世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




具体的な状況としては、オンライン英会話で、相手の講師が人気で中々予約がとれなくて、全然予約できなかった!ってことを言いたいです! I couldn't have been booking you! で大丈夫でしょうか??
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2016/02/21 02:36
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  • I couldn't take your class!

  • Your class wasn't available anymore!

  • I wasn't able to make reservation on your class!

もう一つの言い方としては、「予約」という言葉を直訳せずに間接的に言っても伝わる方法です。"take” という単語はそういった意味でとても便利。文脈、状況や対象によって七変化します。 この場合でも、” Couldn't take your class!" と言うならば、"取れなかった”、"予約できなかった” という意味で必ず相手には何のことか意味が伝わります。 また、"Your class wasn't available anymore!"、"あなたのクラスはもういっぱいでした” という意味で逆の言い方も可能ですね。 もちろん、"I wasn't able to make reservation” というのもまたYujiさんの言い方から対象となる "reserve" という単語を「名詞」に変えただけのパターンもできます。 少なくとも、"I couldn't have been booking you!” と言ってしまうと「あなた(自身)を予約なんてしているはずがなかった」という訳になってちょっと伝わり難い文になっちゃいますね。 英語がんばってください♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I couldn't book/reserve your class at all.

  • I wasn't able to book/reserve your class at all.

両方とも全然予約出来なかったと言う表現になります。 at all=まったく=全然 Book/reserve=予約(国や地域によって使い方が少し異なる) Couldn't=継続的に出来ない場合使う(他のルールもあります) wasn't able to=一回きりで出来なかった場合に使う(他のルールもあります)
  • I haven't been able to book you/your lessons (because~)

  • It's hard to book your lessons (because~)

Also instead of "book" you could use the verb "reserve" as in: "I haven't been able to reserve you/your lessons (because~)" or "It's hard to reserve your lessons (because~)" And then proceed to explain the "because" part like: "because your lessons get booked/reserved by other people quickly" "because your lessons get take by other people quickly" "because YOU are the best teacher in the world and your lessons get booked liked crazy!" However you want to explain why you can't book his/her lessons often, these phrases will help you explain that :)
Bookとは、reserveと同様、動詞で使うことができます。 I haben't been able to reserve you/your lessons (because)、またはit's hard to reserve your lessons ( beause)で表すことができます。それからbecauseの部分で説明しましょう。 because your lessons get booked/reserved by other people quickly. すぐに埋まっちゃうんだもの。 because your lessons get taken by other people quickly. すぐ誰かにとられちゃうんだもの。 becase you are the best teacher in the world and your lessons get booked liked crazy. 授業が最高すぎてみんなおかしいように予約しまくるんだもの。 なぜ予約できないのかを説明したいときは甲いったフレーズが役に立つでしょう。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Your class was already full - I couldn't get in!

ここは二文を組み合わせる形にしてみました。 「full」は「満席、いっぱい」の意味で、 「get in」は「入る」の意味ですね。 ちょっと長いけど、 Your class was already full - I couldn't get in! というと 「全然、予約できなかったよ」の意味に近いと思います。
Shinichiro Kumada 英会話スクール運営
  • 1. I can never book you. You are too popular!

  • 2. You are extremely popular and difficult to book.

  • 3. I wish I could easily reserve your lessons, but other students always beat me to it.

To book something = make a reservation for something. Difficult to book = making a reservation is not easy as there are rarely slots available. 'Beat me to it' = reserve the lessons before me A: "I tried to book Teacher John today but couldn't." B: " I know. He's usually fully-booked." A: "Well, if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll book him tomorrow!"
To book something = 予約すること Difficult to book = 予約が難しいこと Beat me to it' = 先を越されて予約された A: ジョン先生の予約をしようとしたけどできなかったよ B:だよね。彼普通予約でいっぱいだから A:んー、もし先を越されなければ明日予約トライしてみるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Always fully booked

When a teacher is very popular and all their classes are always booked and it seems that you have to wait a long time, to get a booking, then you can use the following: "You are very popular, you are always fully booked!"
先生がとても人気で、すべてのクラスが常に予約されていて、予約を取るために長期間待たなければならないようである場合は、以下の表現が使えます: "You are very popular, you are always fully booked!"(あなたはとても人気で、いつも完全に予約が埋まっています!)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "I am always too late in booking you

  • I never get enough opportunities to book youThe other students alwayas beat me to it.

"I am always too late in booking you:" This means that you always try to reserve a class when there are none available. "I never get enough opportunities to book you/The other students always beat me to it." This means you always miss the chance to book your teachers because the other students quickly fill up all the available opportunities. beat me to it = when someone else gets to do something you also wanted to do .
"I am always too late in booking you:" This means that you always try to reserve a class when there are none available. これは、予約でいっぱいいっぱいだけど、あなたがいつも予約しようと頑張っていることを表します。 "I never get enough opportunities to book you/The other students always beat me to it." This means you always miss the chance to book your teachers because the other students quickly fill up all the available opportunities. これは、他の生徒がすぐに予約をいれてしまうために、あなたの先生を予約するチャンスをいつも逃してしまうときに使います。 beat me to it = 誰かが自分のしたいことをしてしまっている時に使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I want to book you, you are always fully booked

  • Please tell me the best time for me to find a free slot to book you.

If each time you want to book a lesson with your teacher, he/she is fully booked, it definitely means that your teacher is very popular with other students as well. The teacher might suggest a solution if you mention this to him/her. So, you may say: Whenever I want to book you, you are always fully booked. or Please tell me the best time for me to find a free slot to book you.
あなたがレッスンの予約をするといつも、その先生は予約が満杯と言う事は、その先生は間違いなく他の生徒にも大変人気の先生だという事になります。 あなたがこれを言ったら先生は解決策を提案してくれるかもしれいません。 ですので、次のように言って見ましょう。 【例】 Whenever I want to book you, you are always fully booked. (予約しようとする時はいつも、あなたは予約でいっぱいです) Please tell me the best time for me to find a free slot to book you. (あなたの予約が空いている一番いいタイミングを教えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Make a booking

  • He is so busy its almost impossible to make a booking with my teacher.

We are said to "make a booking" ...when we want to reserve time with a teacher. And of course sometimes this is just not possible ..."due to his popularity". "He is so busy its almost impossible to make a booking with my teacher of choice."
先生を予約したいとき"make a booking" (予約する)と言います。 もちろん"due to his popularity"(人気が高いため)予約ができないこともあります。 "He is so busy its almost impossible to make a booking with my teacher of choice." 彼はとても忙しいので私の選んだ先生を予約することはほぼ不可能です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Your classes weren't available anymore!

  • Your classes get booked so quickly!

  • I wasn't able to reserve your class.

We can talk about how the classes weren't, "available," anymore due to how fast they became booked. We can also say that the classes, "get booked so quickly," to say that its hard to be, "able to reserve your class," very easily.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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