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2018/06/17 01:22
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  • My apologies for being late!

  • I am sorry for arriving late!

"My apologies for being late!" This is a more formal way of saying you are sorry. Apologies - this is an acknowledgment that you were at fault. You were to blame because you came late. "I am sorry for arriving late!" Arriving - Coming to a location, such as a party, meeting, dinner, etc. You could also say "I'm sorry to be late I was held up." Held up - to be kept back, not be able to get where you need to be. For example.... "I was held up in traffic." "We were held up by the thunderstorm."
"My apologies for being late!" 遅くなって[申し訳ありません](。 これは申し訳なく思っていることを伝えるよりフォーマルな表現です。   Apologies - 自分が悪いことを[謝る](という意味です。[遅刻](したので自分は責められるべきということです。   "I am sorry for arriving late!" 遅刻してすみません! Arriving - パーティーや、ミーティング、ディナーなどの場所に着くこと   以下のようにも言うことができます。 "I'm sorry to be late I was held up." 立往生していて遅刻してすみません。 Held up - 立往生して、行くべきところに行けないこと  "I was held up in traffic." 渋滞で立往生した。 "We were held up by the thunderstorm." 雷雨で立往生した。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry for being late

  • My apologies for my late arrival.

  • I am running late

When you have a specific time to be at an appointment and you have not arrived on time, you can say this. The second answer is more formal, more business like. The last is less formal could also be "I was running late"
ある[予約](の時間が決まっていて、[時間通り](に着かなかったときは、このように言うことができます。 二つ目の例は、さらにフォーマルでビジネスの場で使うような表現です。 最後の例は、それほどフォーマルではなく、"I was running late"(予定より遅れていました)とすることもできます。
Clive W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for being late!

  • Sorry for arriving late!

  • Sorry I'm late!

As we know, we can't always know what will happen. Sometimes, we try to leave on time and because of different circumstances or problems, we arrive late somewhere. So it is important to apologize if something like this happens. There are a few different ways we can apologize about being late: 1) "Sorry for being late!" 2) "Sorry for arriving late!" 3) "Sorry I'm late!" These all have very similar meanings and can be used interchangeably.
ご存知の通り、常には何が起こるか予測することはできません。時々、時間通りに家を出ても、様々な状況や問題で、遅く到着することはありえます。そのような場合には、謝罪することが重要です。 1) "Sorry for being late!" 2) "Sorry for arriving late!" 3) "Sorry I'm late!" (遅れてすみません。) これらは全てほとんど同様の意味で使うことができます。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • The traffic was terrible, sorry!

  • My alarm didn't go off, sorry!

  • I'm feeling ill, sorry!

Well, an apology without an explanation is a little like fish without chips. There is something missing. So always give an explanation if you are late - even if it isn't true!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry i'm late

  • Sorry for being late

  • My apologies for being late

If you want to say you are sorry then you can also use 'My apologises' it means you are apologising or are sorry for something So you could say 'Sorry, I'm late' or 'Sorry for being late' this means you didn't mean it to happen and are sorry about it. You could also say 'My apologies for being late' meaning the same thing
Sorry'の代わりに、'My apologises'も使えます。謝るときのフレーズです。 例えば、 'Sorry, I'm late'(遅れてごめんなさい) または、 'Sorry for being late'(遅れてごめんなさい) と言えます。これは、故意ではなかったこと、また申し訳なく思っていることを表します。 ほかに、 'My apologies for being late'(遅れてすみません) と言うこともできます。同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse me for being late

  • Sorry, I was held up

  • Apologies for being late

"Please excuse me for being late" - This is a more formal way of saying 'Sorry I'm late'. "Sorry, I was held up" - This phrase can be used if a person gets stuck in traffic or has a difficult commute to their appointment or meeting. "Apologies for being late" - Again, this is more formal way of saying 'Sorry I'm late'. This could be used when addressing a superior.
"Please excuse me for being late" 遅刻してすみません。 これは、遅刻してすみませんというよりフォーマルな表現です。   "Sorry, I was held up" ごめんなさい、立往生していた。 これは、渋滞にはまったり、予定やミーティングなどに行くことが困難であることを意味するフレーズです。   "Apologies for being late" 遅刻して申し訳ありません。 これも、遅刻してすみませんという意味のよりフォーマルな表現です。目上の人に話すときに使います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse my tardiness.

  • I am profusely sorry for being late.

  • Please forgive my lack of punctuality and thank you for your patience.

There are many ways to apologize for one's lateness. You may make use of any of the following expressions; Please excuse my tardiness. I am profusely sorry for being late. Please forgive my lack of punctuality. Please excuse my late arrival, I promise it will not happen again. Please forgive me for delaying you and thank you for your patience. It is of crucial importance that one apologize first for being late and also polite to thank the person waiting for his or her patience. keywords: tardiness: lateness profusely: To a great degree.
遅延について謝罪する多くの言い方があります。以下の表現を使うことができます; Please excuse my tardiness. I am profusely sorry for being late. Please forgive my lack of punctuality. (遅れてすみません。) Please excuse my late arrival, I promise it will not happen again. (遅れてすみません。二度と遅れないようにします。) Please forgive me for delaying you and thank you for your patience. (遅れてすみません。待っていてくれてありがとうございます。) 最初に遅れたことを謝罪することが極めて重要で、丁寧に待っていてくれたことに感謝することもできます。 キーワード: tardiness: 遅刻 profusely: 過度に、しきりに
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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