unforgiving tendencies
vengeful tendencies
vindictive tendencies
「日本には心霊スポットが多いし、 心霊体験する人が割と多い。
There are many haunted places, and quite a few people have spiritual experiences in Japan. I guess one of the reasons is Japanese people's vindictive tendencies. If people wound someone deep in their soul, it may appear in the shape of a spirit.
Japanese tend to be insistent which can be one of the reasons why there are many haunted places in Japan, I suppose.
Japanese people aren't good at letting go of the past which may be the reason why there are so many haunted places in Japan.
傾向がある=tend to be 、執念深い、何かをずっと強烈に欲しがるなど=insistent
粘っこい性格、執念深い、感じの人をStickyと言います。She is a little sticky that way. 「そんな風に、彼女はちょっと鬱陶しい人なの」
断捨離みたいに過去を水に流すことをLet goと言います。
She wouldn't let go of the past. 「彼女は過去を手放さないのよ。」
I guess their curse on someone turns into a ghost.
There are a large number of haunted places in Japan and quite many people experience something haunting.