世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/20 21:19
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  • I want to bike across Japan all the way from Kagoshima to Hokkaido

  • I wish to ride my bike across Japan from Kagoshima to Hokkaido.

  • I would love to ride my bike through Japan from Kagoshima to Hokkaido.

These sentences all explain that said person wants to bike across Japan from Kagoshima to Hokkaido.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to travel across Japan by bike, from Kagoshima to Hokkaido!

"Would like" is the way to talk about something that you want to do but are not able to at the moment. When you use some form of transportation, you want to make sure that you use the word "by" beforehand. I hope that this helps :)
「Would like」は、したけれども現在できていない何かについて話す言い方です。交通手段について使うときは、「by」を前につけるようにしましょう。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I hope to traverse Japan by bike from Kagoshima to Hokkaido

In the UK, the two extremities are John O Groats in the north of Scotland and Lands End in the south of England. This route is a common challenge for both cyclists and walkers. If you just say "I want" it does not indicate any intention or particular enthusiasm whatsoever. In the UK we would automatically use slightly more enthused vocabulary to denote either a future intention, a fixed plan or a dream that will never happen. "I'd love to travel the entire length of Japan from south to North."
大英国の最北端がスコットランド北部にあるJohn O Groatsと言い、最南端がイギリス南部にあるLands Endと言います。このルートは、サイクリストや歩行者の共通課題です。 もし、単に"I want"(○○したい)と言うだけなら、熱意も意思も伝わらないでしょう。英国では、もう少し熱い言葉で、将来の願望、明確な計画、または、叶わぬ夢などについて語ります。例:"I'd love to travel the entire length of Japan from south to north."(南から北まで日本縦断の旅が出来たら最高だ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to cycle from one end of Japan to the other.

This answer is the quickest and most direct way of saying that you would like to cycle from the most southern point of Japan to the northern tip. The word 'point' in this context means the bottom of a country or island, and the word 'tip' means the top. If going from north to south, or south to north, this journey would be considered going between the 'ends' of the country. If you were to cycle from the west to east or east to west this would be going from one 'side' of the country to another. "I would like to cycle from one side of Japan to the other."
この答えは、最南端から最北端まで自転車で行きたいということを表現する最短、最直な言い方です。 この文脈での「point」は、国や島の下部で、「tip」は、最上のことを意味します。 北から南、南から北に行くならば、この旅行は国の端から端へ行くといえるでしょう。西から東、または東から西に行くならば、国の一方から他方にいくと言えるでしょう。 I would like to cycle from one side of Japan to the other. (日本の一方から他方に自転車で横断したいです。)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I want to travel by bike across Japan from Kagoshima to Hokkaido

  • I would like to cycle from one end of Japan to the other

  • I would like to cycle from the top to the bottom of Japan

When talking about riding your bike this is called 'cycling' or to 'cycle' when you are going from one place to another this is called to 'travel' or 'travelling' When talking about going from one end of the country to the other as well as saying this you can also say from top to bottom
自転車に乗ることは、'cycling' または 'to cycle' と言えます。 ある場所から別の場所に行くことは、'to travel' または 'travelling' と言えます。 国を縦断することは、'from one end of Japan to the other' の他に 'from the top to the bottom of Japan' と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to bike from Kagoshima to Hokkaido.

  • I want to ride from Kagoshima to Hokkaido by bicycle.

"I want to bike from Kagoshima to Hokkaido." 'bike' is a term used to describe riding a bike or bicycle. a bike can be referenced to a motor bike or bicycle. "I want to ride from Kagoshima to Hokkaido by bicycle." 'to ride' is often related to bicycles and bikes. you can also 'ride' a theme park ride or even a horse, depending on the context of the sentence.
"I want to bike from Kagoshima to Hokkaido."(鹿児島から北海道まで自転車で旅したい) = 'bike' は、自転車に乗ることをいいます。'A bike' は自転車かあるいはオートバイを指します。 "I want to ride from Kagoshima to Hokkaido by bicycle."(鹿児島から北海道まで自転車で旅したい) = 'to ride' は自転車やオートバイについて使われることが多いです。ほかに、遊園地の乗り物や馬に「乗る」ことも 'to ride' で表せます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I want to cycle from one side of Japan to the other.

  • I want to travel from the top of japan to the bottom, by bike.

  • I want to ride my bike across Japan.

When you ride a bike, you 'cycle', so you can use this as a verb to say you want to cycle across Japan, or from one side to the other, or from the top to the bottom. You can also say that you want to 'ride your bike' or simply 'to travel by bike'. You can also use bicycle to describe your bike. Instead of saying 'I want to...' you can also say 'I would like to...', or if you already have plans to take the trip, you can say 'I am going to cycle across Japan'.
自転車に乗ることは 'cycle' といいます。 これを動詞として使って、 'I want to cycle across Japan'(自転車で日本縦断したい) と言えます。 「縦断」は、 'from one side to the other'(端から端まで) 'from the top to the bottom'(一番上から一番下まで) と表すこともできます。 「自転車に乗る」はほかに、 'ride your bike' あるいはシンプルに、 'to travel by bike' と言うこともできます。 'I want to...' の代わりに 'I would like to...' も使えます。 あるいは、もし既に旅行を計画しているなら、 'I am going to cycle across Japan'(自転車で日本縦断をするつもりです) と言えます。
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • I want to bike across Japan, from Kagoshima to Hokkaido.

  • I want to bike across Japan, from top to bottom.

To explain that you want to bike across Japan from top top bottom, you can say: "I want to bike across Japan, from Kagoshima to Hokkaido." "I want to bike across Japan, from top to bottom."
「自転車で日本を縦断したい」は次のように言えます。 "I want to bike across Japan, from Kagoshima to Hokkaido."(鹿児島から北海道まで、日本を自転車で縦断したい) "I want to bike across Japan, from top to bottom."(日本を自転車で縦断したい)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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