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2018/07/30 17:59
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  • It's my day off today

  • It's my day off work today

Day off は仕事やバイトがない日、言わばオフの日です。 バイトの休みを取る は take a day off work と言います。
  • I will be at home watching my favorite TV programs because it's my day-off.

  • Please come and visit me today so we can spend the day together because it's my day-off.

  • It's my day-off today and so I will be watching soccer games on TV the whole day.

One can make it obvious that he/she won't be going to work because he/she is on a day-off by either inviting a friend to his/her home to spend the day with or watch one's favorite TV programs, or, if he/she is an ardent soccer fan, one can explain that he/she will be sitting at home watching soccer games the whole day. You can also state that you won't be attending to any work related issues on your day-off because your cell phone will be switched off. So, if someone asks you what you will be doing today, you may say: I will be at home watching my favorite TV programs because it's my day-off. or Please come and visit me today so we can spend the day together because it's my day-off. or It's my day-off today and so I will be watching soccer games on TV the whole day.
友達を家に誘ったり、あるいは「好きなテレビを見て過ごす」と伝えることで、その日は仕事が休みであることを明確にできます。あるいはもしサッカーが好きなら、「家で一日サッカーの試合を見る」と伝えてもいいでしょう。 「携帯の電源を切っておくので仕事に関することは何もしない」と説明することもできます。 今日何をする予定か尋ねられたときには次のように言えます。 I will be at home watching my favorite TV programs because it's my day-off. (今日は仕事が休みなので、家で好きなテレビを見ます) Please come and visit me today so we can spend the day together because it's my day-off. (今日は仕事が休みなので、ぜひうちに遊びに来てください) It's my day-off today and so I will be watching soccer games on TV the whole day. (今日は仕事が休みなので、一日テレビでサッカーの試合を見ます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Today is my day off from work.

  • I don't have to work today because it is my day off.

  • It's my day off from work today.

Today is my day off from work. I don't have to work today because it is my day off. It's my day off from work today. I don't have to work today. Today's my day off.
Today is my day off from work. (今日は休日です) I don't have to work today because it is my day off. (今日は休日なので仕事をしなくていいんです) It's my day off from work today. (今日は休日です) I don't have to work today. (今日は仕事をしなくていいんです) Today's my day off. (今日は休日です)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'm off today.

  • Today is my day off.

  • It's my day off today.

If you have a day off then you do not have to go to work or school. The days is yours. Some of the best ways to express not having to work today are: -I'm off today. -Today is my day off. -It's my day off today.
day off' とは、仕事や学校に行かなくても良い日をいいます。自由な日ということです。 「今日は仕事が休み」は、次のように言えます。 -I'm off today. -Today is my day off. -It's my day off today. (今日は仕事が休みです)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Today is my day off.

  • I have a day off today.

  • I'm not coming in today, I have a day off.

Day off: a day not spent at work. We can spend our off days catching up on any work missed or simply relaxing and resting after a long week of work.
Day off: 仕事が休みの日 休日には仕事をして遅れを取り戻すこともあるでしょうし、あるいはリラックスして仕事の疲れを取ることもあるでしょうね。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I have off today.

  • Today is my day off.

"I have off today." "Today is my day off." There are so many ways of letting someone know when your day off is. It is just a matter of preference. The difference between these two expressions is that one is formal and the other is not. The first expression is not so formal, the reason is the sentence structure. But both are ok to use in any situation.
"I have off today."(今日は休みです) "Today is my day off."(今日は休みです) 休日であることを伝える言い方はたくさんあります。どれを使うかは好みの問題です。 この二つの表現の違いはフォーマルさです。一つ目の表現はあまりフォーマルではありません、理由は構文です。ただ、どちらの表現も状況を問わず使うことができます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I'm off work today

  • Today is my day off

  • I'm not at work today, it's my free day

When referring to a part time job there are going to be days when you are not in work. This isn't because you are sick or lazy or any other reason it's because you are not scheduled to work. Therefore you might want to make this clear by saying you have a 'day off'. This is the most common way of saying this however there are lots of other ways such as a 'free day' (less common) or you are 'off work'. All of these options are valid.
パートタイムの仕事には、仕事のない日がありますね。これは病欠とかずる休みとかではなく、仕事の予定がない日です。'day off'(休日)という言葉を使うと、この点について明確にできます。 'day off' が最も一般的な言い方ですが、ほかにもいろいろな言い方があります。例えば、'free day'(それほど一般的でない)や 'off work' など。これらはどれも使えます。
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • I have a day off

  • Today is my day off

"I have a day off" This sentence is referencing that you will have a 'Day off' this is used to describe a day that you will not have to work or that you will not do anything but relax, ex. "I have a day off work to go to the doctors". "Today is my day off" This is used to describe that 'Today' you will have a 'day off'.
"I have a day off"(仕事が休みです) ここでは、"I have a 'Day off'" と伝えています。これは、「仕事をしなくていい日」や「何もせずリラックスする日」を表します。 例: "I have a day off work to go to the doctors" (仕事を休んで病院に行きます) "Today is my day off"(今日は仕事が休みです) は、「今日は仕事が休みだ」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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