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pi kanaさん
2018/06/04 21:43
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  • I drank too much the night before so the next day, I felt horrible at work all day.

  • I felt terrible at work all day because of my hangover.

  • I went to work hungover and felt sick all day.

二日酔い– hangover. 二日酔いになったーgot hungover. I felt horrible, I felt terrible, I felt sick- 気持ち悪かった。 ❶ I drank too much the night before so the next day I felt horrible at work all day. (前の晩飲みすぎたので、次の日仕事中ずっと気持ちが悪かった)。 ❷I felt terrible at work all day because of my hangover. (二日酔いのせいで、仕事中ずっと気持ち悪かった)。 ❸ I went to work hungover and felt sick all day. (二日酔い状態で仕事に行って、一日中気持ち悪かった)。
  • I was super hungover and felt awful the entire workday.

"Super" in this sentence means "very." The "workday" is the time that you spend at work. I hope that this helps! :)
この文の "Super" は「とても(very)」という意味です。 "workday" は「仕事日」のことです。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It took me all day to get over my hangover

To get over (something) means to recover from the effects of something. 'Getting over my divorce was a long and depressing experience.'
To get over (something)' は「〔あることの影響から〕回復する」という意味です。 'Getting over my divorce was a long and depressing experience.' 「離婚を乗り越えるのは、長く重苦しい経験でした」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was hungover and didn't feel very good.

  • I was hungover and didn't feel very good throughout the next day at work.

piさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 二日酔いは苦しいですね! 「二日酔いで気持ち悪かった」は I was hungover and didn't feel very good になります。 「二日酔いで次の日の仕事中ずっと気持ち悪かった」というのは I was hungover and didn't feel very good throughout the next day at work で、表現できます。 ご参考になれば、幸いです。
  • I've been smashed all day!

  • I'm a little delicate!

  • I have a terrible hangover!

"I've been smashed all day!"This is extremely informal. Smashed is to be very drunk or basically still not sober from the night before. "He's still smashed from the Christmas party on Saturday, so I wouldn't expect too much from him!". "I'm a little delicate!"Is a way to say your 'hungover' in a metaphoric or joking way. Like a flower being delicate & easily breakable. "I'm feeling a little delicate this morning, please don't talk too loud!". I have a terrible hangover! - States the obvious & probably people will be able to tell. A 'hangover' is like a headache or loss of coordination from a night of drinking. "I had a terrible hangover after drinking the bottle of red wine with you yesterday!".
"I've been smashed all day!"(一日中酒が抜けない) - これは非常にインフォーマルです。"smashed" は「泥酔した」「前日の酒が抜けない」という意味です。 "He's still smashed from the Christmas party on Saturday, so I wouldn't expect too much from him!" (彼はまだ土曜日のクリスマスパーティーの酒が抜けてないから、あんまり期待しない方がいい) ---- "I'm a little delicate!" は、二日酔いであることを表す比喩的あるいは冗談っぽい言い方です。「すぐに取れてしまう花びらのように 'delicate'(繊細な)」という意味です。 "I'm feeling a little delicate this morning, please don't talk too loud!" (今朝はあまり調子が良くありません、だから大きな声で話さないでください) ---- I have a terrible hangover!(ひどい二日酔いです) - これはわかりきったことを言っています。たぶん見た人はすぐにそうだと分かります。'hangover' は、夜お酒を飲んだことによる頭痛・体調不良をいいます。 "I had a terrible hangover after drinking the bottle of red wine with you yesterday!" (昨日あなたと赤ワインを飲んで、ひどい二日酔いになりました)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I felt horrible from drinking while I was at work the next day.

  • My hangover at work that day was so bad.

Native speakers will say that they feel "horrible" which means they may have pains, headache and overall feeling sick. People also often say that they feel "horrible from drinking". We also use "I was so hungover" often and people understand that means you were tired, lazy and maybe sick. Other ways to say you are hungover are being "overserved" or "I was hammered the night before and felt so bad in the morning". You can also talk about how bad your hangover was.
ネイティブスピーカーはよく、"I feel horrible" といいます。これは、痛み・頭痛・体調不良全般を表します。 また、"I feel horrible from drinking"(お酒を飲んで最悪の気分)もよく使われます。 "I was so hungover"(ひどい二日酔いだった)もよく使われます。これは、疲れ・けだるさ・具合の悪さを表します。 「二日酔い」を表す別の言い方には "overserved"(酔っ払った)、あるいは "I was hammered the night before and felt so bad in the morning"(前の夜に飲み過ぎて朝はひどい気分だった)と表すこともできます。 "hangover"(二日酔い)が "bad"(ひどかった)と伝えることもできます。
Michelle D DMM英会話講師
  • I'm suffering today, I had too much booze last night

  • I had a good session last night so I'm feeling a bit rough today

I'm suffering today, I had too much booze last night. Here the word suffering is used to indicate that you are in physical pain due to too much alcohol. Booze is the informal word for alcohol. I had a good session last night so I'm feeling a bit rough today. A session is an informal way to describe time spent at the pub drinking. Rough, is a term thats used to explain you are not feeling 100% fit and healthy. It can be used to describe other health situations such as colds or viruses.
I'm suffering today, I had too much booze last night.(今日はしんどいです。昨日飲み過ぎました) ここでは、"suffering" は、お酒を飲み過ぎたことによる身体的な苦痛を感じていることを表します。"booze" はお酒という意味のインフォーマルな言葉です。 I had a good session last night so I'm feeling a bit rough today.(昨日の夜飲み過ぎたので、今日は体調があまり良くない) "session" は「飲み会」のインフォーマルな言い方です。"rough" は体調が万全でないことを表す言い方で、風邪やウイルスなどについても使われます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
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