世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/06/12 09:33
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  • I don't think that I can improve my English any further.

  • I don't think my English skills will get any better.

  • I don't think my English skills will progress any further.

To improve" means to make something better than it was before. We can improve an object, and we can improve our skills in something. "To progress" is another way to say "to improve". It means "to develop towards a more advanced level".
"To improve"(良くする/上達する)とは前よりも何かが良くなる/上達するというような意味になります。 何か物を"improve"(よくする)ことも出来るし、何かのスキルなどを"improve"(上達する)ことも出来ます。 "To progress" (進歩/向上)とは "to improve"のもう一つの言い方になります。 これは"to develop towards a more advanced level"(もっと上級レベルに発展/発達する)という様な意味になります。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I feel I’m not talented enough to improve my English skill more.

I feel I’m not talented enough to improve my English skill more. 「英語力をもっとあげるには限界を感じています。」 be talented enough to do: 〜するには充分才能がある ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I feel I've reached my limit; in terms of learning English

When you feel that you can no longer continue or progress with something, you would use the phrase 'reached your limit'.
これ以上継続できない、または進歩しないと感じてる場合、reached my limit(限界に達した)というフレーズが使えるでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like I've hit/reached my limit and won't progress any further.

  • I think I've reached my potential in English.

When we say we have hit our limit, we mean we don't see anyway to progress, either from exhaustion or we feel like we aren't competent enough. A more formal expression is 'reached my potential' - you don't feel like you will get any better, you have done the best you can.
we have hit our limitとは、何かが尽きたり、十分な能力がないと感じたりして、それ以上進歩していく先が見えないことを意味します。 よりフォーマルな表現は、 'reached my potential' です。それ以上よくなる気がせず、全力を尽くしたということです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I feel I have reached a plateau in my English learning

After a period of rapid learning - as when first acquiring a new language -there may be a period when improvement is not as quick or noticeable as before. This is known as a 'plateau' in your learning.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am unsure that my English can be any further improved.

This expresses that you are doubtful about whether or not your English level can improve. From here you can explain to your teacher why you think that is, whether it be that you have studied English for many years or you are not strong at speaking or whatever reason you have. I hope that this helps :)
このフレーズは、自分の英語が上達するかどうか確信が持てないということを表しています。 この後で、なぜそのように思うのか、先生に説明できます。例えば、長年英語を勉強してきたとか、話すのがあまり得意でないとか。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I think that I will not be able to improve my English level more than it is now.

  • I think that this English level is the best that I can do.

These sentences show that you think that you've reached your limit and are at your maximum capability.
Stef H DMM英会話講師
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