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2018/07/19 15:04
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  • He is my lunch buddy.

「ご飯友達」は lunch buddy と言えます。 lunch buddy は通常一緒にランチを食べる友人という意味です。 例)He is my lunch buddy. 「彼は私のご飯(ランチ)友達です。」 dining companion は一緒にレストランに行く友人のことを言うので、ちょっと硬い言い方になりますが、lunch companion とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Lunch buddy

  • Eating companion

  • Lunchtime friend

The one specific phrase that can be used to indicate you eat regularly with a person is 'lunch buddy', However the word 'lunch is specific to the afternoon meal. If you are eating together at another time, say morning, you can say 'breakfast buddy' or evening would be 'dinner buddy'. You can also add the word 'time' after these words to make it sound more proper but it's not commonly said. 'Lunchtime, breakfast time or dinnertime'. You can also use 'pal', 'friend' or 'companion' in replace of 'buddy'. -"My dinner friend wants to meet for rice later." If it is not time specific, 'eating' is fine.
頻繁に食事を共にする人を表す特定のフレーズがあります。それは 'lunch buddy' です。ただ、'lunch' は昼食を表します。他の時間、例えば朝一緒に食べるなら、'breakfast buddy'、夕ご飯なら 'dinner buddy'と言えます。 また、よりフォーマルに、これらの単語に 'time' を加えることもできますが、一般的ではありません。 'lunchtime' 'breakfast time' または 'dinnertime' 'buddy' の代わりに 'pal' 'friend' または 'companion' も使えます。 -"My dinner friend wants to meet for rice later."(食事仲間が後で一緒にごはんを食べようと言っている) 特定の時間がないなら、'eating' でもオッケーです。
Kayla K DMM英会話講師
  • lunch buddy

  • lunch mate

The person you eat with and hang out with at a meal can be called lunch mate or lunch buddy. This is for the meal you have in the middle of the day. If it was your meal in the morning, then just swap it out for "breakfast buddy/mate" or for your meal at night "dinner buddy/mate". These all work.
一緒に食事をする仲間のことは "lunch mate" や "lunch buddy" と言えます。 これは昼食について言います。 それが朝食なら "breakfast buddy/mate"、夕食なら "dinner buddy/mate" とそれぞれ言うことができます。 これらはどれも使えます。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • He's my "foodie" friend.

  • He / she is my regular lunch date.

In the UK, the word "foodie"refers to somebody who enjoys eating, and takes an interest in food. It can also mean someone who has a great deal of knowledge about food, but in this instance refers to the pastime of eating together. Whilst the word "date" sometimes refers to seeing somebody on a possible romantic level, by using it in the phrase "lunch date", this would be taken to mean just somebody we meet for lunch on a regular basis.
イギリスでは "foodie" という言葉は、食べるのが好きな人や食べ物への関心が強い人を表します。また、食べ物に関して豊富な知識を持つ人を指すこともあります。ただ、この場合は、"foodie" は食事を共に楽しむことを表します。 "date" はお付き合いをしている人を指すこともありますが、"lunch date" とすると、これは単に、定期的に会ってランチを共にしている人を表します。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch buddy

  • Lunchtime friend

When referring to someone you have lunch with then you would say 'lunch buddy' as lunch suggests the meal you are eating and buddy also means 'friend' you could also use the words 'friend' or 'mate instead If you eat breakfast or dinner then you would simply say 'breakfast buddy/friend/mate' or 'dinner buddy/mate/friend'
昼食を一緒に食べる人は、'lunch buddy' といいます。 'lunch' は「昼食」の意味です。 'buddy' は 'friend'(仲間)という意味です。ですから、代わりに 'friend' あるいは 'mate' も使えます。 朝食を一緒に食べる人なら 'breakfast buddy/friend/mate'、夕食なら 'dinner buddy/mate/friend' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is my eating companion.

  • He/She is my lunchtime pal.

  • He/She is my regular lunchtime peer.

The last two answers of the above mentioned answers are specifically for someone you eat lunch with. It could mean that you work together and eat lunch together on a daily basis. A peer is someone who is in most cases an equal to you. For example: a co-worker or a person(s) in your class or company. If you were to use the first answer: He/She is my eating companion. This refers to someone you always eat with. It can be a person that you eat breakfast, lunch or dinner with. A companion refers to someone who you see often and you usually do many things together. Companions are also commonly friends or family with whom you spend a lot of time with.
最後の2つの例は、一緒にご飯を食べる友達を表す具体的なフレーズです。日常的に一緒に仕事をして、一緒にランチも食べる仲といった意味にもなります。   peerは、ほとんどの場合あなたと対等な相手のことを指します。例:同僚、クラスメイトなど。  He/She is my eating companion. (彼/彼女は一緒に食べる仲間です。)   これは、いつも一緒に食べる人のことを言います。朝食、昼食、夕食どれにも使うことができます。    companionは、よく会い、一緒に色々する人のことを指します。たくさん一緒に過ごす友達、家族も当てはまります。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Eating buddy or tasting buddy

  • I will call my eating buddy today as he enjoys the same food as me

Eating buddy or tasting buddy is referred to someone that you like to eat with. Similar to a social friend that you enjoy spending time with socializing, but this time eating. Example: Today i will eat at the new restaurant with my eating buddy. Today i will taste the new Italian cuisine with my tasting buddy he has the best taste for new food and spices and will always tell me if it is good or not.
Eating buddy やtasting buddyは、一緒に食事をする仲間のことを指します。 social friendとよく似ていて、一緒に出かける仲間ではなく、食事を一緒に楽しむ仲ということです。  例: Today i will eat at the new restaurant with my eating buddy. (今日、食事仲間と新しいレストランで食事をするんだ。) Today i will taste the new Italian cuisine with my tasting buddy he has the best taste for new food and spices and will always tell me if it is good or not. (今日は、食事仲間と新しいイタリア料理を食べに行くんだ。彼は新しい食べ物やスパイスをよく知っているから、いつもおいしいかおいしくないか教えてくれるんだ。)
Ribar DMM英語講師
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