Don't forget to take a break every couple of minutes!
It's very important to stay hydrated.
A teacher from England once told me that "take a break" is North American English, and they say "have a break" more frequently in the UK. But either one of them would be clear to anyone, no matter where they are from.
You can use "stay hydrated" if you don't care if the person is drinking water, cola, energy drink, or beer, as long as they are drinking SOMETHING.
In summary: stay cool, Japan! We all hope the weather breaks soon!
イギリス出身の先生に、"take a break"は北アメリカの表現で、"have a break"は英国でよく使われる表現だと教わったことがあります。ですが、出身地がどこであろうと、この二つのフレーズは同じ意味を持つので通じると思います。
"Stay hydrated"は、水・コーラ・エネジードリンク・ビールなど、飲み物の種類に拘らず、とにかく水分を摂ればいい、という意味があります。
"Stay cool, Japan!" (日本の皆さん、どうか暑さで参らないように!)猛暑日が一日も早く終わることを願っています!
You can't stay in this heat without plenty of water breaks. Stay safe!
Take five minutes break every fifteen minutes - more often if you need to
Well, it depends if your role is as a boss or as a passerby, the advice you give to the worker who is labouring outside in the heat.
If you are the boss then you should clearly explain the frequency and duration of the breaks so that the worker is in no doubt. (sentence 2)
As a passerby you might point out the impossibility of remaining in the heat without regular water breaks. (sentence 1)
Take regular breaks when you are working in the heat!
Make sure you stay hydrated in this heat!
Please take a break every ____ minutes.
It is very important to stay hydrated (drink plenty of minerals) when you are in the sun. Especially if you are working and losing sweat.
You can say "Make sure to stay hydrated."or simply "Stay hydrated!"
"Make sure to stay hydrated."(水分をしっかり取るようにね)あるいはシンプルに、 "Stay hydrated!"(水分をしっかり取るようにね)
"Don't work too hard!" Is a statement used when someone is working very hard and you are worries about them, this statement is suggesting that they should rest and take a break.
"Stay hydrated!"
Is a phrase used when telling someone to drink water! hydrated is when you are healthy and have been drinking water.
"Don't work too hard!"(頑張りすぎないようにね)
"Stay hydrated!"(水分補給を忘れずに)
これは、水分補給するように伝えるフレーズです。"hydrated" は、水分補給ができた健康な状態をいいます。
1. By saying "don't forget to take a break" you are sending a friendly reminder to the person that they need to take a break often.
2. "remember to rest often" is another way of saying "don't forget to take a break often".
3. The word "hydrated" simply means to be filled with water. By telling somebody to stay hydrated, you are telling them to drink lots of water.
1. "don't forget to take a break"(休憩を取るのを忘れずに)と、こまめに休憩を取るようにフレンドリーなリマインダーを送っています。
2. "remember to rest often" は "don't forget to take a break often"(こまめに休憩を取りなよ)の別の言い方です。
3. "hydrated" は「水分を補給する」の意味です。ここでは、水分をたくさん取るように伝えています。