世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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emiko yamadaさん
2018/06/18 15:39
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  • Is my writing correct?

  • Do I need to correct anything in my writing?

"Is my writing correct?" Writing - you could change this sentence to ask, "Is my sentence correct? "Is my spelling correct?" "Is my word usage correct?" "Do I need to correct anything in my writing?" With this sentence, you are asking your teacher if there is anything you need correct or fix anything in your writing. Now, your writing could be an email, letter, report, or just a few short answers for a class worksheet.
例文 "Is my writing correct?" 私の[文章](は合っていますか? Writing - この文章は"Is my sentence correct?(私の文章は合っていますか) "、"Is my spelling correct?"(私の[綴り](は合っていますか) "Is my word usage correct?"(私の言葉の使い方は合っていますか?) と変えて尋ねることが出来ます。 例文 "Do I need to correct anything in my writing?" 私の文章で直す必要があるところがありますか? この文で、書いた文章で何か直したり、修正する必要があるかどうかを先生に尋ねています。 あなたが書いた文章とは、メール、手紙、レポート、又は授業の課題の短い答えが数個だけかもしれません。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Is my written work correct?

  • Does my written work seem OK to you?

You would like your tutor to check what you have written for errors, issues of style and appropriate vocabulary.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is my sentence correct?

  • Did I write this correctly?

  • Does this sound natural?

Each question will basically get you the same answer. Asking if something sounds natural will get you, not always the exact grammar, but the most common way to speak.
どの質問をしても、基本的には同じ答えが返ってくるでしょう。 文章が自然かどうか尋ねれば、必ずしも文法的には正確ではないかもしれませんが、最もよく使われる言い方を教えてもらえるでしょう。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • Does my writing sound natural?

  • Is my composition correct?

(1) Does my writing sound natural? / Does my writing sound correct? 'writing' = 文章 'sound ~' = 「聞いてみると・読んでみると〜のように思われる 「私が書いた文章は自然ですか?」「私の文章は合っていますか?」 (2) Is my composition correct? / Is my composition natural? 'composition' = 「文章」 「訂正お願いします」 (1) I would appreciate it if you could provide me with feedback 'appreciate' = 「ありがたく思う」 'provide' =「与える」 'feedback' = 「意見」「感想」 「意見や感想をもらえたら嬉しいです」というニュアンスの訳出です。 (2) Could you please help me make some corrections if needed? 'could you please ~' = 「〜して頂けますか?」 'make corrections' = 「間違えをなおす」「訂正」 'if needed' = 「必要な場合」 「訂正が必要なようであれば直していただけますか?」
  • Does what I have written make sense?

  • Is what I have written correct?

  • Can you read my writing?

"Does what I have written make sense?" - This is a direct but formal way of saying "Is my writing correct?". "Is what I have written correct?" - This is another formal way of saying "Is my writing correct?". "Can you read my writing?" - This question could be asking two things. It could either be asking about the grammar and composition or it could be asking if the reader can actually read the writers style of handwriting.
例文 "Does what I have written make sense?" 私が書いた文章は意味が分かりますか? 「私の文章が正しいか?」という意味の直接的ですが、フォーマルな表現です。 例文 "Is what I have written correct?" 私の文章は正しいですか? 「私の文章が正しいか?」という意味のフォーマルな別の表現です。 例文 "Can you read my writing?" 私の文章は読めますか? この質問は、2つのことを尋ねている可能性があります。文章の文法や文章の組み立てについて尋ねているか、読み手が、書き手の筆跡を実際に読むことが出来るかを尋ねているかのどちらかです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please check if my grammar is okay?

  • Can you please proofread what I've written?

  • I"d like you to proofread this for me.

When you're asking someone to check if you've written something correctly, then you may ask in the following ways: -Can you please check if my grammar is okay? -Can you please proofread what I've written? -I"d like you to proofread this for me. -Could you please check if what I've written is okay?
自分が書いたものが正しいかチェックしてもらいたいなら、以下のように言えます: Can you please check if my grammar is okay? (私の文法が正しいかチェックしてもらえますか?) Can you please proofread what I've written? (文章をチェックしてもらえますか?) I"d like you to proofread this for me. (これをチェックしてもらいたいです。) Could you please check if what I've written is okay? (文章が正しいかチェックしてもらえますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you proofread this (word/sentence/paragraph)

Proofread means to check written or printed materials for any errors that need to be corrected.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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