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You (1) take onigiri (2)
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2018/08/01 00:37
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  • You can take a rice ball anywhere!

  • You can take onigiri anywhere on the go!

だって、寿司はsushiだから、いつもRiceBallを聞くと笑っちゃう。Whats onigiri? Its like a rice ball with seaweed.って言っても、想像つかないかもね。on the goってなんか、持ちやすいって感じ。
  • You can carry rice ball with you wherever you go!

  • Rice balls are a good food to have when you are on the go.

"You can carry rice ball with you wherever you go!" Carry - Meaning to take with you like to a party, for lunch, etc. "This bag is easy to carry." Wherever - to any place you want to go "I am willing to eat wherever you want." "Rice balls are a good food to have when you are on the go." On the go - Meaning when you are busy, in a hurry, etc. "I am always on the go these days."
"You can carry rice ball with you wherever you go!" (おにぎりはどこへでも持っていくことができます) Carry - パーティーやランチなどに持っていくという意味です。 "This bag is easy to carry." (このかばんは運びやすい) Wherever - どこでも行きたいところに "I am willing to eat wherever you want." (あなたが食べたいところならどこでもいいよ) "Rice balls are a good food to have when you are on the go." (おにぎりは忙しいときにちょうどいい食べ物です) On the go -忙しいとき、急いでいるときなどという意味です。 "I am always on the go these days." (ここ最近は、常に忙しい)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Rice balls are very portable!

"Portable" means that you can take something with you wherever you go. This sentence describes the fact that rice balls can go anywhere with you. I hope that this helps! :)
"Portable"は、どこにでも持っていくことが出来るという意味です。例文では、おにぎりをどこにでも持っていくことができるということを伝えています。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri is a great handheld food.

  • You can take onigiri anywhere!

"Onigiri is a great handheld food." Is saying that Onigiri (or rice balls) can fit into your hand and be eaten without utensils and anywhere. "You can take onigiri anywhere!" Is saying you can bring this anywhere.
"Onigiri is a great handheld food." 「おにぎりは手で持って食べられる素晴らしい食べ物です」 - おにぎり(onigiri/rice ball)は手のひらに入って、道具を使わずにどこでも食べられる、と言っています。 "You can take onigiri anywhere!" 「おにぎりはどこにでも持って行けます」 - おにぎりはどこにでも持って行けると言っています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Rice balls are easy to carry anywhere.

This is a standard way of expressing this in American English. 'Easy to carry' means 'not a burden'.
アメリカ英語ではこれが最も標準的な言い方です。「Easy to carry(持ち運びしやすい)」は「負担ではない」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • You can take onigiri anywhere

  • You can carry a rice ball wherever you go

You can take' meaning that you have it with you, anywhere means all different places that you visit or go to Carry is to take with you - ' i carry my handbag to work every day', wherever means any place there is no place you can't go/do something
You can take' は、持っていく、anywhereはどこでもという意味です。  Carryも持っていくという意味です。 ' i carry my handbag to work every day' (毎日仕事にハンドバッグを持っていきます。)  whereverは、~するところはどこでもという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Rice balls are easily carried anywhere.

  • Onigiri can be taken anywhere.

Easily carried means that something can be easy for you to hold and take anywhere.
Easily carried' は「簡単に持ち運びできる」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri can easily be taken with you anywhere

  • Onigiri is such a convenient snack when you're travelling around

  • Onigiri is the ideal solution for hungry travellers!

You can take onigiri (Japanese rice balls) anywhere - and you would like to explain that. The above example statements are appropriate for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Onigiri is easy to have on the go.

  • It is easy to carry onirigi anywhere.

  • Onigiri is a convenient food to take anyIwhere.

Onigiri is easy to have on the go.' To have something 'on the go' means to have it whilst we are busy or travelling. Onigiri is easy to have on the go - which means it is easy to eat whilst we are in a hurry. 'Onigiri is a convenient food to take anywhere.' 'Convenient' is an adjective which describes something that requires very little effort or trouble. We can say that onigiri is convenient as it is very little effort to take anywhere with us.
Onigiri is easy to have on the go.'(おにぎりは何かをしながらでも食べられる) 'To have something on the go' は「何かをしながら食べる/移動中に食べる」という意味です。'Onigiri is easy to have on the go.' で「忙しい時でも食べやすい」という意味になります。 'Onigiri is a convenient food to take anywhere.'(おにぎりは持ち運びしやすい食べ物です) 'Convenient' は「手間のかからない/楽な」という意味の形容詞です。おにぎりは持ち運びしやすいわけなので、'Convenient' と表すことができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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