She leaves me(us) behind and goes away by herself.
She wanders around so much.
She leaves me(us) behind and goes away by herself.
She wanders around so much.
日本語で書くと意味が離れてしまったように感じますが、wander around は「徘徊する」「うろちょろする」「落ち着きなく動き回る」という意味で、子供に対してもよく Stop wandering around!=「うろちょろするのをやめなさい!」と使うため、馴染みのある表現です。
Three-year-olds are so single minded, they just keep running without stopping.
Children, once they get going, just keep going at full speed.
① Three year olds are so single minded, they just keep running without stop.
※single minded 一つのことに夢中で、単純で
※without stop 止まることなく
② Children, once they get going, just keep going at full speed.
※keep going 進み続ける
※full speed 全速力で