世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/07/28 03:18
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  • I changed my mind before doing it.

  • I thought about doing it but then I changed my mind.

  • I quit before I even started because I changed my mind.

Changed my mind: gives the implication that you no longer want to do whatever it was you first thought about doing. The listener would understand that you didn't even begin with the task because you changed your mind.
I quit before I even started: means that you didn't even begin with the task at all.
Hope this helps!

Changed my mind(考えが変わった):

I quit before I even started(始める前にやめた):


Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I started but I didn't finish it.

  • I began but I stopped without completing it.

Both of these answers are an expansion on "I was going to do it but I quit".
You tell someone that you started to do a task or job, or whatever it is you are working on, but then you did not finish the task and left it without finishing. To be more specific if you were talking about a film you were watching you could say "I started watching the film but didn't watch the whole thing."

"I started watching the film but didn't watch the whole thing."

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I was about to do it but I didn't.

  • I changed my mind and didn't do it.

  • I was going to go but decided not to.

I didn't go through with it. - This means that although you were thinking of doing something, you did not do it.

I changed my mind and didn't do it. - To change your mind means that you were going to do something and then decided not to do it or vice versa.
-I was going to go to the party but then I decided not to.
-I wasn't planning on going to the party but then I changed my mind. I'm glad I did, I had so much fun!

I didn't go through with it.

I changed my mind and didn't do it.

To change your mindとは、何かをやろうとしていたが、やらないことに決めたという意味で、その逆もです。

-I was going to go to the party but then I decided not to.

-I wasn't planning on going to the party but then I changed my mind. I'm glad I did, I had so much fun!

Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I started it but didn't complete it

  • I started with good intentions but threw in the towel

If you start something 'with good intentions' it means that you originally intended to complete something. If you 'throw in the towel' it means that you give up or stop doing something (which has been too great a challenge).

何かを"with good intentions"(善意を持って)始めるということは、最初は達成するつもりだったということです。もし"throw in the towel"(タオルを投げ入れる)したら、(ハードルが高過ぎて)途中であきらめる、または、辞めるという意味です。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I began, however did not complete it.

  • Once I started I did not finish it.

The phrases above are different ways of saying that you were going to do it but you quit.

For ex: I went to the gym but did not finish my session.


I went to the gym but did not finish my session.

Kiara C DMM英会話講師
  • I quit midway.

  • I wasn't dedicated enough and stopped partway.

  • Partway through I realized I did not want to do this anymore

Three common and simple ways of describing that you wanted to do something or started and then decided to quit.
"Midway" used to describe something about halfway through.
"dedicated" is used when describing something you enjoy doing and have passion for, so not being dedicated is describing not having the passion or will to pursue the certain 'thing'
"partway" used to describe a snippet or part of the journey while pursuing something


"Midway" は「途中で」という意味です。
"Dedicated" は、自分が好きで情熱を注いでいるものを表すときに使われます。ですから、"Not being dedicated" はそれを追い求める情熱や意志がなかったことを表します。

"partway" は、何かを追い求めるプロセスの一部分を表します。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I was going to do it but I only got partway through

  • I stopped before I completed doing it

If you do something to the end then you are said to have 'completed' it. if you only manage to do some of something and not all then you can say you got 'partway' through

物事を最後まで行うことは 'to complete' で表せます。

何かを途中までしかできなかったなら、それは 'I only got partway through'(途中でやめた)と表せます。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
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