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2018/06/08 15:28
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  • America is 25 times the size of Japan, but has one-tenth of the population density.

  • America is about 25 times bigger than Japan, but has one-tenth of the population density.

「アメリカは日本の25倍デカイ、でも人口密度は10分の1」は英語ではこのようです。 America is 25 times the size of Japan, but has one-tenth of the population density. America is about 25 times bigger than Japan, but has one-tenth of the population density. 「人口密度」→ population density 「10分の1」→ one-tenth、10% 例文 America is 19 times the size of Spain. アメリカはスペインの19倍デカイ。 Japan is about the same size as California. 日本はスペインとほぼ同じサイズです。 Russia is about 45 times bigger than Japan. ロシアは日本の45倍広いです。 America has one-tenth of the population density of Japan. アメリカは日本の10分の1の人口密度です。 ご参考までに。
  • The land mass of the US is 25 times greater than Japan's, and it's population density is only 10% of Japan's.

If you are giving statistics about a country and its population and land area, you can do it in the form of the example sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The USA is 25 times the size of Japan, but its population density is one tenth of that of Japan's.

  • Japan is 1/25th (one twenty-fifth) of the size of the USA, but the population is ten times more dense.

  • Japan fits into the USA 25 times, but the USA's population density is 1/10 (one tenth) of that of Japan.

"The United States of America" has many names—"The United States", "The USA", "The US", or simply "America". "Times" means "multiply". If I say "The United States is 25 times the size of Japan", and Japan is 377,972 km² , that means the total land area of The United States is equal to 377,972 km² * 25. We can use "but" to connect two contrasting facts, especially when the second fact is unexpected. "But" is an excellent way to connect the fact about total land area and the fact about population density. "Population density" refers to the quantity of people in a specific area. If there are a lot of people in a city, that city is said to have a "high population density". A fun way of comparing the size of two countries is to say how many times you could fit one country into another country's total land area. For example "The United States of America is so big! Did you know that you could fit Japan into America 25 times?"
「アメリカ」はたくさんの英語名があります。「The United States」、「The USA」、「The US」、または単純に「America」と言います。 「Times」は「掛け算をする」という意味です。「アメリカは日本の25倍の大きさです。」で、日本が377,972km²ならば、アメリカの国土面積は377,972km²×25になります。 「but」は、2つの対照的な事実を、特に2つ目の事実が予期しないものだったときに使います。「But」は国土面積と人口密度をつなげるときに使える最適な言葉です。 「population density = 人口密度」はある特定の地域内にいる人口です。ある都市に多くの人が居住していれば、その都市は「high population density = 人口密度が高い」と言えます。 2国のサイズを比較する楽しい方法は、一国がもう一国の国土に何回含められるかを数えることです。例えば、 The United States of America is so big! Did you know that you could fit Japan into America 25 times? (アメリカはとても大きいです!日本がアメリカに25回入るって知ってた?)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • The United States has 25 times more land than Japan yet only one tenth of its population density.

You want to make sure that you say the United States or USA because America could be all of North America and you want to make sure that your listener understands that you are talking about the country. The word "yet" shows the contrast between the fact that there is so much more land but so much less population density. I hope that this helps :)
「America」は北米全体を指すことがあるので、アメリカ合衆国を指していると分かるように「the United States」または「the USA」と言いましょう。 「yet」は、国土はずっと広いのに人口密度ははるかに低いことを対照的に表します。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The US is 25 times larger than Japan, but it only has one tenth (1/10) of its population density

  • The US is 25 times bigger than Japan, yet the density of its population is only one tenth that of Japan.

The adjectives "larger" or "bigger" are synonymous. They can be used when referring to the size of the United States. The expressions "yet" or "but" indicate that there is a comparison being made. The expressions "population density" and "density of population" are also synonymous.
"larger" と "bigger" は同義語です。これらはアメリカ合衆国の大きさについて言う時に使えます。 "yet" または "but" は、そこから対照的な事柄を述べることを表します。 "population density"(人口密度)と "density of population" は同じ意味です。
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • The USA is twenty-five times larger than Japan, but has one-tenth of Japan's population.

The USA is twenty-five times larger than Japan is referring to the physical size of the country. With the area of Japan times 25 equal to the area of the USA. Population is the number of people. This means that Japan has ten times the amount of people than America. We use 'but' because the we would assume that the bigger the area of a country is, the more people there will be there, so we use 'but' as it contrasts what we would think.
"The USA is twenty-five times larger than Japan"(アメリカは日本よりも25倍大きい) では、アメリカの面積について言っています。日本の25倍の大きさということ。 "Population" とは、人の数をいいます。ここでは、日本の人口がアメリカの10倍と言っています。 普通に考えると面積が大きければ大きいほど人口も多くなります。"But" が使われるのはそのためです。"But" は当然と見られることとの対比を表します。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • America is 25 times larger than Japan but has one tenth population desity

  • America has one tenth of the population density of Japan but is 25 times larger

population density is the amount of people (population ) that stay in an area of land (people per square km of land) If a place is bigger than another it is also said to be 'larger'
population density' はある地域の人口の密集度をいいます(1平方キロメートル当たりの人口)。 ある場所が別の場所よりも大きいなら、それは 'larger' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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