Methods of bullying have changed with the times but it hasn't completely disappeared.
Physical bullying has decreased but bullying on the internet and social media is increasing.
At a glance it seems as though bullying is declining but actually only methods of bullying have changed and levels are similar to before.
「いじめの形は時代と共に変われど、無くなりはしない」= Methods of bullying have changed with the times but it hasn't completely disappeared.
「昔と違い、殴ったりというような物理的ないじめは少なくなりましたが、代わりにSNSなどのインターネット上のいじめは増えています。」= Physical bullying has decreased but bullying on the internet and social media is increasing.
「一見いじめは少なくなっているように見えていますが、現実は形を変えて以前同様存在しています」= At a glance it seems as though bullying is declining but actually only methods of bullying have changed and levels are similar to before.
bullying = いじめ
methods = やり方、方法、形
changed = 変わった
with the times = 時代と共に
disappeared = なくなった、消えた
physical bullying = 物理的ないじめ
decreased = 減った
increasing = 増えている
at a glance = 一見
declining = 減っている
similar to before = 以前同様