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歌が得意は、I'm good at songs/singing songs? ダンスが得意は、I'm good at dance?/dancing? どちらでしょうか?
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mami fujiwaraさん
2018/06/21 16:33
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  • I’m a good singer and dancer.

  • I’m good at singing and dancing.

  • I love singing and dancing.

❶I’m a good singer and dancer. と、 ❷I’m good at singing and dancing. (私は歌とダンスが得意)という意味です。 ❸I love singing and dancing. (私は歌とダンスが大好きだ)。 I’m a good singer. (私は上手なシンガーだ)。 I’m good at singing. (私は歌が得意だ)。 I’m a good dancer. (私は上手なダンサーだ)。 I’m good at dancing. (私はダンスが得意だ)。
  • I'm a good singer and dancer

  • I'm a great singer and dancer!

  • I love singing and dancing!

Well, if you are a modest person, the third example sentence may be best for you. You may be 'good' but in the UK, 'good' is not very enthusiastic. If you are confident and enthusiastic and better than average, then you are actually a 'great' singer!
謙虚な人なら、三番目がベストでしょう。 「good(上手な)」なのかもしれませんが、イギリスでは「good」だとあまり気持ちが伝わりません。自信があって、熱心で、他の人よりうまいのであれば、「great」を使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am great at singing and dancing.

  • I love to sing and dance, and I am very good at it.

  • I am very talented at singing and dancing.

When you are very good at something, you can say that you are "gifted" or "talented" at it. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about our talents, as people may think we are being boastful or that we are not humble.
何かがとても得意なことを、才能があるという意味の "gifted" や"talented" を使います。 人は、自慢したがりと思ったり、謙虚でないと思ったりするかもしれないので、自分の才能のことを話すのは時に難しいかもしれません。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I am good at performing

A performer is a person that is good at acts such as singing and dancing, or other forms of entertainment.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm talented at both singing and dancing!

"To be talented at" means to be good at something specific. In your case, you are talented at singing and dancing. I added the word "both" in to emphasize that you are good at both singing AND dancing. I hope that this helps :)
"To be talented at" とは、ある特定のものが得意という意味です。この場合、あなたは、歌とダンスが得意ということです。 歌も、ダンスも得意ということを強調するために"both"(両方とも)という言葉を付け加えました。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I am good at singing/dancing

  • I'm a good singer and dancer

If you are good at doing something then you can simply say 'i am good at singing and dancing' if you want to describe what you are good at doing then you would say 'i'm a good singer and dancer' meaning that you actually do that thing and are good at it
自分の特技について伝えるときは、”I'm good at xx"(○○が得意です)と言います。 例:”I'm good at singing and dancing"(私は歌と踊りが得意です。) ”I'm a good singer and dancer"は「私は歌が上手に歌えて、踊りも上手に踊れます」と意訳します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am great at singing and dancing.

  • I'm good at singing and dancing, I'm a double threat!

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you are good at singing and dancing. In the second sentence you will see the term double threat. This means you are very good at two separate things. This is a term that is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、自分は歌とダンスが得意だと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二文目では「double threat」という表現に気づくでしょう。これは、二つの異なることを得意としていることを表します。この表現は、親友や家族と話す時などインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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