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電話している時に、他の人の電話変わる時に、なんていいますか? 例えば電話が来て、自分が出てお母さんにかわりますみたいな感じで
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2018/06/06 18:48
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  • I'll get my mom.

  • Let me get my mom.

「電話を誰々に変わります」という言い方は I'll get 〇〇. が一般的かなと思います。 例文1「母に変わります。」 このほか、Let me get my mom. とも言えます。 例文2「母を呼んできます。」 get の代わりに call を使って Let me call my mom. と言っても良いです。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I'll pass you over to (name).

  • I'll just grab (name) (for you).

If you're in a formal situation then it would be better to use 'I'll pass you over to (name)'. You would probably use this expression at work, or if a professional is calling you. For a more natural/casual expression, use 'I'll just grab (name)(for you)'.
もしフォーマルな状況で使うのであれば、一番目の回答の"I'll pass you over to~"(~に代わります。)の方がいいでしょう。 仕事やビジネスシーンでの電話対応で使います。 よりカジュアルで自然な言い方は、"I'll just grab~for you,"(~を今呼んでくるね)になります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I'll just get my mum for you.

  • I will put my mum on the phone.

  • Please wait while I get my mum.

I will just get my mum, please wait a minute.
例文 I will just get my mum, please wait a minute. 母に変わりますので、少しお待ち下さい
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I'll fetch my mum.

  • I will hand you over to (name)

In this situation you can say you will hand the person over to the person they want to speak to. The "hand over" refers to the act of handing the phone over. You can also say you will "fetch" the person, which refers to going to find them and bringing them the telephone.
この場面では「hand A over to B」が使えます。「hand over」は、電話を渡すことを表します。 ほかに「fetch」も使えます。これは、その人を呼んできて、電話に出させることを言います。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Hold on, I'll give you to my mom.

"Hold on" is the way to tell someone on the phone that you would like them to wait for a moment. "I'll give you to..." is a way to pass the phone off to someone else. I hope that this helps :)
「Hold on(お待ちください)」は、電話で相手に少し待ってもらいたい時に使います。 「I'll give you to...(...に代わります)」は、他の人に電話を代わる時に使います。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Hang on a sec, I'll get my mom.

  • Hold on a sec, I'll get my mom.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you will get the person they wanted to talk to. In the first sentence you will see the term hang on a sec and in the second sentence you will see the term hold on a sec. Both of these terms mean you want your listener to wait momentarily. These terms are appropriate for informal settings.
上記どちらの例を使っても、母親にかわりますと伝えることができます。 一つ目の例では'hang on a sec'、二つ目の例では'hold on a sec'がそれぞれ使われています。これらはどちらも「少し待ってください」という意味です。これらはインフォーマルな場面で使われます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Hold on a minute, let me call her

  • This is not her, but let me call her for you

If you answer the phone and the person calling would like to speak with someone else (in this case your Mom) then you can use any of these sentences to indicate to the person that you will call the person they want to come to the phone: 1. Hold on a minute, let me call her for you. 2. This is not her, but let me call her for you. Both these sentences will let the person know that they should wait on the line until they speak to the person they want
電話に出て相手が自分以外の人(この場合、母親)と話したい場合に、これらの文が使えます: 1. Hold on a minute, let me call her for you.(少々お待ちください。呼んできます) 2. This is not her, but let me call her for you.(私ではありません。今呼んできます) どちらの例でも、その人を呼んでくる間、電話を切らずに待つよう伝えています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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