世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/15 02:05
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  • How are you feeling?

  • How are you coming along?

How are you feeling? は「[体調](はいかがですか?」と尋ねる時の一般的な言い方かと思います。 手術から復帰された同僚さんにも使えますし、風邪などで体調を崩していた人にも使えます。 How are you coming along? は「順調に[回復](してる?」というニュアンスです。 come along で「よくなる」という意味があります。 同じ意味で、 How are you recovering? とも言えます。 例: A: I heard you just had surgery. How are you feeling? 手術を受けたばかりだと聞きました。体調はいかがですか? B: I'm feeling a lot better, thanks! だいぶ良くなってきました。ありがとうございます! ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • How's the recovery going?

  • How's it going?

In this case, just to ask how your coworker is feeling may not be specific enough to actually gain any real insight into what's happening. If you ask specifically about the recovery, then you may understand better the coworker's state of mind. However, it does depend on how friendly you are with each other. Some people may find personal questions about their health a little too personal.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How are you feeling?

  • How are you?

  • How are you doing since the surgery?

Are you back to yourself? How are you feeling? - This is the most common way of asking someone how they are if they have recently been unwell/ had surgery etc. Asking someone if they are ''back to themselves'' means that you are wondering if they are back to full health. They may have been unwell lately and you are wondering if they are fully better.
How are you feeling? (体調はいかがですか?) これは、最近調子が悪かったり、手術を受けた人などへ、現在の体調を尋ねる最も一般的な聞き方です。 Are you back to yourself? (体調はいかがですか?) 誰かに「back to themselves」かどうか聞くのは、彼らが完全に健康体に戻ったかどうかということを意味しています。彼らが最近調子が良くなく、完全に良くなったかどうか気にかけています。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How are you feeling?

  • How are you doing now?

  • How are you?

To ask how someone is now after the surgery you could simply ask 'How are you?' You could also ask using 'How are you feeling (now)?' or How are you doing (now)? To use the term 'now' means something has happened before to make then not be/feel well
手術後の様子を聞くとき、シンプルに”How are you?"(どうですか?)と表現することが出来ます。 ”How are you feeing (now)?"(今、気分はどうですか?)または”How are you doing (now)?"(今、調子はどうですか?)と聞くことも出来ます。 ”Now"(今)を使うことで、相手が以前体調が悪かったことを意味します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How are you recuperating?

  • Do you feel like you're back on your feet?

The two questions you see provided above are excellent ways to ask your coworker if they feel better. In the second question you will notice the phrase back on one's feet. This means to fully recuperate from and illness, injury, or surgery. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの質問はどちらも、同僚に体調が良くなったか尋ねる場合に使えます。 二つ目の質問には'back on one's feet'というフレーズが使われています。これは「(病気・けが・手術から)回復する」という意味です。これは日常会話でよく使われるフレーズなので、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • How are you feeling?

  • Are you fully recovered?

The most common ways to ask, would be : "How are you feeling?" or "Are you fully recovered?" If you ask "How are you feeling?" - you would like to know if the person is feeling better after the surgery. If you ask "Are you fully recovered? " - you would like to know if the person is completely healed or if they still have some pain. Example : A : How are you feeling? B : Much better, but I still have a little pain. A : I hope you feel better soon!
最も一般的な聞き方は、 "How are you feeling?"(体調はどうですか?) または、 "Are you fully recovered?"(完全に治りましたか?) です。 "How are you feeling?" - これは、手術の後体調がよくなったかどうか尋ねています。 "Are you fully recovered?" - これは、完全に治ったのか、あるいはまだ痛みがあるのか尋ねています。 例: A : How are you feeling?  体調はどうですか? B : Much better, but I still have a little pain.  随分よくなったけど、まだ少し痛みます。 A : I hope you feel better soon!  早くよくなるといいですね!
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • How are you holding up?

  • How are you feeling?

  • Are you feeling better (yet)?

When your colleague has just come back from getting a surgery and you want to find out how they are doing/recovering;; then you may ask in the following ways: -How are you holding up? -How are you feeling? -Are you feeling better (yet)?
手術を受けて戻ってきた同僚に体調はどうかと尋ねたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -How are you holding up? 調子はどうですか? -How are you feeling? 調子はどうですか? -Are you feeling better (yet)? 調子はよくなってきましたか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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