世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/28 14:34
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  • Onigiri isn’t something you’d normally order at a restaurant.

  • Onigiri isn’t something you’d normally have at a restaurant.

YUさん 下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか? Onigiri isn’t something you’d normally order at a restaurant. おにぎりは、普段レストランで注文するものではないですよ。 You get them at supermarkets and convenience stores, or you make them yourself, but they usually don’t serve Onigiri at restaurants. おにぎりはスーパーやコンビニで買ったり自分で作るもので、レストランなででは、普段おにぎりは提供されていないんだ。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Rice balls are not served at restaurants!

  • Rice balls are not a common dish at a restaurant!

Rice balls are not served at restaurants! "not served" some restaurants do not sell rice balls, this is something we prepare at home or buy at a supermarket Rice balls are not a common dish at a restaurant! "not common" it is unusual to get at a certain place "dish" a meal served at a restaurant
Rice balls are not served at restaurants!(おにぎりはレストランでは出されません) "not served" おにぎりはレストランでは売っていないこともあります、これは家で作ったりスーパーで買うものです。 Rice balls are not a common dish at a restaurant!(おにぎりはレストランで一般的に出される料理ではありません) "not common" - ある場所でめったに買われない。 "dish" - レストランで出される食事。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Rice balls are not recommended at a restaurant

A recommendation is a suggestion of something you should try, therefore this statement is a good way of steering someone away from rice balls.
to recommend' は「試すよう勧める」という意味です。 ですから、この文はおにぎりは頼まない方がいいと伝える言い方です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Onigri isn't something you usually order at a restaurant

  • Onigri is usually bought in a shop not ordered in a restaurant

If something is done in a particular place or in a certain way then you would say it is 'usually' done in this way So you would say 'Onigri isn't something you usually order at a restaurant'
特定の場所や特定のやり方で行われる事は、'usually'(普通/通常は)で表すことができます。 ですから、 'Onigri isn't something you usually order at a restaurant'(おにぎりは普通レストランで頼むものではない) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Not on the Menu!

  • Store bought food

Onigiri (rice balls) is rarely (if ever) found in restaurants...It's simply not on the Menu! It is really an example of store-bought food... or a takeaway choice from one of the many convenience stores found everywhere in Japan:( 7/11 Lawson/ Family Mart.) Or ... it is homemade and usually eaten as part of a bento box! Made to be eaten on the move as it were... it is very handy and easy to eat without chopsticks or utensils.
おにぎりがレストランで出されることは(もしあるとすれば)めったにありません... まずメニューに載っていません! これはお店で買うものです... あるいは、日本中のあらゆる場所にあるコンビニ(7/11、ローソン、ファミリーマート)からテイクアウトするもの。 もしくは... 家で作って、お弁当に入れる!おにぎりは移動中にも食べやすいよう作られたもので... 扱いやすく、箸や用具を使わず簡単に食べることができます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri is usually something we make at home, not have in a restaurant.

  • Onigiri is a food made at home or bought from the store.

"Onigiri is usually something we make at home, not have in a restaurant." is a simple way to tell someone who is not familiar with rice balls that they are not on a restaurant menu most of the time. You can change 'something we make at home' to 'something we buy in a store' as well, or use both in your explanations to be very clear. "Onigiri is a food made at home or bought from the store." is a great way to simply state the where you find the food. Either of these examples can be used in a conversation when someone has asked about the place where the food can be found; you can also offer store names if that is helpful in being more specific.
"Onigiri is usually something we make at home, not have in a restaurant."(おにぎりは普通レストランで食べるものではなく、家で作るものです)は、「おにぎりは普通レストランのメニューには載っていない」のシンプルな言い方です。おにぎりをよく知らない人に使うことができます。 'something we make at home'(家で作るもの)は 'something we buy in a store'(店で買うもの)に変えることもできます。あるいは、両方を使って説明してもいいでしょう、より明確に伝わると思います。 "Onigiri is a food made at home or bought from the store."(おにぎりは家で作るかお店で買うものです)は、おにぎりとはどこにあるものなのかをシンプルに伝えています。 どちらの例も「おにぎりはどこで手に入りますか」と質問されたとき、使うことができます。必要があれば、お店の名前を教えてあげてもいいでしょう。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri can only be store bought or homemade.

  • Restaurants in Japan do not serve onigiri.

Onigiri can only be store bought or homemade. Store bought: means purchased in a store. Homemade: Made from scratch at home. **We use made from scratch when a recipe is used to cook/bake something** Restaurants in Japan do not serve onigiri. do not serve: means it's not available / not on the menu
Onigiri can only be store bought or homemade.(おにぎりはお店で買うか家で作るものです) Store bought:「お店で買う」という意味です。 Homemade: 家で一から作る(made from scratch at home) ** 'made from scratch' はレシピを使って何かを作るときに使われます ** Restaurants in Japan do not serve onigiri.(日本のレストランではおにぎりは出しません) do not serve:「提供されていない/メニューにない」という意味です。
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri isn't something you usually order at a restaurant

  • Origiri is not normally eaten in restaurants - it's usually bought from a shop or made at home

When talking about onigiri (rice balls), you want to explain that onigiri isn't something you usually eat at a restaurant. It's usually bought at a store or you make it yourself.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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