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2018/07/20 15:20
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  • The most frightening natural disaster

  • The most terrifying natural disaster

「一番怖い自然災害は地震です」 "The most frightening natural disaster is the earthquake." など
  • Earthquakes are the deadliest of all natural disasters.

文脈、意図によって言い方は変わりますが、、 【例】 Earthquakes are the deadliest of all natural disasters. →自然災害の中で地震が最も危険。 「deadly(=形容詞)」はここでは「命にかかわる、命取りになる」といった意味です。 例文では「deadliest」と最上級になっています。 回答は一例ですので、参考程度でお願いします。 ありがとうございました
  • The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes.

  • The most frightening natural disasters are earthquakes.

  • Earthquakes are by far the scariest of all natural disasters.

As we know, there are many natural disasters which cause a lot of destruction and damage. One of the worst and scariest natural disasters is an earthquake. If we mention about how horrible and scary earthquakes are, we can use some expressions such as: 1) The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes. 2) The most frightening natural disasters are earthquakes. 3) Earthquakes are by far the scariest of all natural disasters.
私たちが知っているように大きな破壊と損害をもたらす自然災害はたくさんあります。最もひどく恐ろしい自然災害のうちの一つは地震です。 地震がどれほどひどく恐ろしいかについて言及すれば私たちは次のような表現を使うことができます: 1) The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes. (最も恐ろしい自然災害は地震です) 2) The most frightening natural disasters are earthquakes. (最も恐ろしい自然災害は地震です) 3) Earthquakes are by far the scariest of all natural disasters. (地震は群を抜いて最も恐ろしい自然災害です)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Earthquakes are the worst natural disasters

  • The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes

  • I am scared that there could be am earthquake

You can say that earthquakes are the worst natural disasters. This is an alternative way to say the sentence. You can also say that you are "afraid" of earthquakes as you feel they are the worst. You can also say that you have a phobia of earthquakes as this also indicates your fear of them.
"Earthquakes are the worst natural disasters"(地震は最も恐ろしい自然災害です)と言えます。これは "The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes" の別の言い方です。 また、地震を恐れているわけなので、"I'm afraid of earthquakes"(地震が怖いです)とも言えます。 "I have a phobia of earthquakes"(地震恐怖症です)という言い方もできます。これも「恐れ」を表します。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • Earthquakes are the scariest natural disasters

  • The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes

  • Earthquakes are frightening natural disasters

A natural disaster are things that happen that cause alot of damage and can hurt people from natural processes of the earth, examples of these are floods, hurricanes, earthquakes etc These can be upsetting/distressing which you can also call 'scary' or 'frightening'
natural disaster' は、自然現象によって引き起こされる災害をいいます。例としては、洪水、ハリケーン、地震などがあります。 これらは 'upsetting/distressing'(動揺させる/痛ましい)で、'scary'(恐ろしい)や 'frightening'(恐ろしい)とも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Earthquakes are the scariest natural disaster.

An Earthquake is a sudden movement in the earth's crust and can be incredibly frightening, sometimes resulting in many deaths and a lot of destruction. Therefore it can be said that earthquakes are the scariest natural disaster. Other examples of natural disasters are floods, tsunamis, and drought.
Earthquake'(地震)は地球の表面の「地殻」が急に動くことをいいます。町が倒壊し、大勢の人が亡くなることもあり、恐ろしい自然災害です。 ですから、 Earthquakes are the scariest natural disaster(地震は最も恐ろしい自然災害です) と言えます。 自然災害(natural disaster)には他に、洪水(floods)、津波(tsunamis)、干ばつ(drought)などもあります。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • I see earthquakes as the scariest natural disasters

  • In my opinion, the scariest natural disasters are earthquakes

Your written example is correct but I thought you could make it more polite by adding "In my opinion" because the word "scary" means an emotion factor, so, it's better to explain that it is your own opinion and not a matter of fact.
あなたの考えた例は正しいですが、"In my opinion"(私の意見では)を加えるともっと丁寧になります。というのは、"scary"(怖い)は「感情」なので、事実としてでなく意見として伝えた方がいいです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • For me, the scariest natural disaster is...

  • I find.....the scariest natural disaster

For me, the scariest natural disaster is... I find.....the scariest natural disaster Fill in the blanks and you are set.
For me, the scariest natural disaster is...(個人的には一番怖い自然災害は...です) I find.....the scariest natural disaster(個人的には一番怖い自然災害は...です) 空白を埋めたら、準備完了です。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I fear earthquakes more than any other natural disaster.

When you 'fear' something, that is to find that something scary or frightening. In this answer we are telling the listener that in your opinion earthquakes are the scariest natural disaster.
“To fear something”とは何かを怖いまたは恐ろしいと感じるということです。 この答えでは、私たちは聞き手に私たちの意見では地震は一番怖い自然災害であると伝えています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Earth's scariest natural disaster are earthquakes

  • Earthquake's are the most dangerous natural disasters.

  • Earthquake's are the deadliest and scariest natural disasters Earth has ever seen.

Deadliest: refers to how dangerous Earthquakes are by the high rate of deaths that they can cause. Scariest: comes from scary and the suffix -iest implies how much it is. When adding the word "most" the noun that comes after it that is accompanied by the suffix -iest, shows it to be the utmost level. Hope this helps!
Deadliest: 地震が引き起こす高い死亡率によって地震がどれほど危険かを指します。 Scariest: “Scary”からきていて接尾辞”-iest”はそれがどれくらいかを示します。 単語”most”を加える時は その後の名詞は接尾辞”-iest”を伴い、最大限のレベルであることを示します。 ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • The most frightening natural disaster is an earthquake

  • Of all natural disasters, it's earthquakes that really make my blood run cold

To make one's blood run cold means that something makes you very frightened. "When the ship started sinking, it made my blood run cold." As in the first example sentence, when talking about things in general it is often easier and neater to talk about one. "The lion is a territorial creature."
"To make one's blood run cold"は、何かが貴方に恐怖感を与え、その結果「ゾッとする」ことを意味します。例えば、"When the ship started sinking, it made my blood run cold."(船が沈没し始めたとき、ゾッとした。) 例文①のように、一般的なことについて話すときは、一つの例に絞ると良いでしょう。例えば、"The lion is a territorial creature."(ライオンは縄張り意識が強い生物である。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Earthquakes are the most daunting of all natural disasters.

  • The most frightful of all natural disasters are earthquakes as far as I am concerned.

  • Out of all other natural disasters, earthquakes scare me the most.

There are many different types of natural disasters that happen in different areas of the globe. To express that the one you find scariest is an earthquake, use the above sentences. "Earthquakes are so scary, for me, they are the scariest out of all other natural disasters." "The most frightful of all natural disasters are earthquakes as far as I am concerned."
地域によってさまざまな自然災害が起こりますね。 「1番怖い自然災害は地震だ」と言うなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Earthquakes are so scary, for me, they are the scariest out of all other natural disasters." (地震は本当に怖いです。私の中では1番怖い自然災害です) "The most frightful of all natural disasters are earthquakes as far as I am concerned." (私の中では1番怖い自然災害は地震です)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • the scariest natural disaster

「一番怖い自然災害」はthe scariest natural disasterと言います(*^_^*) scariestはscary「怖い」と言う形容詞の最上級です。 natural「自然」 disaster「災害」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • The scariest natural disasters are earthquakes.

  • Earthquakes are the scariest natural disasters.

  • The most frightening natural disasters are earthquakes.

There are many ways in which we can construct this sentence, with a variety of adjectives to describe our fear of this type of natural disaster. We can use the adjective, "scary," or," frightening," in the superlative to express it is, "the most frightening," or, "scariest." In addition we can have the word, "earthquake," be in the front of the sentence as the subject head.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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