My skill/talent is to make any woman fall in love with me.
Give me ten minutes and I can make half the women in East Asia happy.
I'm the kind of guy who can make women sigh with happiness.
「私の特技は、どんな女の子をおとせることだよ」= My skill/talent is to make any woman fall in love with me.
「10分あれば、東アジアの半分の女の子をしあわせにできる。ため息の出るくらいいい男だよ。」= Give me ten minutes and I can make half the women in East Asia happy. I'm the kind of guy who can make women sigh with happiness.
「あと、私の特技はどんな商品でも売ることができることだよ。」= My other talent is that I can sell anything.
「会社で、セールスは一番だったよ。」= I was the top salesman at my company.
「俺のあそこの毛も売れる自信がある。」= I'm confident I could even sell my body hair if I had to.