世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




同僚の白い薄い素材の服の下に下着的なものが透けて見えていたので 「下着が透けてますよ」と伝えたところ キャミソールなので別に見られてもいいとのことでしたが 目のやり場に困りました。 こういうのを英語でなんて言えるのかは全くわからないです。
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2016/03/04 18:47
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  • I can see your underwear.

  • Your underwear is showing through your clothes.

それは困りますね!人の下着見える時も困るでしょう。 「透ける」の意味は「to be transparent」も「to show through」もありますので、ちょっと分かり難いでしょう。最初は「下着が透明だ」という意味だと思ってしまいました。そうしたらもっと困るでしょう!
Tim Young 主催
  • I can see your underwear through your outfit.

  • Your underwear is quite visible.

I can see your underwear through your outfit. 「あなたの下着が透けて見えますよ。」 Your underwear is quite visible. 「あなたの下着がかなり見えますよ。」 See-though(シースルー) という言葉は日本でも結構浸透していますが、「透けて見える」という意味です。同僚の方は インナーをあえて見せる“A see-though dress”を着られていたんですね!
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Your shirt is see through

  • Your shirt is transparent

Transparent and see through both mean that something allows light to pass through so what is behind can be clearly seen E.g. Your clothes are transparent. I can see what you are wearing underneath The sea is so transparent I can clearly see the fish That shirt is see through The curtains at the window are see through. Everyone can see into the house even when the curtains are closed
Transparent やsee throughとは、どちらも光を通しているという意味で、その後ろがクリアに見えるときに使います。 E.g. Your clothes are transparent. I can see what you are wearing underneath 君の服透けているよ。何を下に着ているかわかる! The sea is so transparent I can clearly see the fish 海がすごく透き通っていて、さかながよく見える。 That shirt is see through あのシャツは透けている。 The curtains at the window are see through. Everyone can see into the house even when the curtains are closed あの窓のカーテンは透けている。だからカーテンが閉まっていてもみんな家の中が見られるんだ。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • You shirt is quite see-through!

  • I like the colour of your underwear!

If something is 'see-through' it means the material is transparent, or partially transparent. "My god, I can see your bra clearly through that blouse!" "Oh, does it look bad?" "Maybe just a little too revealing." "Oh dear!" You may also comment on the colour of your friend's underwear. That way he'll know his clothes are see-through. "Nice green underwear you're wearing today!" "Is it that see through?" "Yes!"
'see-through' とは、物質が空けているまたは部分的に透けていることを意味します。 "My god, I can see your bra clearly through that blouse!" ブラウスからブラが透けて見えるぞ! "Oh, does it look bad?" ええ、だめかな? "Maybe just a little too revealing." ちょっと見えすぎかな。 "Oh dear!" まじ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your underwear is showing!

  • I can see your underwear!

  • I can see through your shirt!

The third one is for people with witch you don't have an intimate relationship.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Your underwear is showing to through your clothing .

  • I can see your underwear.

  • Your underwear is visible.

Visible - this means that something is able to be seen This should be said privately Can cause the person whose underwear is visible to feel embarrassed
Visible - this means that something is able to be seen Visible=目に見える。 This should be said privately Can cause the person whose underwear is visible to feel embarrassed 他の人に聞かれないように、こっそり教えてあげた方が良いでしょう。周りに下着が見えていることを知られたら、恥ずかしいかもしれません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can see your undergarments.

  • I can see your underwear

  • Are you aware that your underwear is showing through that outfit?

1. I can see your undergarments. The word "undergarments" is another word for underwear. 2."I can see your underwear." This is a basic and direct statement, to let the person know that you can see their underwear. 3. "Are you aware that your underwear is showing through that outfit?" This is a polite approach, by asking if the person is aware if their underwear is showing, you are assuming that they might not be aware.
1.I can see your undergarments. (下着がみえています)。 *Undergarmentsはunderware(下着)の別の単語です。 2.I can see your underwear. (下着が見えています。) *これは、下着を見えていることをその人に知らせるための基本的で直接的な言い方です。 3."Are you aware that your underwear is showing through that outfit?" (あなたの下着が洋服から透けて見えているって知っていますか) *これは、あなたの下着が見えているのを知っているかどうかを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 気づいていないかもしれないと思い尋ねています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Psst, I think your underwear is showing.

  • Ahem, I believe your underwear is showing.

  • I just want to let you know that I can see your underwear through your shirt.

The first two sentences have openers used when whispering or showing discretion towards someone. When somebody's undergarments are showing in public, it is often considered an embarrassing happenstance. It is important to use a low voice or hushed tone when speaking to someone about their underwear; "psst" and "ahem" are more secretive terms in getting someone's attention. The third sentence is the least assuming. By indicating, "I just want to let you know" or "I thought I would let you know," you are not making assumptions about that person's appearance. Certain fashion trends may make showing one's underwear an intentional statement where that person fully knows how they are presenting themselves.
はじめの2つの文は、相手にささやいたり、配慮を示しすときに使われる出だしです。 誰かの下着が見えているとき、恥ずかしい偶然の出来事と考えられます。誰かに下着のことを話すときは、小さく静かな声のトーンで話すことが大事です。 "psst" (あのね、ちょっと)や "ahem" (人の注意を引くときの言葉)は、誰かの注意を引くより内密な言葉です。 3つ目は一番思い込みではない表現です。 "I just want to let you know"(ちょっと伝えたいんだけど)や"I thought I would let you know,"(言っておこうと思ったんだけど)ということで、相手の身なりに憶測を立てているのではないことを伝えます。 あるファッショントレンドは、わざと下着を見せることもあるかもしれないので、そういう場合は自分がどう見えているのか本人はわかっているのです。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
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