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仕事の場面で使います。 上司や顧客など主に目上の人に対して、何度か質問をしたり確認をしたりするときに使いたいです。
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2018/05/26 16:22
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  • Sorry to ~   again and again.

  • Sorry to ~   so many times.

『[何度も](質問してすみません』なら、 Sorry for asking so many questions . 『何度も[確認](してすみません』なら、 Sorry to confirm again and again. でいいと思います。 お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • I'm sorry to bother you with so many questions.

  • I'm sorry for troubling you with all these questions.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to apologize to someone, like a boss or client, for asking a lot of questions. In the first sentence you will see the word bother and in the second sentence you will see the word trouble. In these sentences both mean to disturb. I hope these two sentences and this explanation help you out!
上記の2つの文は、上司やクライアントなどに、たくさん[質問](をしてしまっていることについて謝る良い言い方です。最初の文ではbother、二つ目の文ではtoubleという単語が使われています。どちらもdisturb([邪魔をする](という意味です。 この2つの文と説明がお役に立つと幸いです!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me for asking (this) again...

  • I hate to ask again, but I just want to make sure I understand you correctly

  • My apologies for asking for many questions

When you are in a meeting with a (senior) colleague and ask many questions, to apologize you can say: -Excuse me for asking (this) again... [remember, you will only add "this" when you're confirming if you heard them correctly on what they said.] -I hate to ask again, but I just want to make sure I understand you correctly... -My apologies for asking for many questions.
ミーティングで(目上の)同僚に何度も質問して、謝る時には、次のように言えます。 -Excuse me for asking (this) again... また(これを)質問してすみません、、、 言われたことを正しく聞き取ったかどうか確認する時のみ、thisを入れます。 -I hate to ask again, but I just want to make sure I understand you correctly... また聞いて申し訳ないのですが、正しく理解したかどうか確認したくて、、、 -My apologies for asking for many questions. 何度も質問してすみません。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for bothering you with so many questions...

  • Can I just clarify that....

It is important in business that everybody involved knows all of the information clearly, that is why if you are unsure of something you should ask for clarification even if you have to ask a couple of times. Both of these answers are formal ways of clarifying something. For example - "Sorry for bothering you with so many questions but could you repeat what you just said?" "Can I just clarify that the accounts will be ready on Monday."
仕事では、関係者全員が全ての情報の詳細を知っていることが大切です。ですので、もし、何か不明点があれば、何回でも説明をお願いすべきです。 以下両文は、何か説明を求めるときに使える公式な表現です。 Sorry for bothering you with so many questions but could you repeat what you just said? (何回も質問してすみません。もう一度言って頂けますか?) Can I just clarify that the accounts will be ready on Monday? (月曜日にアカウントが開設されるということでいいですか?)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry for taking up your time.

  • Sorry for inconveniencing you.

  • Sorry to ask you so many questions. I'll be sure to know better next time.

When you are talking to a boss, senior, or manager and you ask them questions over and over you are using their time. You could say, "I'm sorry for taking up your time, or sorry for inconveniencing you." Sometimes you could write down what your senior manager said so you can study on your own. If you write it down sometimes you won't need to ask questions over and over again. You could let your boss know about your plan by saying, "Sorry to ask you so many questions. I'll be sure to know better next time."
あなたが上司、先輩、マネージャーに話し、質問を繰り返している時、彼らの時間を使っています。その場合、「I'm sorry for taking up your time(お時間を取らせてすみません。)」または 「sorry for inconveniencing you.(ご迷惑をおかけしてすみません。)」と言えます。 あなたの先輩が言ったことを、書きとめておくと、自分で考えることができます。書きとめておくと、繰り返し質問する必要はありません。以下のように言うことで、あなたの計画を上司に伝えることができます。 Sorry to ask you so many questions. I'll be sure to know better next time. (何度も聞いてすみません。次回はしっかりしておくようにします。)
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • I apologize for pestering you constantly.

  • I am sorry to keep on bothering you with so many questions.

The verb to 'pester' means to frequently trouble or annoy someone by asking him/her questions every now and then and not giving him/her any breathing space. This pestering can eventually annoy the person although some people may hide their annoyance. The best thing to do if you find yourself being the person doing the pestering is to apologize. The verb to 'bother', which you can also use, means to worry, or disturb someone. So, you may say: I apologize for pestering you constantly. or I am sorry to keep on bothering you with so many questions.
「pester(動詞)」は、しつこく質問して困らせる(イライラさせる)という意味です。「pester」は最終的に相手をイライラさせることがあります(相手はそれを見せないかもしれませんが)。自分が相手を「pester」していると気づいたら謝るのが一番です。ほかに「bother(動詞)」も使えますが、これは「心配する、邪魔をする」という意味です。 I apologize for pestering you constantly. 【訳】何度もごめんなさい。 I am sorry to keep on bothering you with so many questions. 【訳】何度も質問してごめんなさい。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am so sorry to hound you with questions.

  • Please accept my apologies for the excessive questions.

  • I really hope the numerous amount of questions is not getting to you.

To express apologies, you can simply state "I am sorry" or "I apologize". This will let the person know that you do not intend to offend them in any way. If you are asking a lot of questions, you can also say, "please forgive me for asking so many questions." To express the phrase "so many" you could use the following adjectives: numerous, excessive or countless. I used the word "hound" above as another way to express "to bother".
謝罪を表す場合、シンプルに "I am sorry" や "I apologize" と言えます。これは相手を怒らせるつもりがないことを表します。 もし質問をたくさんしているなら: "Please forgive me for asking so many questions." (沢山質問をしてすみません) と言うこともできます。 "so many"(とてもたくさん)と表現する場合、次の形容詞が使えます。 【形容詞】 "numerous"(多数の/多くの) "excessive"(過度の/やりすぎの) "countless"(数えきれない/無数の) 上記の文では "hound" という単語を使っていますが、これは "to bother"(面倒をかける/手数をかける)のもう一つの言い方です。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
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