毎週日曜日の昼は 自宅で、サッポロ一番のインスタントラーメン(塩味)を食べる事に決めていて、食べ始めてから「これこれ! やっぱり、これだよな~、安定の味だわ。」というシチュエーションです。"This is it! I can't eat except it. It tasts relax to me all the time. " で可?
「This is it! I can't eat except it. It tasts relax to me all the time.」→ 「This is it! This is the only one I can eat. It's the taste of relaxation.」
やっぱり → This is it. / Ah yes! This is the the one!
これだよな~ → This is the real thing! / This is the taste of ~
This is what I'm talking about! I love this so much. I can't live without this.