「電磁波」= electromagnetic waves/radio waves
「発がん性物質」= carcinogen/carcinogenic substance
「小児白血病」= childhood leukaemia
「がん」 = cancer
「因果関係」= causal relationship
「障害児出産」= give birth to disabled child
「流産」= miscarriage
「電磁波による影響」= the effects of elecrtomagnetic waves
「発がん性物質を発生させやすくする」= can make substances more carcinogenic
「小児白血病やがんとの因果関係がある」= there is a causal relationship between electromagnetic waves and childhood leukaemia and other cancers
「脳に悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある」= there is a possibility that electromagnetic waves have a negative impact on the brain
「コンピューターを使用している人を中心に障害児出産や流産が多発している」= those who regularly use computers are at higher risk of having miscarriage or giving birth to disabled children (having children with birth defects)
「携帯電話の電波によってペースメーカー・医療機器が誤作動してしまう」= the waves emitted from mobile phones can cause pacemakers and other medical devices to malfunction
The effects of electromagnetic waves can include the following
日本語の「電磁波による影響」が英語で「the effects of electromagnetic waves」という意味です。使い方が以下のようです。
The effects of electromagnetic waves can include the following:
Increased risk of carcinogens
Linked to increased rates of childhood leukaemia and cancer
Adverse effects on the brain
Complications with births, miscarriages and birth defects, especially in people who frequently use computers
Disruptions to pacemakers and other medical devices