世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/18 13:59
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  • Can I use your/the phone?

  • Do you have a phone that I can use?

ホテルでの設定ということなので、 上記のように尋ねたらおそらく、 There is a pay phone over there. 「公衆電話があちらにあります」 電話の場所を教えてくれるのではないでしょうか。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • Can I borrow your phone?

  • Can I use your phone?

Can I borrow your phone? 電話借りてもいいですか? Can I use your phone? 電話使ってもいいですか? borrow は「借りる」で use は「使う」ですが、ニュアンス的にはどちらも同じです。 Can の代わりに May とするとより丁寧になりますよ。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Can I(Could I) use the phone?

Can I (Could I) use the phone? 電話を使わせてもらえますか? 誰か特的の相手にお願いする場合は、Can I use your phone?とすれば大丈夫です。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Is there a phone I can use?

  • I need to make a quick call Is it possible to use the hotel phone?

If you dont have a telephone in your room and you need to make an outside call for some reason then you will need to ask the hotel if you can use their phone. If you are calling overseas your request is likely to be denied. In which case you will have to ask if they can direct you to somewhere that you can make a call from. When asking make sure you tell them whether it is a local or international call and how long it will take. Is there a phone I can use? This gives staff the option of volunteering the phone to you or directing you to the nearest public phone. Option 2 is a direct request to use the hotel phone for a call of a short duration.
部屋に電話がなく、電話をかけなければニケない場合、ホテルに頼んで、電話を使わせてもらえないか頼むことができるでしょう。 海外に電話をかけるとなると、拒否されることも多いでしょうね。 そういった場合には、どこで電話をかけられるか尋ねた方がいいですね。 尋ねるときは、国内の電話なのか、国際電話なのかをはっきりと伝え、どれくらいかかるかも伝えましょう。 Is there a phone I can use? 使っていい電話はありませんか? これはスタッフに、電話を使わせてあげるか、または近い公衆電話に案内するか、の選択肢を与える質問になります。 二つ目の言い方は、ホテルの電話を少しの時間使わせてもらえないか相手に頼む言い方です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • May I use your phone?

  • Would it be possible to use your phone to make a local call? My battery's dead.

Well, you may request to use the hotel phone, and you could just ask:"May I use your phone?" But of course, they may be concerned about who you are going to call as international rates can be expensive. Ideally you should make the request and give a reason and put them at their ease by saying that it is only a local call: "Would it be possible to use your phone to make a local call? My battery's dead."
"May I use your phone?" と言って、ホテルの電話を貸してほしいと頼むことは出来きます。 しかしながら、国際電話の通話料は高いので、あなたがどこに電話を掛けるかホテル側も気になると思います。 そこで、市内通話であることに言及する方が相手も安心するでしょう: "Would it be possible to use your phone to make a local call? My battery's dead." (市内通話なんですが、電話を貸して頂けますか?私の電話のバッテリーがなくなってしまいました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I borrow your phone?

  • Can I use your phone,please?

*Can I borrow your phone?- If you borrow something it means to take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it. In this case it means you want to use the phone and return it. *Can I use your phone,please? This is a polite way of asking to use the phone.
*Can I borrow your phone?- Borrowとは他の人の所有する物を使用し返却することを意味します。 この場合、電話を一時借りて使いたいという意味です。 *Can I use your phone,please? これは、電話を借りる時の丁寧な言い方です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • May I please borrow your phone to make an urgent local call? My phone's battery is dead.

  • Please lend me your phone to make an urgent local call. My phone has got a flat battery

If you are going to borrow a phone in order to make an urgent local call, it's important for you to mention what has happened to your phone because it can't be assumed that you don't have one. So, you may mention the fact that your phone's battery is dead or, to put it in another way, that your phone has got a flat battery. It is extremely important to be polite when making the request and use the adverb 'please'. So, you may say: May I please borrow your phone to make an urgent local call? My phone's battery is dead. or Please lend me your phone to make an urgent local call. My phone has got a flat battery.
緊急でローカル通話をするために電話を借りる場合は、ケータイを持っていないとは考えられにくいので、自分のケータイに何があったのかについて言及することが大切です。 そのため、充電がきれてしまったのかもしれないということを説明するかもしれませんね。 何かお願いをするときには、丁寧であることが非常に大切なため、pleaseという副詞を使いましょう。 例文 May I please borrow your phone to make an urgent local call? My phone's battery is dead. 「ローカル通話をするために、電話を借りてもよろしいですか? 私のケータイは充電が切れてしまいました。」 Please lend me your phone to make an urgent local call. My phone has got a flat battery. 「緊急でローカル通話をしたいので、電話を貸してくれてませんか?充電が切れてしまいました。」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Excuse me, would it be possible if I could borrow the phone please?

  • Would it be possible to use your phone? Mines died

Using excuse me and please are basic manners whenever asking to borrow something or use something of someone elses. People are more likely to lend you something if you are polite to them. When you say that your phone has died, it means that your phone has run out of battery.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please borrow your phone for a second?

  • Do you mind if I borrow your phone for just a couple minutes please?

If you are at a hotel and would like to ask them if you can borrow their phone, you can say something along the lines of "Can I please borrow your phone for a second?" or "Do you mind if I borrow your phone for just a couple minutes please?". These are some good ways to ask this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I need to make a brief call. Mind if I use your telephone?

  • May I use the hotel phone for a second?

1. I need to make a brief call. Mind if I use your telephone? The statement, "I need to make a brief call." is used by English speakers all the time. Another way of saying this is: "I need to make a quick call," because brief and quick are synonymous. You are basically telling the other person that your conversation will not be very long. "Mind if I ...?" is the shortened, casual version of: "Do you mind if I ...? 2. May I use the hotel phone for a second? If you ask to use something "for a second", you do not literally mean that you will use it for a second. Because a second goes by very fast, people use this expression to indicate how quickly they need something, can do something or how long they'll be, etc. Examples: I'll be with you in a second. (soon) May I use your calculator for a second? (for a short time)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can I use the phone please?

  • "Please borrow me a phone to make an important call?"

  • Please can I make use of the phone?

If you would like to use the phone at the hotel or any other place you may use the sentences above. Sometimes you need to make an important call and you don't have a phone to use, you can ask to use a phone in many different places like a restaurant, hotel, store, etc. "Can I make a call, please?" "May I use the phone, please?" "Do you have a phone I can please use for a quick call?"
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a phone in the lobby for guests?

  • Would it be possible to use your phone for a brief local call?

Many times, a hotel has a phone in the lobby that is designated for those who are staying there. It is referred to as a guest phone. If that is not the case, it may be possible to use one of the phones at the front desk, and it is important to indicate that the call is local due to possible international charges. Also, it is good to make a point that the call will not be long so that they know the call will not interfere with incoming calls from potential guests.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, could I use your phone please?

Examples: Hey I need to make a phone call, could I use the telephone please? Is it okay if I make a quick phone call? I need to get in touch with one of my family members. Is there a telephone that I could use here please? I need to get a hold of my friend.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I borrow your phone for a moment?

  • Do you mind if I use your phone for a moment?

  • Can I use your phone for a moment.

Here are three sentences that we can use to ask if we can use the phone to make a call. Notice in the first and last example that we can either use the verb, "to borrow," or, "to use," when making this demand.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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