世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/21 21:06
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  • a popular person

「[人気](者」は英語だと "a popular person" は相当します。 popular = 人気の person = 人 「あの人[最近](人気者だよね」と言いたい時はこのようは自然です。 That person is such a popular person lately. That person is so popular recently. 最近:lately, recently, these days She is so popular lately. 彼女は最近人気者だね。 She is quite popular these days. 彼女は最近人気者だね。 She is such a popular person these days. 彼女は最近人気者だね。 He is so popular lately. 彼は最近人気者だね。 He is quite popular these days. 彼は最近人気者だね。 He is such a popular person these days. 彼は最近人気者だね。 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • ① He's quite popular

  • ② He's on TV a lot thesedays

「[人気](者」というのは「① He's quite popular」になります。 それでも、もしテレビにでる[芸人](の話でしたら、「② He's on TV a lot thesedays」と言います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Teacher's pet (popular with the teacher)

  • The flavour of the month (popular at the present time)

  • The golden boy/ girl

'The flavour of the month' would be appropriate for a TV star for example, or perhaps a player in a football team. 'The golden boy/girl' could be used in a wide variety of situations.
'The flavour of the month' という表現は、例えばTVスターやサッカー選手に使われます。golden boy/girlという言葉はより広義で使うことができるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • a star

  • a favorite

  • a popular person

a star:スター、人気者 →スポーツ業界やその他特定の業界で得に輝いている人のことを指すことが多い気がします。 a favorite:お気に入り、人気者 →favoriteはそのまま訳せは「大好きな、お気に入りの」ですので、  要は人々のお気に入りになってるという表現ですね! a popular person:人気な人、人気者 →"popular"は人気があるという意味で個人的には  最も一般的に通じる表現かと思います!:)
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Famous person

  • Well known person

Famous (adjective) - known by many people Well known - widely known
Famous (形容詞) - 多くの人に知られた Well known - 広く知られた
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Celebrity

  • Famous person

  • Popular person

All of these terms refer to people who are popular in one regard or another. A popular person may or may not be a celebrity or a famous person. It depends on the extent of their popularity.
どの表現も人気の人のことを表します。A popular person(人気の人)はcelebrity/a famous person(有名人)である場合もありますが、人気の程度によります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • She has suddenly become a celebrity because of her sporting prowess.

  • He is a very famous person but I don't like him.

  • The man is everyone's favorite soccer player.

A popular person is a person who is liked and admired by many people, usually because of his/her qualities or the activities that he/she engages in.If such a person is a TV, sporting , or music personality, he/she can be referred to as a celebrity, a noun that has been used in the first statement.One may become popular or a celebrity because of his/her sporting or music 'prowess'.The noun 'prowess' used in the first statement means a skill or expertise in a particular field.A person may become rich and 'famous' but not necessarily be popular or 'everyone's favorite', the expression used in the third statement.'Everyone's favorite' is a popular person. So, you may say: She has suddenly become a celebrity because of her sporting prowess. or He is a very famous person but I don't like him. or The man is everyone's favorite soccer player.
popular' は、人柄の良さや従事する活動によって、多くの人から好かれ尊敬されている人を指します。もしこの人が芸能人・スポーツ選手・ミュージシャンなら、これは 'celebrity' と呼ばれるかもしれません。一つ目の例で使われていますね。 スポーツや音楽の 'prowess'(才能)によって、人は 'popular' になったり 'celebrity' になることがあります。 一つ目の例で使われている名詞の 'prowess' は「技能/能力」という意味です。 お金持ちで有名(famous)な人が、'popular' や 'everyone's favorite' であるとは限りません。'everyone's favorite' とは「人気者」のことです、三つ目の例で使われています。 次のように言えます。 She has suddenly become a celebrity because of her sporting prowess. (彼女はスポーツの才能で急に有名人になった) He is a very famous person but I don't like him. (彼は有名人だけど私はあまり好きではない) The man is everyone's favorite soccer player. (彼は人気のサッカー選手だ)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • famous.

  • a very popular person.

If you want to know how to describe someone who is very popular, you can call them a "famous" person or a "very popular person". You can use this in a sentence by saying something like "Selena Gomez is a very famous/popular person that is known by many worldwide.".
「とても人気のある人」は、"famous" や "very popular" で表すことができます。 例えば: "Selena Gomez is a very famous/popular person that is known by many worldwide." (セレーナ・ゴメスはとても有名で/人気があり世界的に知られている)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • They are so popular

  • Teachers pet

  • Favourite

Teacher's pet is normally what we call someone when we were younger in class that would always get what they want from the teacher as they were the most popular or a favourite student of the teachers. 'Christina is such a popular student at my school, all the girls want to be her friend'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • a popular person

The primary way to talk about someone who is popular is a, "popular person," however, we can structure this sentence in different ways to have the same effect. Example sentences : - He is a very popular person. - Everyone wants to be popular among their friends. - They are considered to be very popular among their peers.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • She is quite a celebrity

  • She is well-liked

  • She is all the rage

Other suitable terms : -She is a prominent singer. -She is a celebrated artist. -Her tattoo designs are in demand.
その他の適切な表現としては、以下があります。 -She is a prominent singer. -She is a celebrated artist. -Her tattoo designs are in demand.
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • .She is quite popular.

  • He is well-liked by everyone.

1. .She is quite popular. If you are popular then you are well-liked and held in high-esteem by everyone. To be held in high esteem (or high regard) means that people admire you and have lots of respect for you. Another example: She is popular among the other freshman students. 2.He is well-liked by everyone. This means that people like you very much you and enjoy being in your company. Another example:He was well-liked by everyone in his class.
1. .She is quite popular.(彼女はかなり人気があります) "Popular" は、多くの人から好かれ尊敬されている人を指します。 ※ "To be held in high esteem" は「尊敬されている」という意味です。 例文:She is popular among the other freshman students.(彼女は他の1年生にとても好かれています) 2. He is well-liked by everyone.(彼はみんなに好かれています) これは「彼はみんなに好かれている/彼の周りには人が集まる」という意味です。 例文:He was well-liked by everyone in his class.(彼はクラスのみんなに好かれている)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • A Well-liked person

  • A respected individual

  • An Admired human being

A "Well-liked person" is a person that is liked by many people. They can be famous, or not, and have many people who look up to and respect this person. "She is a well-liked person. Everybody respects her and she is kind to her admirers" A "respected individual" is someone who is admired by many people. This person is respected and more than likely has a good image. He or she probably does things that make him or her respected and have this good image. "He is a respected individual and that is why he did so well at his company" An "admired human being" has the same meaning as the other two sentences.
"Well-liked person" は多くの人から好かれている人をいいます。これは有名で、多くの人に尊敬されている人の場合もあります。 "She is a well-liked person. Everybody respects her and she is kind to her admirers" (彼女はとても人気があります。みんな彼女のことを尊敬していますし、彼女もファンに対してとても優しいです) "Respected individual" は、多くの人に憧れられている人を指します。周りから尊敬されている人です。たいていはよいイメージを持たれています。周りから尊敬されるようなことをしている場合が多いです。 "He is a respected individual and that is why he did so well at his company"(彼は尊敬されています。会社で出世できたのはそのためです) "Admired human being" は上の二つの例と同じ意味です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Popular.

  • Well liked.

  • Loved.

Popular. Well liked. Loved. When wanting to example that someone is popular in a general scenario you can refer to one of these three words. Depending on the person as well will determine which one you would like to use also. However, if it is a celebrity, perhaps you would want to use the word, 'famous,' rather than popular. Popular means well liked, whereas famous means well known. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • popular

「人気者」はa popular personですが、 「彼は人気者だ」と言いたいなら He is popular. 「彼は人気がある」 で大丈夫です。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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