I look forward to meeting you. - This is the most common way of explaining to someone (especially in a business setting) that you are looking forward to meeting someone in person.
If you are not in a formal setting you can say:
I can't wait to see you.
I'm excited about meeting you next week.
I look forward to meeting you.
I can't wait to see you.
I'm excited about meeting you next week.
(来週お会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 )
In business, meeting an individual is not really important. It is the subject of the meeting and therefore the meeting that is important. Individuals are not important in company affairs. Unless you are setting up a date with someone, a business person looks forward to constructive meetings.
"I look forward to our upcoming meeting."
"I am excited about our scheduled meeting."
Here are two more ways you could possibly say that you are looking forward to a meeting with someone. They are both formal ways that you can use whether its a first meeting, work related, or even possibly school. I hope that these ways prove to be useful for you!
"I look forward to our upcoming meeting."
"I am excited about our scheduled meeting."
A native speaker might say ‘I’m looking forward to meeting you’, or ‘I’m looking forward to it’, especially when the situation is slightly formal, e.g. a business meeting over coffee, or in anticipation of meeting a new person. An informal way of saying the same phrase is to say, ‘I can’t wait to meet you’ which shows a little more enthusiasm, e.g. when meeting a family member for the first time.
I'm looking forward to meeting you.(お会いできるのを楽しみにしています。)
I'm looking forward to it.(楽しみにしています。)
同じ意味をカジュアルに表すなら、「I can’t wait to meet you.(会うのが楽しみです)」と言えます。これは、少し熱のこもった言い方になります(例えば、初めて家族のメンバーに会う時など)。
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Using the term "looking forward to" is a formal expression to use in a business setting.
Using the term "I can't wait or I hope to" is somewhat more casual and not the best term to use in a business setting.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
"looking forward to"(~を楽しみにしている)とは、ビジネスの場で使うフォーマルな表現です。
"I can't wait"(~を待ちきれない)や"I hope to"(~したい)は、ややカジュアルな表現で、ビジネスの場には向きません。
When meeting someone for the first time, whether it is formally or socially it can be exciting but also daunting. Particularly if this person may be someone we admire or a person that can have an influence on our career. If you are speaking or writing to someone you could use the first expression. "I look forward to meeting you."
If it is a formal meeting the second expression may be more appropriate and it is possible to use this both verbally and in written communications. "I am looking forward to our upcoming meeting."
The opposite of these expressions would be meeting someone socially for the first time, but you have heard about them from other friends... "Can't wait to meet you!" This is a very casual expression and would be most suited to meeting a friend of a friend.
"I look forward to meeting you."
"I am looking forward to our upcoming meeting."
"Can't wait to meet you!"
- これはとてもカジュアルな表現で、友達の友達と会う場合に一番適していると思います。
I'm looking forward to meeting you.
look forward to は「楽しみにする」というニュアンスの英語表現です。
Thank you for your reply. I'm looking forward to meeting you.