If you are concerned about your speaking ability, and you want your teacher to understand then its perfectly fine to just say you are not a confident speaker, which is why your sentences are short. Most teachers will be understanding of this, as it is a common situation they will experience all the time. A simple apology and explanation is all that is needed if you feel uncomfortable about it.
「ぶっきらぼうな」は blunt がいいです。
直接的には my way of speaking is blunt ということになりますが、自分でそうしようとしているわけではないので、「そう聞こえたら」ごめんねという意味で、
I'm sorry my way of speaking may sound terribly blunt
I'm afraid my way of speaking sounds terribly blunt
my English is not so good
くらいで、for my poor English などとあまり謙遜し過ぎない方がいいです。
I'm trying to improve
"My English is terrible, but I am working on making it better."
"Please pardon my English, I know it's not good but I am working on it."
"I'm working on improving my English so please forgive me if I say something wrong."
"If you hear me say something the wrong way, please let me know. I am working on having better English."
"I'm sorry my English isn't very good. I am working on it though."
"My English is terrible, but I am working on making it better."
"Please pardon my English, I know it's not good but I am working on it."
"I'm working on improving my English so please forgive me if I say something wrong."
"If you hear me say something the wrong way, please let me know. I am working on having better English."
"I'm sorry my English isn't very good. I am working on it though."
Reminding the listener that you are still learning will help them to understand as well as you explain why you speak the way you do. You could add an apology such as 'Sorry.' which may be more polite.
Using the phrase 'come across rude,' meaning how the listener may view what I am saying but is not truly what my intentions are.
I would say its a more informal reminder that sentences when not properly said, can be seen as rudely or bluntly said. Of course the speaker could be speaking very pointedly or direct, but this can come across as rude, if not spoken with the correct tone.
ここでは、まだ英語を勉強中であることに触れて、なぜそのような話し方になってしまうのか相手に説明しています。'Sorry' などと謝罪を加えと、より丁寧になるかもしれません。
'come across rude' は自分の言ったことが誤解されることを表します。
I'm sorry if my sentences come out a bit blunt.
This sentence apologizes for the way you're speaking. The teacher will understand it is due to your English level not being very high, and they will be understanding.
Please excuse my frank way of speaking, I'm still trying to improve my English.
This gives a bit more context to why you're speaking so frankly or bluntly.
Hope this helps!
I'm sorry if my sentences come out a bit blunt.(文章がぶっきらぼうに聞こえたらごめんなさい)
Please excuse my frank way of speaking, I'm still trying to improve my English.(ぶっきらぼうな話し方ですみません、まだ英語を勉強中なので)
When learning a language it is hard to understand how to speak sentences sometimes without coming across as rude or blunt/short with someone so you could explain this by 'sorry if I am blunt, i'm trying to improve my English'
'Sorry if I am blunt, I'm trying to improve my English'
If, during an online English lesson. you want to apologize for your "blunt" way of speaking English because you are not very good at English yet want to improve, then the above suggested statement may suffice. However, when anyone starts tp learn a new language, there is a period when it is difficult to construct new sentences accurately. This is not something to apologise for. You are on a learning curve!
To get to grips with something = to start to be able to understand or use something.
To get to grips with something = 理解できるようになる/使えるようになる
"I Apologize If I come across rude, I'm still trying to improve my English"
To 'Apologize' often refers to being sorry for something that you may or may had not of done, usually a more formal and polite way of saying sorry.
"I Apologize If I come across rude, I'm still trying to improve my English"(ぶっきらぼうに聞こえたらすみません。まだ英語を勉強中なので)
'Apologize' は、何かをしたことや、しなかったことについて謝罪する表現です。'Sorry' よりも丁寧でフォーマルです。