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We love making people laugh and entertain.

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2018/07/21 04:57
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  • Making other people laugh makes me happy.

This sentence focuses on the fact that you feel good when you make someone else laugh. You would use "making" because it is something that you do more than once.

I hope that this helps!



Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I love entertaining people by making them laugh!

  • My favorite thing to do is to make people laugh and keep them entertained!

  • I enjoy spreading joy by entertaining people and making them laugh!

The sentences that I have provided above all express that said person loves to make people laugh and keep them entertained.


Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • My favorite thing is to get you to laugh

  • I am going to try to get you to laugh

  • Making you laugh is my favorite thing

The word, "make" does not always mean "to force". We use that word very often in different ways like "make you laugh, making a cake, he makes me smile, and she is making a name for herself". The other words in the sentence helps give the meaning of the way you intend to use the word. If you said, "I can make you tell me the truth" then yes that is using it as forcing someone. But "Making you laugh is my favorite thing" is not using it as forcing someone.

If you don't like the word, "make" then you can try "get". "My favorite thing is to get you to laugh" and "I am going to try to get you to laugh".

"make" の意味は「強制する」だけではありません。この単語はいろいろな意味で非常に頻繁に使われます。
"make you laugh"(笑わせる)
"making a cake"(ケーキを作る)
"he makes me smile"(彼は私を笑顔にさせる)
"she is making a name for herself"(彼女は名前が売れてきている)

"make" の意味はその前後の言葉によって変わります。
"I can make you tell me the truth"(私にはあなたに真実を語らせることができる)では、「強制する」という意味で使われています。
ただ、"Making you laugh is my favorite thing"(あなたを笑わせるのが大好きです)では、「強制する」ではありません。

"make" という単語が好きでないなら、"get" も使えます。
"My favorite thing is to get you to laugh"(あなたを笑わせるのが大好きです)
"I am going to try to get you to laugh"(あなたを笑わせてみるよ)

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I love making people laugh.

This sentence is the simplest way of saying you like to make people laugh. You could change the word 'love', for 'like' or 'enjoy'. You could also change the word 'making people laugh' for 'entertaining people' or 'making people happy'. Change this for which is best for what you feel!
Some examples:
I enjoy making people happy
I like entertaining people


'love' を 'like' や 'enjoy' に変えることもできます。

'making people laugh'(人を笑わせる)を 'entertaining people'(人を楽しませる)や 'making people happy'(人を幸せにする)に変えることもできます。

I enjoy making people happy(人を楽しませるのが好きです)
I like entertaining people(人を楽しませるのが好きです)

Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • "I like making people laugh and entertaining people"

  • "I enjoy entertaining people, especially by making them laugh, it makes me happy"

  • "I love entertaining people by making them laugh, it is a hobby of mine"

If you like making people laugh and entertaining them, you could say any of the following sentences to explain this: "I like making people laugh and entertaining people", "I enjoy entertaining people, especially by making them laugh, it makes me happy" or "I love entertaining people by making them laugh, it is a hobby of mine".


"I like making people laugh and entertaining people"(私は人を笑わせたり楽しませるのが好きです)

"I enjoy entertaining people, especially by making them laugh, it makes me happy"(私は特に人を笑わせることで、楽しませるのが好きです。幸せな気持ちになります)

"I love entertaining people by making them laugh, it is a hobby of mine"(私は人を笑わせることで楽しませるのが大好きです。私の趣味です)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Making other people laugh and entertaining them makes me happy.

  • I like entertaining people and making them laugh.

  • Entertaining people and making people laugh brings me joy.

The phrases "makes me happy", "I like..." and "brings me joy" are all ways to express that those are things you enjoy and like doing.

Entertaining people means to give attention and amuse people.

Making people laugh means exactly that, to make others happy until they laugh.

"makes me happy" "I like..." "brings me joy"、これらは全て、自分の好きなことを表す言い方です。

"entertaining people" は「人を楽しませる」という意味です。

"making people laugh" はそのまんまの意味です、「人を笑わせる」ということです。

Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy entertaining people, especially by making them laugh.

  • I like making people laugh and keeping them entertained

  • It makes me feel good when I make people laugh and entertain them.

It is a common feeling to want to make people laugh and entertain them, no one wants to be boring! In this situation I would say that I enjoy entertaining people. The fact that you said you like to entertain people can imply that you like to make them laugh. Specifically, if you would like to elaborate further you could say that I like making people laugh and entertaining them.


この場合、私なら "I enjoy entertaining people"(人を楽しませるのが好き)と言います。「人を楽しませるのが好き」と言えば、「人を笑わせるのが好き」というニュアンスになります。

より詳しく伝えたいなら、"I like making people laugh and entertaining them"(人を笑わせたり楽しませるのが好き)と言うこともできます。

Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
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