「暗証番号」はPIN codeまたは単にPINと言います。
(Personal Identification Numberの略)
Please enter your PIN code and press "OK."
You need your PIN code to withdraw cash from an ATM.
Really, you should just say 'Pin' as it means: 'personal identification number'.
However most people tend to say 'Pin number' in the UK!
"I've forgotten my pin number."
A PIN is a secret code used to allow access to certain places and accounts. PIN stands for personal identification number. Both the terms pin number and pin code are commonly used, but most frequently people just say pin.
For example: "Please input your PIN".
"Please enter your PIN".
"I need to reset my PIN".
PINは、personal identification number(暗証番号)の頭文字です。
pin numberとpin code、どちらもよく使われますが、PINとだけ言うことが一番多いです。
"Please input your PIN".
"Please enter your PIN".
"I need to reset my PIN".
The two words you see above are the words we use to refer to the number we have to use at an ATM or when we use our credit cards at a grocery store, convince store, etc. Below are some example sentences using both of these words.
You need to enter your PIN number.
Never give out our PIN number.
I need to reset my PIN.
You need to enter your PIN number.
Never give out our PIN number.
I need to reset my PIN.
When you want to talk about the secret number/word you use to access an account, then you can use the following phrases:
-PIN number/code
-A code
For example, you can use them in a sentence in the following ways:
-I forgot my PIN number/code and I have to go to the bank for a new one.
-I don't know my code anymore. I need to reset it.
-PIN number/code
-A code
-I forgot my PIN number/code and I have to go to the bank for a new one.
-I don't know my code anymore. I need to reset it.
Pin stands for "Personal Identification Number"
You will commonly be asked to enter your pin or pin code. There is no difference between the two of them.
We say "PIN number" to explain the numbers that you press into a cash machine or if you are using your card in a shop to pay for something then they would say "Please type in your PIN number" .
クレジットカードを使うときに入力する「暗証番号」は "PIN number" といいます。
お店でカードを使うときには "Please type in your PIN number"(暗証番号を入力してください)のように言われます。
The secret code you type in when using your credit or debit card.
This number is a combination of a few numbers which keep your card safe.
Keep your pin number to yourself.
"Make sure not to forget your pin number!"
"Make sure not to forget your pin number!"
PIN' stands for 'Personal Identification Number'. We need to enter this number into card machines and ATMs.
We can call this a PIN number or a PIN code, but most commonly we can just call this a PIN.
The word Pin is an abbreviation for Personal Identification Number. It is more commonly called Pin Number in the UK and you will see this when you are using an ATM (a machine for withdrawing cash).
Pin number example sentence: The old lady stood in front of the ATM machine and entered her pin number .
Password example sentence: I couldn't draw money from the ATM machine today because I forgot my password again.