Karage is a technique for preparing several kinds of meat. The process involves lightly coating pieces of chicken with flour/starch and seasoning. The coated chicken is then deep fried. Japanese fried chicken may be eaten as an appetizer or a main dish.
"Japanese fried chicken"(から揚げ)は前菜やメインディッシュとして食べらますね。
fried chicken = フライドチキン
Japanese = 日本の
Karaage is like a type of Japanese fried chicken.
When you want to talk about Japanese style fried chicken "karaage", then you can call it "Japanese fried chicken". Then you can maybe explain how it's made. List a few ingredients that may be used and the process of frying it. For example: To make Japanese fried chicken, you will need flour, spices and cooking oil. First, you have to make batter with the spices and flour, then dip your chicken to fry in hot cooking oil.
日本式のフライドチキン「唐揚げ」のことを言いたいときは、"Japanese fried chicken"ということができます。
To make Japanese fried chicken, you will need flour, spices and cooking oil. First, you have to make batter with the spices and flour, then dip your chicken to fry in hot cooking oil.
Karaage' is a Japanese fried meat (usually chicken) which you cover in flour and deep fry in oil
We would call this 'Japanese fried chicken' or 'Fried chicken'
To explain what it is you would explain how to make it to make it easier to understand
Karaage is a cooking technique that involves frying foods such as chicken, other meats and fish in deep fried oil. The food is coated with flour or some type of cornstarch and then placed in the oil to fry.
In the US, many people refer to this as just "fried chicken" but if we are going to a Japanese restaurant we will refer to it as Japanese fried chicken.
Karaage is a cooking technique that involves frying foods such as chicken, other meats and fish in deep fried oil. The food is coated with flour or some type of cornstarch and then placed in the oil to fry.
アメリカではこれは単に"fried chicken"と言うことが多いです。ただ、日本食レストランに行くなら、"Japanese fried chicken"と言えるでしょう。