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接客業で使えるような表現が知りたいです。 食べ物だけを買っている人に対して質問したいです。
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2018/07/15 13:05
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  • Would you like anything to drink?

  • Can I get you anything to drink?

2つの提案ですが、さほど変わりません。 「Would you like anything to drink?」=「何かお飲みになりますか?」 「Can I get you anything to drink?」=「何かお飲物はいかがでしょうか?」 両方とも接客業でそのまま使える、丁寧な言い方です。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • May I offer you a drink with your meal?

  • Would you like something to drink with your meal?

  • Can I get you a drink with that?

"May I offer you a drink with your meal?" is the most formal way that you can ask someone if they would like to have a drink with their food. "Can I get you a drink with that?" is the most casual way to ask someone if they would like to order a drink. You may also ask if they would like to order a drink.
May I offer you a drink with your meal? (飲み物はどうされますか) - これは、食べ物と一緒に飲み物が欲しいか尋ねる、最もフォーマルな聞き方です。 Can I get you a drink with that? (飲み物はどうしますか) - これは、飲み物を注文したいか聞く、最もカジュアルな言い方です。飲み物を注文したいか(Would you like to ...)尋ねることもできます。
Sarah N DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like a drink with your meal?

It is most common for people at least in the United States to eat their food with some kind of drink so you can ask if they would like a drink with what they are eating. I hope that this helps :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to order a drink to go with that?

  • Would you like to order a drink?

"Would you like to order a drink?" Order - to tell a server or cashier what you would like to eat or drink. "Would you like to order a drink to go with that?" In this sentence, you are asking if in addition to their food they would like a drink. (To go with that - to drink with your meal.)
Would you like to order a drink? (飲み物はいりますか) - orderは、食べたいものや飲みたいものを、給仕人、またはレジ係に言うことです。 Would you like to order a drink to go with that? (飲み物は付けますか) - この文では、食べ物のほかに、何か飲みたいものがあるか尋ねてます。 (to go with that- 食事とともに飲むこと)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to order a drink?

  • What would you like to drink?

  • And to drink?

Well, it depends rather on how much of a salesperson you wish to be, and also how forceful you wish to be in obtaining a drinks order from the customer. The first example sentence is very typical in the UK, and is not forceful at all. The second and third sentences both have an assumption that the customer will order a drink. Of course the customer does not have to order a drink, but may feel just slightly intimidated by the question.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like something to drink?

  • Would you like to order some drinks as well?

  • Can i get you anything to drink?

When working as a waiter you would simply ask 'Would you like something to drink?' this asks if they want to order drinks but you could also say 'Would you like to order some drinks as well?' this also reminds them that they have not yet ordered any drinks 'Can i get you anything to drink?' also is a good way to say this
ウェイターとして働ている場合、お客さん”Would you like something to drink?"(何かお飲み物は要りますか?)とシンプルに聞くと良いでしょう。 また、”Would you like to order some drinks as well?"(お飲み物をご注文されますか?)と促す言い方も出来ます。 ”Can I get you anything to drink?"(お飲み物をお持ちしましょうか?)と聞くのもOKです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • ....and to drink?

  • Have you decided on a drink?

Most people dining in a restaurant will want at least one drink with their food, it is simply a matter of asking which drink they would like.
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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