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 40歳の男性会社員が「大学卒業してから、ずっと同じ会社だよ。(つまり、転職経験無いよ。)」と話す、シチュエーションです。I've ever worked my job after I gradeated my univercity. で可?
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2018/07/16 00:50
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  • I've only ever worked for one company

  • Since graduation, I've only worked for one company

To denote that you stayed with just one company or have just one item, or wish to stress the fact that something occurred once, you can use the word 'only'. "I only love you!"
一つの会社にいる、一つしか持っていない、一回しか起こっていない、などと言う場合、'only'(ただ一つ/唯一の)が使えます。 【例】 "I only love you!" (あなただけを愛しています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "I've been working at the same company since I graduated college/university"

  • "I have only ever worked for one company since I graduated from university"

  • "I have been with the same company since I graduated"

If you wanted to explain that you have been working at the same company since you graduated college/university and have never changed companies, you could say any of the following: "I've been working at the same company since I graduated college/university", "I have only ever worked for one company since I graduated from university" or "I have been with the same company since I graduated".
大学を卒業してから転職をしたことがなくずっと同じ会社に勤めていることは、次のように説明できます。 "I've been working at the same company since I graduated college/university"(大学を卒業してからずっと同じ会社に勤めています) "I have only ever worked for one company since I graduated from university"(大学を卒業してから一つの会社でしか働いたことがありません) "I have been with the same company since I graduated"(卒業してからずっと同じ会社に勤めています)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I have been with the same company since I graduated.

  • I have been working with (company name) ever since I finished university.

When you have successfully completed your studies at a university or college, you say that you have"graduated". A more casual way to say this is to say that you "finished your studies" or "finished university". "Ever since" means "since a specific point in time". When you say that you have stayed with a company ever since you graduated, it means that they were your only employer. You may have had other jobs within the same company.
大学や短大での勉強を無事終了することを、"graduated"(卒業した)と言います。よりカジュアルな言い方は、 "finished your studies" や "finished university"です。   "Ever since" とは、 "since a specific point in time"(ある特定の時から)という意味です。   you have stayed with a company ever since you graduatedとは、その人が唯一の雇用主ということです。同じ社内で、違う仕事をしたかもしれません。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I've been working here since I graduated from university.

  • I've only ever worked for one company.

  • I've worked for the same company all my life.

If you have worked for the same company since graduating from university, you may simply state; I've worked here since graduating from university.'' You may also say; I've worked for the same company all my life.'' or I've only ever worked for one company.'' or ''I've never changed jobs.''
大学を卒業してからずっと同じ会社で働いているのを伝えるには、以下のように言うことができます。  I've worked here since graduating from university.'' 私は大学を卒業してからずっとここで働いています。 また以下のようにも言うことができます。 " I've worked for the same company all my life.'' ずっと同じ会社で働いています。 "I've only ever worked for one company.'' 1つの会社でずっと働いています。 ''I've never changed jobs.'' 転職したことがありません。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Since I graduated from college, I have never changed companies.

This sentence emphasizes the fact that you have never changed companies since you left college. College is the term for university in American English but you can exchange the words if your listener speaks British English. I hope this helps :)
大学を卒業してから一度も会社が変わっていないことを伝える言い方です。 「college」はアメリカ英語で「university(大学)」を表しますが、聞き手がイギリス英語を話す場合は、入れ替えても大丈夫です。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I've worked at the same place since I graduated.

  • I have only ever worked for this company.

"I've worked at the same place since I graduated" is a good way of saying that you have worked in the same place since Uni. You could swap "same place" for "same company" to make it a little more formal. Or you could say "I've worked in the same position/role" to be more specific (and obviously only if this is true!). If you were just talking to a friend, we might say "since Uni", whereas if you were in a more formal situation we would probably say "since I graduated from University".
"I've worked at the same place since I graduated"(卒業してからずっと同じ所で働いている) これは、大学を卒業してからずっと同じ所で働いていることを伝えるすごく良い言い方です。 "same place" を "same company" に変えると少しフォーマルになります。 あるいは、より具体的に "I've worked in the same position/role"(同じポジションで働いている/同じ仕事を任されている)と言うこともできます(もちろんこれが事実ならば、ですが!)。 友達に話すなら、"since Uni"(大学から)と言うかもしれませんが、よりフォーマルな場面なら、たぶん "since I graduated from University"(大学を卒業してから)が使われます。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • I've been working at the same company since I left college/university

  • Since graduating I have stayed at the same company

  • I have stayed working at the same company since I graduated

When you leave college/university and pass your exams it is called 'graduating' or to 'graduate' When you say 'the same company' it means you have not moved and have alway been there (stayed there)
試験に合格して大学を離れることは、'graduating'(卒業)あるいは 'to graduate'(卒業する)といいます。 'the same company'(同じ会社)と言うと、転職しないでその会社にずっといるという意味になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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