「[別々の](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/70019/)」というのは separate という単語で表現できます。
We'd like to separate the checks/bills.
こちらの separate は「別々にする」という意味の動詞です。
Can/Could we get separate checks/bills?
こちらの separate は「別の」という意味の英語表現です。
1. You ask to pay individually.
2. Your request separates bills.
"How would you like to pay,sir?"
"Could we each have our own bill please?"
"Certainly sir!"
1. 別々で支払をお願いするとき
2. このお願いなら、請求書をわけてもらえるでしょう。
"How would you like to pay,sir?" お支払いはどうしますか?
"Could we each have our own bill please?" 別々でお願いします。
"Certainly sir!" かしこまりました。
Separate means that each person will receive their own bills with what they ordered on it
Each person only pays for what they ordered
Total is, therefore, not split among the number of people eating at that table
A: What can I get you?
B: Before we order, please know that we are going to pay separately.
A: Okay! I'll bring you separate bills.
A: How will you be paying?
B: We would like separate bills, please.
Each person only pays for what they ordered
Total is, therefore, not split among the number of people eating at that tableそれぞれ注文して食べたものを各自が支払うこと。テーブルの頭数で割り勘にすることではない
A: What can I get you? 何にしますか?
B: Before we order, please know that we are going to pay separately.注文する前にお知らせしたいのですが、私たちは支払いは別でお願いします。
A: Okay! I'll bring you separate bills. 了解しました。お会計は別にいたします。
A: How will you be paying?どのようにお支払いしますか?
B: We would like separate bills, please.支払いは別でお願いします。
separate = divided
A bill is a written statement of money that you owe for goods or services.
"We would like separate bills please."
separate = divided
a billは払わないといけない値段が書いてある紙、つまり請求書のことです。
"We would like separate bills please."
日本語だと「割る」と言うので、ついつい ”Could we separate the check?”などと言いたくなりますが、本当に請求書自体を真っ二つにしているように聞こえます。要注意です。他に、”Could we have a separate check. ”や”Split the bill by (two)”とも言えます。
We are each paying for our own meal today, so separate bills please!
We may find we need to account for a meal on our "company expenses"
or perhaps because its a new friend and we may feel awkward about letting
someone else pay ! Whatever the reason: "Separate bills please"
Clearly let's the staff know ... you wish to be billed individually.
We're splitting the bill. / We're paying separately.
We're paying with different cards. Can you put 20 on this one, 40 on this one, and the rest on this one, please?
Can we have separate checks, please? - to have separate checks means that the waiter will put everyone's order on a different check
We're paying with different cards. - this means that the order is on one check, but you are using different credit cards to pay, so you have to tell the waiter how to split the bill amongst the different cards, so you can say something like, "Can you put 20 on this one, 40 on this one, ....and the rest on this one?" "This one" refers to the cards. The amounts refer to dollar, yen, or whatever currency you're using.
Fact: Nowadays, a lot of young people are using peer-to-peer payment systems such as Venmo, rather than doing the math in the restaurant or going through the trouble of splitting the bill. If you paid for someone's meal, you can ask them to pay you back by saying "Can you Venmo me?" or if you want to tell them the amount they owe you, you can say, "I'll pay with my card, and you can just Venmo me 50."
Can we have separate checks, please?
to have separate checks は、ウェイターが全員の注文を別会計にするということです。
We're paying with different cards.
"Can you put 20 on this one, 40 on this one, ....and the rest on this one?"
"This one"はカードのことです。金額はドル、円、使っているあらゆる通貨で表されます。
最近では 、レストランで計算したり、わざわざ割り勘をする手間をかけるよりも、Venmoのような個人間送金を使う人が多いです。他人の食事代を建て替えた時は、"Venmoで払ってくれる” と言ってお金を払うように頼むか、支払った金額を言いたい場合は、”カードで払うから、 Venmoで50ドル払ってくれる”ということが出来ます。
"We would like to split the bill please."
It is also called Dutch date, Dutch treat (the oldest form and "doing Dutch".
There are two possible senses each person paying their own expenses, or the entire bill being split (divided evenly) between all participants
"We would like to go Dutch"
You can say this when you go an a date or when you dine with a large group and everyone pays separately.
Example :
Stephanie: I only have enough for my meal.
Natalia: Yeah so do I.
Christopher: I am not paying for anyone's food.
John: Great, so everyone can GO DUTCH
Natalia: Going Dutch is a great idea.
"We would like to split the bill please."
Dutch dateやDutch treat (the oldest form and "doing Dutch"とも言います。 一人一人が自分が注文したものを払うのか、全額を人数で割ってみんな同じ料金を払う2パターンがあります。
"We would like to go Dutch"
例 :
Stephanie: I only have enough for my meal.
Natalia: Yeah so do I.
Christopher: I am not paying for anyone's food.
John: Great, so everyone can GO DUTCH
Natalia: Going Dutch is a great idea.
Can we please have two bills/cheque as we will be paying desperately.
Split the bill.
"Bill" and "Cheque" have the same meaning
"Can we please have separate bills/cheques." This asks the waiter to give you two bills so you can each pay for your own food.
"Can we please have two bills/cheque as we will be paying seperately." This asks the waiter for two separate bills and explains why.
"Split the bill." Means that you will divide the cost by two and each pay half.
"Bill" と "Cheque" は同じ意味です。
"Can we please have separate bills/cheques."
"Can we please have two bills/cheque as we will be paying seperately."
"Split the bill."
Eating out with friends is fun! Friends can catch up over a good meal while enjoying each other's company.
It is usual for friends to pay for their own meal when they go out.
"Let's go dutch on the desserts."
Handle: make provision for
Portion: selected part, a single part of the whole
Go Dutch: split the bill in half
"Let's go dutch on the desserts."
Handle: 対処する
Portion: 分量、自分の分
Go Dutch: 割り勘すること
"Can we pay separately"
Is the expression used when, often in a restaurant or bar, that you would like each individual to pay for their own meal,drinks etc.
"Separate bills"
This is the term used for this, 'Bills' is the terminology for 'check', the money owed to the establishment.
"Can we pay separately"(別で支払いできますか?)
"Separate bills"(別々の会計)
'Bills' とは、お会計という意味の言葉です。