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I want a lot of time.は自然な言い方でしょうか?
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2018/07/20 20:55
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  • I'm going to need more time.

  • I wish I had more time to get things done.

  • If only I had more time to do things.

These sentences all explain that said person does not have a lot of time to do things and wished they had more time.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I had more free time!

"Free time" is time that is unoccupied or time that you can use to do other things that you would like to do. You can wish that you had some using the example above. I hope that this helps :)
「Free time(自由時間)」は、何もしない時間や、あなたがしたいことをするためにの時間を指します。上の例文のように、自由時間を持つことを望みます。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I wish there were more hours in the day

  • If only I had more free time in my day

When you are busy and do not have enough time to do everything you want to do in a day a common saying in the UK is "I wish there were more hours in the day". This saying implies you are occupied a lot of the time and wish there was more time for other things. "If only I had more free time in my day" - This phrase means that you just wish you weren't so busy so that you had more time to do other things.
忙しくて、あなたが一日にしたいこと全てをする時間が十分に無い場合、英国では、一般的に以下のように言います。 I wish there were more hours in the day. (一日にもっとたくさん時間があれば。) この言い方は、あなたがたいがい忙しく、他のことをする時間がもっと欲しいと言うことを含みます。 If only I had more free time in my day. (一日にもっと自由時間があれば。) この言い回しは、あなたがあまり忙しいので、他の事をする時間がもっと欲しいということを意味します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I need more time to get things done.

  • I have too many things to do and not enough time to do it all.

  • I need to work on time management because I just can't get everything done.

I need more time to get things done. I have too many things to do and not enough time to do it all. I need to work on time management because I just can't get everything done. I need an extension to get this project done. I am working on this project but need some more time to complete it.
I need more time to get things done.(私は時間がないと仕事を終わらせられません) I have too many things to do and not enough time to do it all.(やることが多すぎて時間が足りません) I need to work on time management because I just can't get everything done.(仕事が終えられないので、タイムマネジメントを改善しないといけません) I need an extension to get this project done.(このプロジェクトの期限を延長してもらいたいです) I am working on this project but need some more time to complete it.(このプロジェクトに取り組んでいますが仕上げるにはもう少し時間が必要です)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I wish I had more time to do what I actually want to do

I would start this sentence with "I wish" because it is something that you would like but is not true at the moment, and is not necessarily going to be true in the future. "I had more time" is the main point of the sentence. I would add in "actually" to emphasise that your time is taken up with work and other commitments you don't necessarily want to do.
これは現在の事実と異なり、将来実現するかどうかも分からないことなので、"I wish" で文を始めることができます。 "I had more time" がこの文の要点です。 "actually" は、仕事など必ずしもやりたくないことによって時間が支配されていることを強調します。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • I need a lot of time (to complete this work)

  • It takes a long time (to complete this work)

  • You need to spend a lot of time (to complete this work)

If you want to state that a certain job requires a long time to complete, then you may use any of the above exampled sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I has more free time

  • I wish I had more times to do things

  • I wish there was more hours in the day

Sometimes we don't always have time to do the things we want we have a saying 'I wish there was more hours in the day' meaning you can't get everything done in the time in one day and need more hours to do them 'free time' is time when you are not busy/working and can enjoy your hobbies
時間が足りなくてやりたいことができないと感じることがありますよね。 英語には、 'I wish there was more hours in the day'(一日がもっと長ければいいのに) という表現があります。一日24時間ではやりたいことが全てできず足りないという意味です。 'free time' は、趣味のできる暇な時間をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I had more time.

By saying you wish you had more time, you are implying that you wish you had more time to do things.
I wish I had more time'(もっと時間があればいいのに) は「もっと物事をする時間があればいいのに」という意味合いです。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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