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2018/06/20 12:34
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  • I don’t have Japanese citizenship, but I feel that I’m Japanese.

  • But I identify as a Japanese person.

  • But I’m culturally Japanese.

俺もそう思ってるけど、誰も信じてくれないね。 まぁ、アメリカでこういう話しが多いですね。いろんな文化があるから I’m not American but having gone to American school, I feel like an American. 「アメリカ人ではないけどアメリカの学校に通いました。だからアメリカ人だと思っています。」
  • I don't have Japanese nationality but I feel I am Japanese

You may be an American citizen yet have Japanese parents. Of course, your culture and family history would be Japanese although you are on paper, an American.
アメリカ国籍だけど両親が日本人ということなのかもしれませんね。 紙の上ではアメリカ人でしょうが、文化・家系は日本ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My ethnicity is Japanese

  • I have Japanese ancestry

  • My heritage is Japanese

If your family is of Japanese descent, but you were born somewhere else you might say something like "I am ethnically Japanese", "I have Japanese family history", or "My background is Japanese". "Ethnic groups" are groups of people who share things like a nation, languages, culture, history, or ethnicity. If you look Japanese but are not in Japan, sometimes people will ask "Where are you originally from?". You may say, "I am a (your nationality) citizen, but my family is originally from Japan.".
家族は日系だけど生まれは別の場所という人は、例えば: "I have Japanese family history"(私は日本人の家系です) または、 "My background is Japanese"(日本人の家系です) と言えます。 「Ethnic group」は、国、言葉、文化、歴史、民族性などを共有するグループを言います。 外見は日本人で日本以外の国にいると: "Where are you originally from?"(元々はどこの出身ですか?) と尋ねられることがあるかもしれません。そんな時は: "I am a (your nationality) citizen, but my family is originally from Japan." (私の国籍は~ですが、私の家族は日本の出身です) と答えられます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I’m not Japanese, but my heart is Japanese.

I’m not Japanese, but my heart is Japanese. 私は日本人ではないけれど、心は日本人です。 わざわざ「国籍」と言わなくても Japanese と言えば国籍のことだと分かります。
  • I'm not native Japanese but I feel like I am!

To feel like you are, is to be completely and fully immersed in something. For example: "When I sing, I feel like I am music itself!" "I feel like I am flying because I am so happy" "I feel like I am the luckiest person alive!"
feel like I amは、完全にすっかり何かに浸ってるということです。 例: When I sing, I feel like I am music itself! 歌うと、音楽そのもののように感じます! I feel like I am flying because I am so happy. 私はとても幸せだから、飛んでるように感じます。 I feel like I am the luckiest person alive! 私は、地球上で一番幸運な人のように感じます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I am not originally from Japan, yet I feel like I am Japanese at heart.

  • I think I am Japanese even though I was not born there.

"I am not originally from Japan, yet I feel like I am Japanese at heart.' This tells you that said person feels deeply that they are Japanese even though they are not from Japan. ''I think I am Japanese even though I was not born there.'' This expression lets you know that said person feels that they are Japanese, no matter where they are from.
"I am not originally from Japan, yet I feel like I am Japanese at heart.' (もともと日本の出身ではないけれども、私は日本人だと思っています。) 日本で生まれてはいないけれど、日本人だと心から思っていることが伝わります。 ''I think I am Japanese even though I was not born there.'' (ここで生まれたわけではないけど、私は日本人だと思っています。) どこで生まれたかは関係なく、「自分は日本人だと思う」ということを表現しています。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I am so in tune with the Japanese culture and people that I consider myself Japanese even though I do not have a Japanese citizenship

  • I don't have a Japanese citizenship but I consider myself a Japanese person

When you want to explain that you are not originally from Japan but consider yourself a Japanese person, then you can say: -I am so in tune with the Japanese culture and people that I consider myself Japanese even though I do not have a Japanese citizenship -I don't have a Japanese citizenship but I consider myself a Japanese person -I'm not originally from Japan but I consider myself a Japanese person.
自分は日本出身ではないが、自分のことを日本人だと思っているということを伝えるときのフレーズです。  -I am so in tune with the Japanese culture and people that I consider myself Japanese even though I do not have a Japanese citizenship 日本の市民権はもっていないけれど、日本の文化と人があっていて、自分のことを日本人だと思っています。 -I don't have a Japanese citizenship but I consider myself a Japanese person 日本の市民権はもっていないけど、自分のことを日本人だと思っています。 -I'm not originally from Japan but I consider myself a Japanese person. 元々日本出身ではないが、自分のことを日本人だと思っています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have Japanese citizenship, but I still consider myself Japanese.

  • I identify as a Japanese person, despite not having Japanese citizenship.

To explain that you consider yourself Japanese, even though your citizenship is not Japanese, you can say: "I don't have Japanese citizenship, but I still consider myself Japanese." "I identify myself as a Japanese person, despite not having Japanese citizenship."
「国籍は日本ではないけど私は自分を日本人だと思っている」は次のように言えます。 "I don't have Japanese citizenship, but I still consider myself Japanese."(国籍は日本ではありませんが、私は自分のことを日本人だと思っています) "I identify myself as a Japanese person, despite not having Japanese citizenship."(私は日本国籍ではありませんが日本人を名乗っています)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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