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江戸時代の後期に銃が全国的に広まったので刀は廃れてしまった。 そしてサムライが消えてしまったのだというようなことを言いたかったのですがうまく出てきませんでした。教えていただけたら嬉しいです。
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2018/07/17 23:36
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  • Towards the end of the Edo period guns were introduced and katana swords became less popular. The number of Samurai also gradually decreased.

To express that the use of the katana sword and the Samurai decreased as the Edo period started coming to an end with the introduction of guns, you may simply say; Towards the end of the Edo period guns were introduced and katana swords became less popular. The number of Samurai also gradually decreased. keywords:introduced-To bring something into effect. to gradually decrease- To slowly become less.
江戸時代ごろに刀の使用と侍が、銃の普及により終わりに向かい始めたことを伝えるときの表現です。  Towards the end of the Edo period guns were introduced and katana swords became less popular. The number of Samurai also gradually decreased. 江戸時代の終わりにかけて、銃が普及し、刀の人気が落ちました。侍の数も徐々に減りました。  キーワード:introduced-何かに影響をもらたすこと to gradually decrease- ゆっくりと減ること
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • The end of the Edo Priod signalled the demise of the samurai and the katana swords they used

It depends really if you are talking about the Samurai or the Katana swords. It would probably be better to make two sentences:one talking about the samurai and one talking about their swords.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Due to the arrival of guns at the end of the Edo Period, there were less katanas and samurai.

This sentence is a cause and effect set up. "Due to" means because of and with that you explain the cause in the first part of the sentence. In the second part of the sentence, you can state the effect, which is that there were less katanas and samurai. English speakers know that katanas are swords so it is not necessary to say katana swords. I hope that this helps :)
この文は、原因と結果の設定です。"Due to" とは、~のせいでという意味で、文のはじめの部分でこれを使って原因を説明することができます。 後半では、結果、つまり刀と侍が減ったことを述べることができます。英語を話す人は、刀がswordsであることを知っているので、必ずしもkatana swordsと言う必要はありません。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • At the end of the Edo, samurai dwindled and guns replaced blades.

Dwindle' means 'to become fewer and fewer until there are nearly none.' 'Fewer' modifies count nouns. 'Less' modifies mass nouns. E.g.: Fewer cookies. Less water.
"dwindle"は、ほとんど何もなくなるまで段々と減っていくことを表します。 "fewer" (より少ない) は可算名詞を修飾します。 "less" (より少ない) は質量名詞 (不可算名詞) を修飾します。 例: Fewer cookies (より少ないクッキー) Less water (より少ない水)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • By the end of the Edo period, the distribution of guns affected the popularity of katanas, which resulted in the decline of samurai's.

By the end of the Edo period, the distribution of guns affected the popularity of katanas, which resulted in the decline of samurais. - The sentence can be used to express that once guns became accessible to Japan, there were a lot fewer people using katanas, which resulted in a decline in the number of samurai.
By the end of the Edo period, the distribution of guns affected the popularity of katanas, which resulted in the decline of samurais. (江戸時代の後期までに銃が広まり刀を使う人が少なくなりました。その結果、侍の数が減ったのです) この文は「日本で銃が広まると、刀を使う人が少なくなり、その結果侍の数が減った」と言うときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • At the end of the Edo period, swords were replaced by guns and the nuber of samurai swords decreased

  • The number of samurai swords decreased and guns replaced katana swords in the Edo period

When talking about a specific time (years) something happened then we call this a 'period' of time so you would say the 'Edo period' meaning that time If something is used instead of something else then you say it was replaced When there is not so much of something this you say it has decreased (gone down)
何かのあった期間(時代)について言うなら、'period' が使えます。ですから、「江戸時代」は 'Edo period' と言えます。 何かがあるものの代わりに使われたなら、それは 'replaced' で表すことができます。 数が減ることは、'decreased' で表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Once guns were introduced, katana swords became less popular.

  • Katana swords lost popularity after guns became more widely available.

If you are wanting to state that katana swords were less popular after guns started being used, you can say "Once guns were introduced, katana swords became less popular."
「銃が使われるようになると、刀は廃れていった」は、 "Once guns were introduced, katana swords became less popular." と言えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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