have a festival, there is a festival
street stallと言います。
There are many street stalls at the festival.
Well, if you wish to inform someone that there is a festival today, it's probably best to, at least, name the festival. Generally, the name itself will explain the type of festival it is, otherwise you may need to explain.
There is a _______ festival today that you can check out!
There is a ______ festival today at _ (place)_ if you're interested!
"There is a _______ festival today that you can check out!"
I added a blank space you can fill in (beer festival, music festival, lantern festival, etc.). A festival is a broad term so adding a descriptive word can help. "You can check out." is a handy term to know, it means that you can go to and see.
"There is a ______ festival today at _(place)_ if you're interested!"
Once again I added a blank space :). I added the second blank to add a place. "There is a folk music festival today at the public garden, if you're interested." This is giving a tourist a lot of information to help them make a decision. You can ask "if you're interested." is just adding this to the end to ask someone if it would be something they'd like :)
"There is a _______ festival today that you can check out!"
- 空所にお祭りの名前を入れます。「beer festival(ビール祭り)」「music festival(音楽祭)」「lantern festival(提灯祭)」などなど。
"You can check out."
- これはとても便利な表現です。「行って見ることが出来る」という意味になります。
"There is a ______ festival today at _(place)_ if you're interested!"
- ここにも空所を入れました :) 二番目の空所に場所を入れてください。
"There is a folk music festival today at the public garden, if you're interested."
- これは、判断材料として、たくさんの情報を伝えていますね。文末の "if you're interested" は「もし興味があれば」という意味です。
When there is an event in your city that is not normally there, you can use the phrase "in town" to note that. After that, you can explain for how long the festival or event will be in your town. This is based on American English but all English speakers should understand what you want to say.
I hope this helps :)
We have a .... festival today, Would you like to come?
Go and watch the festival that is happening today.
"We have a .... festival today, Would you like to come?" - You would add the name of the festival so it gives the person you are asking a bit more information into what the festival is about. Example - "We have a Winter festival today, Would you like to come?.
"We have a .... festival today, Would you like to come?"
"We have a Winter festival today, Would you like to come?
A festival is a celebration, so it's easy for an English speaker to understand if the word, "celebration" is used, especially together with the word, "public." Another way to say it is simply, "festival," and the person understands that anyone is free to attend by the phrase, "in the city," meaning if you're visiting that day, you can also be present to enjoy the festivities.
"festival"(お祭り)は "celebration"(お祝い)です。ですので "celebration" という言葉を(特に "public" と一緒に)使うと英語話者には理解しやすいです。
もう一つの言い方はシンプルに "festival" です。そして "in the city"(町で)を使うことで、無料で参加できる事を伝えられます。その日町を訪れる人も、お祭りに参加できるということです。
If you want to explain to someone there is a festival on today then you can say 'There is a festival today' or 'We have a festival on today' if you want to explain more then you can tell the person what festival it is then they would know
'There is a festival today'(今日お祭りがあります)
'We have a festival on today'(今日お祭りがあります)
To add importance to the event use of adjectives like famous or grand helps the listener to understand why you are telling them this information, and will give them an excitement for the prospect of attending.
「今日はお祭りです」を英語にしたら、"There is a festival being held today" と言います。
相手にお祭りを誘いたい場合、"Would you like to take a look?" を聞くことができます。「見に行きませんか?」という意味です。
The simplest way to say the festival/event is that day is, "there's (there is) a festival today." This is the most commonly heard in conversation.
Another way to say that there is an upcoming event that day is by saying, "there's a festival happening today!" A lot of times when describing events, it's common to hear someone say there is something happening.
Another way you can let someone know about an event is by asking, "did you know there's a festival today?" This is a good way to start a conversation about that topic. The person will either answer yes or no, and then you can discuss more about it.
その日がお祭りやイベントの日であることを伝える最もシンプルな表現は、 "there's (there is) a festival today." (今日祭りがあります。)です。これは、会話で最もよく聞くフレーズです。
別の表現は、"there's a festival happening today!"(今日祭りがあります。)です。あるイベントのことを伝えるには、 happening(起こる)という言葉をよく使います。
また、 "did you know there's a festival today?" (今日祭りがあるの知ってた?)と聞くこともできます。これは、祭りに関しての会話を始めるのにぴったりのフレーズです。相手は、はいかいいえで答えてくれ、それからもっと詳しく話すことができるでしょう。
「今日はお祭り」と言いたいなら There's a festival today と言えます。
しかし、festival だけを言えば日本の文化のところが伝わらない可能性あるので、日本の文化のところを強調したいなら、There's a Japanese festival today と言えます。
神社と繋がっているお祭りであれば There's a Shinto festival today と言えます。
When trying to tell someone that there is a festival happening in your town/city, one may say something along the lines of "There is a festival happening here today." or "Today there is a big festival going on.". All of the above are various and simple ways of telling someone that there is a festival going on at the time.
"There is a festival happening here today."(今日はお祭りがあります)
"Today there is a big festival going on."(今日は大きなお祭りが行われています)