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2018/07/21 06:31
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  • I'm almost always outside of the house because I'm so busy!

The phrase "almost always" means a lot of the time. This sentence states that you are almost never at home because you are so busy. You can elaborate and explain your work schedule and that you go out. I hope that this helps :)
「almost always」は多くの場合という意味です。 almost = ほとんど always = いつも I'm almost always outside of the house because I'm so busy! この文章は、あなたが忙しくて、家にほとんどいないということを意味しています。あなたの仕事の時間や出かけることについて、詳細を説明することができます。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like I am never home with all the stuff I have going on in my life.

  • I am so busy that I rarely get to spend and time at home.

  • I have such a busy schedule that I am rarely at home.

All of these sentences express that someone feels like they are never home because they are always out doing something, whether it be work or going out to do recreational activities.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I have been out of the house a lot recently

  • I have not spent much time at home due to work and my social life

If you have not been at your home much in the past few days or weeks you can use the phrase "I have been out of the house a lot recently". This tells the listener that you have been busy and so not at home much. "I have not spent much time at home due to work and my social life" - This tells someone the reason why you have not been at home much. When people have busy schedules it is difficult to find the time to spend at home either with your family or just relaxing. Social life with your friends or work can be a cause of not being at home much.
もし、過去数日間または数週間家にいなければ、以下のように言えます。 I have been out of the house a lot recently. (最近、外にいることが多いです。) この文で、あなたが忙しく、ほとんど家にいないと言うことができます。 I have not spent much time at home due to work and my social life. (仕事と社会生活で、ほとんど家で過ごす時間がありません。) この文では、誰かにあなたが家にいなかった理由を伝えることができます。人々が忙しい時、家で家族と過ごしたり、リラックスするために時間を見つけることは難しいです。友達とのソーシャルライフか仕事が家で過ごせない原因になります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm rarely at home because I'm either working late or out at the weekends

If you don't spend much time in a certain place you can use the preposition of time 'rarely' to indicate the scarcity of your appearances: "I'm rarely in London these days as my main residence is in Paris."
特定の場所であまり時間を過ごさないのであれば、"rarely"(滅多に○○しない)という言葉を使って表現できます。 例:I'm rarely in London these days as my main residence is in Paris." (主な活動拠点がパリでなので、最近はロンドンには滅多にいません。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not at home much

  • I'm hardly at home as I'm always busy

  • I'm either working or out at weekends so hardly ever at home

If you are busy or have a busy life working/going out at weekends and are hardly ever (not very often) at home then you can simply say 'I'm not at home much' you can add 'as I'm always busy' to describe why
普段は仕事、週末は遊びと忙しく、ほとんど家にいないなら、シンプルに 'I'm not at home much'(あまり家にいない)と言えます。 また、'as I'm always busy'(いつも忙しいので)を加えて理由を説明することもできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm mainly home on weekends.

  • I don't send much time at home during the week, but weekends I'm there.

I'm mainly home on weekends. - this informs the person when you are more likely to be seen at home. I don't spend much time at home during the week, but weekends I'm there. - Here you are saying your not there during the week, but on weekends you normally are there.
I'm mainly home on weekends.(週末は主に家にいます) - これは「週末は主に家にいる」と伝えています。 I don't spend much time at home during the week, but weekends I'm there.(平日はあまり家にいませんが、週末はいます) - ここでは、「平日は家にいないけど週末は普通家にいる」と伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I'm rarely at home.

  • I spend most of my time out and about.

  • I don't spend a lot of time at home.

"Out and about" means anywhere other than your home. If you "rarely" do something it is a very infrequent activity. To "spend your time" is a casual way to explain how you use time. You can spend to much time at the gym. You can spend a lot of time reading.
"out and about" は「家以外の場所」という意味です。 "rarely" は「めったに~しない」という意味です。 "spend your time" は時間の使い方を伝えるカジュアルな言い方です。 例えば: spend too much time at the gym(ジムで時間を使いすぎる) spend a lot of time reading(読書にたくさんの時間を使う)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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