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bigger rice size OK ? でも通じるのですが、もっと自然な英語の表現で言いたいです。
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2015/11/03 00:31
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  • Can I get an extra serving of _____?

  • Can I get an extra-large portion?

  • I would like to super-size it!

「大盛りにできますか?」って英語で色んな言い方があります。 大盛りという意味の言葉: extra-large portion extra-large amount extra serving Super-size! * *"Super-size" というのは、だいたい McDonald's (マック/マックドナルド)の特別な言い方です。アメリカの McDonald's で、特別な Super-size menu がありますので、マックで、大盛りでの注文をしたいなら、"Please super-size it!" と言います。 別の[レストラン](や飲食店でSuper-size 意外、上記の他の言葉を使った方がいい。 あと、食事の中にどんな[食材](や部分に大盛りを頼みたいを指摘します。 Can I get an extra-large portion of _____? Can I get an extra serving of _____? Can I get extra _____? (下線に多めが欲しい食材を入れてください)
  • Can you do extra-large servings?

  • Can you upsize the servings?

extra-largeは「[通常](より[多い](」の意味です。 extra-large serving で「大盛り」を表すことができます。 upsizeというのはファストフードの店でよく聞くフレーズです。例えば、マクドナルドで Would you like to upsize your meal?「(Mサイズなら)Lサイズになさいませんか?」といった質問をされることは珍しくありませんよ。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • 1. Could I have a large portion please?

  • 2. Could I have a larger serving please?

  • 3. I'm starving! Would you please fill my plate!

1 and 2 are normal and unemotional requests. 3 is a more expressive, communicative and slightly humorous option.
1,2は特に感情のは要らない、普通の表現で、 3はもっと、知り合いなどにユーモラスにお願いする例です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a large portion of that?

  • Can you add extra 〜 to that?

Do you have a large portion of that? = それの大きいサイズはありますか? この場合全体的に料理が多くなるのか、ご飯ものであればご飯だけ増えるのかお店によって違うと思うので確認が必要です。 Can you add extra 〜 to that? = それに〜を足す事は出来ますか? 例えば Can you add extra rice to that? = それにご飯を多めにもらえますか? となります 違う言い方で Can you add extra jalapeños on the side? = ハラペーニョを多めにもらえますか?/ サイドにハラペーニョを付け足してもらえますか? この時追加料金が発生するかも確認しておきましょう? How much will it cost? = 幾らしますか? What will the total come up to? = 合計で幾らになりますか?
  • Can I have an extra large portion/serving please?

  • Could you give me an extra large portion/serving?

  • Could I get an extra large one please?

We can use portion or serving when talking about a plate of food. If the food item is individual, such as a bun or cake, you can use the word one. Example: Can I have a big/large/extra large one please? It's always polite to use please at the end of a request.
一皿の食べ物について言う時は "portion" や "serving" が使えます。 食べ物がケーキ、バンのように一つ、二つと数えられるものの時は "one" を使います。 例: Can I have a big/large/extra large one please?(大きいのいただけますか) お願いする時は、最後に "please" をつけると丁寧に言えます。
Laura P DMM英会話講師
  • Can I upsize my order?

  • May I upsize my order?

  • I would like a larger serving of this.

Can' or 'May' It does not matter which word you use to request something 'May' is, however, considered to be more polite. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Upsize' in this context means to make the serving of the meal larger than usual. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Example A: I would like a hamburger with fries. B: Okay A: Can I upsize my order? B: Yes, you can. It costs more though.
Can' or 'May' どちらでも使う事ができますが'may'の方が丁寧に聞こえます。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ この文の場合'Upsize'は普段より量が多めの食事の事です。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: I would like a hamburger with fries. B: Okay A: Can I upsize my order? B: Yes, you can. It costs more though.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could I get that in a large serving?

注文をするときの決まり文句「could I get〜」又は「can I get〜」を用います。 「a large serving」=「大盛り」という意味のイディオム表現です。 レストランに行った際など、ぜひ使ってみてください。
Yuki JapanLanguageLovers主催者
  • Can I get a bigger portion of ~?

  • Can I have extra ~?

You can use any of these expressions.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have a larger portion?

  • Can I please have an extra serving?

"Larger portion" asks for a bigger portion than they normally serve. "Extra Serving" means double what they normally serve.
Larger portion 量を通常より多めにして欲しいと頼んでいます。 Extra Serving 通常の2倍の量ということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a larger rice portion, please?

  • Do you serve larger portions of rice?

  • I'll have a larger portion of rice if possible.

大盛りは、larger portionで自然に通じます。あとは、文章をいくつかのパターンで記載してみました。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • I'm really hungry can you give me extra please.

  • I'm feeling very hungry can you give me a large serving please

Both phrases clearly communicate that you are hungry and that you want to eat more than the normal serving size.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some more of that please?

  • Can you add a bit more of that please?

  • I would like a larger portion please.

A polite way of asking for more is to say: Can I have some more rice please? Can you add a bit more rice to my plate please? I would like a larger portion/serving of rice please. All these are polite forms of asking for some more food. I hope that helps!
もっと大盛にして欲しいことを丁寧に言う場合、 Can I have some more rice please? Can you add a bit more rice to my plate please? I would like a larger portion/serving of rice please. ということができます。 上記すべて丁寧な言い回しとなります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a larger portion?

Portion is another word for size.
Portion は size と同じ意味があります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a large portion?

  • Can I have some extra rice please?

Can I have a large portion?' - we would ask this when we are ordering our food and want to get a big portion of something. Example: Can I have a large portion of rice please? Can I have some extra rice please? - We can use this to state that we want a separate, extra portion of rice.
Can I have a large portion?' - 食べ物の大盛りを注文する時に使います。 例: 'Can I have a large portion of rice please?' (ライス大盛りにしていただけますか) 'Can I have some extra rice please?' (別に、少しライスをもらえますか) ↑別で、さらにライスを頼みたい時に使えます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Does this meal come in a larger size?

  • Please upsize my meal.

  • Can I get a bigger serving of this meal, please.

If you would like your meal to come in a bigger serving, ask by using the sentences above. Some food outlets will customize the meal size according to your preference with an increased charge. Customize: to make something in a way you would like "The meal serving is too small, please may you give me a larger portion of rice?" "This won't fill me up, please upsize it."
料理を大盛りで頼みたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 追加料金を支払うと、好みに合わせて料理のサイズを変えてくれるお店もありますね。 Customize: 好みに合わせて作る "The meal serving is too small, please may you give me a larger portion of rice?" (量が少ないので、ご飯を大盛りにしてもらえますか) "This won't fill me up, please upsize it." (これでは量が少ないと思うので、サイズを上げてください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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