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  • Does this word mean 〜 ?

  • Does 〜 mean the same thing?

Does this word mean 〜 ? この単語は〜という意味ですか? Does 〜 mean the same thing? 〜と同じ意味ですか? 上記のような表現と一緒に、次のような表現も使えるかと思います。 Sorry, I'm not sure if I know what that means. すみません、それ(その表現)がどういう意味か(自分が)わかっているか不安です。 Can I confirm what that means? それがどういう意味か確認していいですか? Can I ask you what that means? それってどういう意味ですか?
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • What's the difference between A and B?

This is a great question that my students ask a lot. You can use it when struggling with concepts that are very similar. For example, "What's the difference between 'look' and 'see'?"
私の生徒が尋ねる良い質問です。 概念が似ていて苦労する時はこのように言うというでしょう。 例えば、"What's the difference between 'look' and 'see'?" (「look」と「see」に違いはなんですか?)
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mean~?/ You mean ~?

  • You're saying~?

Do you mean ~?と You mean ~?「あなたの意味するのは~ですか?」 と自分の知っている単語を~に入れて確認することができます。 例:magnificentがわからなかった場合 先生:It was magnificent! You: Oh, you mean impressive? 先生:Yes, that's right. 次にYou're saying ~? と、「つまりあなたの言っているのは~ですか?」 と~に入れることで自分の知っているフレーズと同じか確認できます。 また、You're saying (that)~は、語尾を上げずに一拍呼吸を置くと 相手に繰り返しを促したり、要約をしてもらったりすることが できる便利な表現です。 もし万が一、繰り返してくれなかった場合は、 Sorry, but what does ○○mean? と「○○はどんな意味ですか?」 とききましょう。
  • Does ~ have the same meaning as ~ ?

  • This ~ similar to ~ ?

  • Is ~ a synonym for ~?

When asking this question you are comparing to different words in order to understand if they mean the same thing or if these two words that are being compared can be used in the same context. Example: Does "difficult" mean the same as "hard"? Is "gentle" similar to "soft"?
二つの語を比較して「それらが同じ意味なのか」または「同じ文脈で使うことができるのか」を尋ねる質問です。 例: Does "difficult" mean the same as "hard"? ("difficult" と "hard" は同じ意味ですか) Is "gentle" similar to "soft"? ("gentle" と "similar" は似ていますか)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Does ... have the same meaning as ...?

  • What if I used .... (your word) instead of ... (given word)?

  • Is ... (your word) a synonym for ... (given word)?

*''Does ... have the same meaning as ...?'' *''Is ... (your word) a synonym for ... (given word)?'' Both ways are very clear and straight forward. *''What if I used .... (your word) instead of ... (given word)?'' - this way to ask if a certain word has the same meaning as another word is maybe slightly more formal, but it is still straight forward and clear way to ask that question.
*''Does ... have the same meaning as ...?'' *''Is ... (your word) a synonym for ... (given word)?'' どちらの方法もとても明確でストレートです。 *''What if I used .... (your word) instead of ... (given word)?'' - 特定の言葉が別の言葉と同じ意味を持つかどうかを尋ねる方法です、 でもこれはまだその質問を意味するのに明確です。
Tanja M DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Does 'A' mean the same as 'A'?

  • 2. What's the difference between 'A' and 'B'?

1. You can use 'does...' or 'is...' 'Does perfect mean the same as impeccable?' 'Is perfect the same as impeccable?' 2. As an alternative to talking about similarities, you may also talk about the differences - if there are any. 'Is there any difference between bad and wrong?'
1. 'does...' か 'is...'を使うことができるよ。 'Does perfect mean the same as impeccable?'perfectは、impeccableと同じ意味ですか? 'Is perfect the same as impeccable?'perfectはimpeccableと一緒ですか? 2.何か類似点について話すとき、違いについて話すこともできますよね。もしあれば、ですが。 'Is there any difference between bad and wrong?'badとwrongに違いってあるんでしょうか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is ~ a synomyn for ~?

  • Does it have the same meaning as ~?

synonym - a word that has the same meaning as another word. example : vague and unclear bright and shining hideous and ugly pretty and attractive
"Is ~ a synomyn for ~? Does it have the same meaning as ~? synonym -同意語、類語 the same meaning as ~ ~と同じ意味 (例): (曖昧、不透明)vague and unclear (輝く)bright and shining (醜い)hideous and ugly pretty and attractive"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Is this a synonym of...?

  • Does it mean the same thing as...?

  • Can you also say...? Does it mean the same thing?

Can you also say...? A. I wanted to say that I love cartoons, but can I also say that I love animations? Do they mean the same thing? B. Sure, you can use both words, cartoons and animations, they are almost synonyms of one another.
Can you also say...? (...と言うこともできますか?) 会話例 Aさん. I wanted to say that I love cartoons, but can I also say that I love animations? Do they mean the same thing? (I love cartoons/漫画が大好きということが言いたかったんですが、I love animationsと言うこともできますか?同じ意味ですか?) Bさん. Sure, you can use both words, cartoons and animations, they are almost synonyms of one another. (もちろんです。cartoonsとanimationsの両方使うことができます。どちらもほぼ同義語です。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • a synonym:/ Interchangeable.

  • Is the word difficult a synonym, for the word " hard" ?' Are they interchangeable

a synonym: is word that has the same or a similar meaning, to another word! Words usually rely on context to be sure of the meaning in any case... Synonyms are very handy to stop our speech patterns becoming repetetive ;-DIs the word difficult a synonym, for the word " hard" ?' Are they interchangeable
a synonym:ある言葉と同じ又は似た意味の言葉 どんな場合でも言葉は、どういう意味かということは文脈に依存することが普通です。会話のパターンが同じ語の繰り返しになることを避けるためには、同義語はとても役に立ちます。 例文 "Is the word difficult a synonym, for the word " hard" ?' Are they interchangeable difficultという語は、 hard"という語の同義語ですか?それらは入れ替えて使うことが出来ますか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I use use this word / phrase in the following sentence as well?

  • Would it be acceptable to use this word /phrase when I want to say .....

Can I use use this word / phrase in the following sentence as well? If you ask the question in this way and you give the sentence that you need clarity about, the teacher will be able to tell you if it's ok to use it or not. Would it be acceptable to use this word /phrase when I want to say ..... Acceptable means suitable. Some words have synonyms which, although they seem to mean the same thing, cannot all be used as the context (circumstances / situation) may be different for each sentence.
Can I use use this word / phrase in the following sentence as well? (次の文章でこの単語/言い回しを使ってもいいですか?) このように質問し、あなたが明確にしたい文章をあげると、先生は、それが使ってもいいか悪いか言うことができるでしょう。 Would it be acceptable to use this word /phrase when I want to say ..... (私が…と言いたいとき、この単語/言い回しを使ってもいいですか?) Acceptableはsuitable(適切な)という意味です。同じことを意味するように見えるけれども、それぞれの文章ごとに文脈(環境/状況)が異なるのでいつも使えるわけではない類義語があります。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       n
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Is this word a synonym of (word)?

  • Does (word) mean (word)?

  • Does (word) and (word) share the same meaning?

If we want to know if two words mean the same thing, we can ask if those words are synonyms. Does the word (anguish) have the same meaning as (pain)? Does (anguish) mean (pain)? Does (anguish) and (pain) share the same meaning? Synonym: words that have similar meanings. eg, difficult and hard. Antonym: words with opposite meanings. eg, high and low, bad and good.
もし2つの言葉が同じ意味なのかをしりたいなら、それらの言葉がsynonyms(類義語)であるかどうかを聞くといいでしょう。   Does the word (anguish) have the same meaning as (pain)? (anguishはpainと同じ意味ですか?) Does (anguish) mean (pain)? angishはpainという意味ですか? Does (anguish) and (pain) share the same meaning? (anguishはpainと同じ意味ですか?)   Synonym: 難しいという意味のdifficultとhardのように意味が似ている言葉 Antonym: high(高い)とlow(低い)やbad(悪い)とgood(良い)のように反対の意味の言葉
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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