方が高いです) "Prospect"は可能性という意味です。 "Probable"は起こりそうなことです。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • There's a chance I might meet my favourite celebrities if I live in the city

  • I might bump into my favourite actress/celebrity if I live in the city

IF something might happen but it is not definate then we say 'there's a chance' if you have a chance meeting with someone you didn't plan then you are said to 'bump into them'
何かが確実でないものの起こる可能性があるのなら、'there's a chance'(可能性がある)と言うことができます。 偶然誰かと出会う可能性があるのなら、それは 'bump into someone'(偶然に出会う)で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If I live in the city there is a chance I could bump into a celebrity.

  • In the city there is a higher chance I'd see a celebrity.

"If I live in the city there is a chance I could bump into a celebrity." To 'Bump in to' is to meet someone by chance, to bump into someone can also mean accidentally walking (or means of transport) into someone else, and accidental collision. "In the city there is a higher chance I'd see a celebrity." a 'higher chance', by using the word higher this often means more of, so there is a more of a chance to....
"If I live in the city there is a chance I could bump into a celebrity."(都会に住んでいたら、有名人に出くわすかもしれない) = 'Bump in to' は「偶然出くわす」の意味です。'Bump into someone' は、歩いていて(あるいは乗り物で)人にぶつかることも表します。 "In the city there is a higher chance I'd see a celebrity."(都会の方が有名人に会える可能性が高い) = 'higher' はしばしば、数や量が多いことを表します。ですから、'higher chance' は「可能性(chance)がより多い」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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