世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/06/16 22:35
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  • Which team do you think will make it to the finals?

  • Who do you think will get to the finals?

  • Which country do you think will play in the finals?

(1) Which team do you think will make it to the finals? 'which team' =「どのチーム」 'make it to ~'=「〜に上がる」「〜にたどり着く」 'finals' = 「決勝」 「どのチームが決勝に上がると思う?」 (2) Who do you think will get to the finals? 'who' = 「誰」 ’get to' = 「〜にたどり着く」 「誰が決勝に出ると思う?」 (3) Which country do you think will play in the finals? 'which country' =「どの国」 'play in the finals' = 「決勝に出場する」 「どの国が決勝に出場すると思う?」
  • Who do you think the two finalists will be?

If you want to know someone's opinion about something, you can enquire: "Who/what/where/when/how do you think..........?" Eg "How do you think we will be able to get home at 2am?"
何かについて誰かの意見を聞きたいときは、  "Who/what/where/when/how do you think..........?" だれ/なに/どこ/いつ/どう…思いますか? を使って聞くといいでしょう。 例: "How do you think we will be able to get home at 2am?" 午前二時に帰るにはどうすればいいと思う?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who do you think will make it to the final?

It may not be grammatically correct to refer to a football team as 'who' instead of 'which', but it is a very common way of asking this question.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Which team do you think will go all the way?

  • Who do you think will be in the finals?

  • Who do you think the final two teams will be?

An informal way to say a team will be in the grand final is to say that they will "go all the way". We can also refer to the teams that make it to the finals as "the final two". Unfortunately, the team we want to go all the way to the finals is not always our favourite team!
they will go all the wayは、あるチームが優勝決定戦に上がるという日常的な言い方です。優勝決定戦に出場するチームをthe final twoとも言います。 残念ながら、優勝決定戦に進んでほしいチームは、いつもが私達の好きなチームではありません!
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Who do you think is going play in the final?

  • Who do you think is going make it to the finals?

  • Who do you think the World Cup final is going to be against?

"Who do you think is going play in the final?" "Who do you think is going make it to the finals? " "Who do you think the World Cup final is going to be against? " All of these questions ask the same thing, and looking at the same answer. For example: "Who do you think the World Cup final is going to be against? " - "Personally, I think it's going to be England vs Germany." - Normally the two teams are joined with either 'vs' or simple 'v'. Top tip! Try not to use the word "soccer" in Europe as it is American English. Simply use "football" as with some people, football is classed as kind of like a religion and they get very offended with the word "soccer".
Who do you think is going play in the final? 決勝戦でどこが戦うと思う? Who do you think is going make it to the finals? どこが決勝戦に進むと思う? Who do you think the World Cup final is going to be against? ワールドカップの決勝戦は、どこが戦うと思う? 3つの質問は、全て同じことを聞いていて、同じ答えが返ってくるでしょう。 例: "Who do you think the World Cup final is going to be against?" 「ワールドカップの決勝戦は、どこが戦うと思う?」 "Personally, I think it's going to be England vs Germany." 「個人的には、イギリス対ドイツになると思う。」 通常、2つのチームは、vs、またはvで戦います。 最上位のお役立ち情報! "soccer"という単語は、アメリカ英語なのでヨーロッパでは使わないでください。"football"とだけ言って下さい。一部の人の間ではfootballは宗教のように扱われていて、"soccer"という言葉に気分を害します。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Which soccer team do you think will make it to the finals?

  • Which team do you think will make it to the finals in the soccer world cup?

When you want to know someone's opinion about something, you can ask them directly like in the two question sentence examples. You need to always remember to specify what you are asking. In this instance, you want to know about soccer teams so it is important to remember to use the word "soccer" in your question so that the person whom you are asking, knows how to respond to your question.
人に意見を尋ねるときは、上の二つの例文のように単刀直入な言い方ができます。 質問は具体的に聞かないといけません。この場合は、サッカーチームについて聞くわけですから、それが相手に伝わるように "soccer" という言葉を文に含める必要があります。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Which team do you think will win tonight?

  • Which two teams do you think will go head to head in the finals?

  • Which team do you think might make it to the final?

The finals are the end stage of the world cup. When asking for someone's opinion on what might happen, you can use the sentences above. "Which" points to the fact that there is more than one. "Do you think" suggests asking for an opinion Head to head: two teams competing "Which team do you think will win the world cup?" "Which team do you think will make it to the end of the game?"
The finals'(決勝)はワールドカップの最後のステージのことです。 これについて相手の意見を尋ねたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Which" は選択肢が複数あることを示します。 "Do you think" は人に意見を尋ねる言い方です。 Head to head: 相対する二つのチーム "Which team do you think will win the world cup?"(どちらのチームがワールドカップを取ると思いますか) "Which team do you think will make it to the finals?"(どちらのチームが決勝に残ると思いますか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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