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先日オウム真理教の主要メンバーの死刑執行されたが、 死刑制度については賛否ある。 冤罪が怖いから反対の人の意見もわかるが、もし自分の家族が殺されたら賛成するだろうね。 と言いたいです。
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2018/07/10 08:00
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  • Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty.

  • There are mixed opinions about the death penalty.

  • People find it hard to agree on whether the death penalty is good or not.

The death penalty has been a very difficult thing for people to agree on. Some people view it as morally wrong, while others think that terrible murderers and criminals deserve this kind of treatment. If we want to discuss more about this topic and mention that it is a topic that it is difficult to agree on, we can say a few different expressions: 1) "Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty." 2) "There are mixed opinions about the death penalty." 3) "People find it hard to agree on whether the death penalty is good or not."
死刑は人々が合意するのが非常に困難な事項です。 道徳上正しくないという人もいますし、ひどい殺人者や犯罪者はこのような扱いを受けるのが当然だという人もいます。 このトピックについて議論し、合意するのが難しいということを言いたいならば、以下のような異なる言い方があります: 1) Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty. 2) There are mixed opinions about the death penalty. (死刑には賛否両論あります。) 3) People find it hard to agree on whether the death penalty is good or not. (死刑が正しいか正しくないか合意するのは困難です。)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Some people approve of the death penalty and many others don't.

  • There are pros and cons to the death penalty and therefore like me people have different opinions about it.

  • When it comes to the death penalty, like me many people have mixed feelings about it because of its pros and cons.

To express that you have mixed feelings about the death penalty you may simply say that you feel that it has pros and cons and you may go further and explain why. You may say that Some people may have been falsely accused and be wrongly convicted. You may elaborate on how families are affected and you may even say that you feel that people deserve a second chance. More examples may include; I feel that capital punishment is a bit too harsh because I do not know how I would feel if a friend or family member were wrongly convicted. I feel that sometimes people are innocently convicted.
あなたが死刑に関して複雑な感情があると表現するには、「you feel that it has pros and cons」と言い、さらになぜかを説明するかもしれません。間違えて告訴され有罪判決を受けた人もいると言えるかもしれません。家族がどれだけ影響を受けるか、または人々は第二のチャンスが与えられるべきと言えるかもしれません。さらなる例は以下のようなものがあります: I feel that capital punishment is a bit too harsh because I do not know how I would feel if a friend or family member were wrongly convicted. (死刑は、もし友人や家族が間違えて有罪判決を受けた場合、どのように感じるかわからないので、少し厳しすぎると感じます。) I feel that sometimes people are innocently convicted. (時々、間違えて有罪判決を受ける人もいます。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it.

  • There are pros and cons to the death penalty, hence, some people approve of it; others disapprove of it

To say this grammatically correctly, you would have to create a compound sentence with a semi-colon. This is a sentence with two independent clauses that have related ideas. In this case, the idea is the approval or disapproval of the death penalty. While some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it. You may say: Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it. or There are pros and cons to the death penalty, hence, some people approve of it; others disapprove of it
これを文法的に正しく言うためには、セミコロンで複文を作る必要があります。これは、関連する2つの独立した節を持つ文です。この場合は死刑の賛否に関することです。死刑に賛成する人もいれば、反対する人もいます。以下のように言えるでしょう: Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it. (死刑に賛成する人もいれば、反対する人もいます。) または There are pros and cons to the death penalty, hence, some people approve of it; others disapprove of it. (死刑には賛否両論あります。ゆえに、賛成する人もいれば反対する人もいます。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The death penalty is a controversial subject

  • As far as the death penalty is concerned, opinion is split

Something which is a hot topic of debate may be called 'controversial'. When there are two trains of thought about a subject, then 'opinion is split/divided'.
議論の的となっていることは「controversial」と言えます。 一つのテーマについて二通りの考えがあるなら: 'opinion is split/divided'(意見が別れる/割れる)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty"

  • "The death penalty is a moral issue, and it divides opinion"

  • "Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it"

If you wanted to explain that some people agree with and some people disagree with the death penalty, you could state one of the following : "Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty", "The death penalty is a moral issue, and it divides opinion" or "Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it". All three of these sentences adequately explains.
死刑制度に賛否両論あることは、次のように説明できます。 "Some people approve and some people disapprove of the death penalty"(死刑制度には賛否両論ある) "The death penalty is a moral issue, and it divides opinion"(死刑制度は道徳問題なので、賛否両論ある) "Some people approve of the death penalty; others disapprove of it"(死刑制度には賛否両論ある) 上記どの文を使っても、これについて説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Some people are in favor of the death penalty, but others are against it .

  • People are divided on the issue of the death penalty.

If you want to express that some people are in favor and others against the death penalty, you can use the following statements:- 1. Some people are in favor of the death penalty, but others are against it . 2. People are divided on the issue of the death penalty. You can use any of these statements to express that there are different or opposites opinions about the death penalty. The subject of the death penalty is a issue on whic h people have different opinions.
死刑制度には賛否両論あると言いたいなら、次の文が使えます。 1. Some people are in favor of the death penalty, but others are against it.(死刑制度には賛否両論あります) 2. People are divided on the issue of the death penalty.(死刑制度には賛否両論あります) どちらの文も、死刑制度について異なる、あるいは対立する意見が存在することを伝える時に使うことができます。 死刑制度にはいろいろな意見がありますね。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • The death penalty is a controversial topic.

  • There are differences in opinions about the death penalty.

  • Different people think different things about the death penalty.

The best way of saying this is the first sentence "The death penalty is a controversial topic.". The word 'controversial' refers to people not agreeing about something. 'Topic' used to refer to the subject at hand. For example "the topic of this question is the death penalty".
一つ目の文、 "The death penalty is a controversial topic."(死刑制度には賛否両論ある) これがベストな言い方です。 'controversial' は反対意見があることを表します。 'topic' は「話題」「テーマ」のことです。 例えば: "The topic of this question is the death penalty". (この質問のテーマは死刑制度です)
Reagan DMM英会話講師
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